His companies died, his dream games failed, and everything collapsed around him...

His companies died, his dream games failed, and everything collapsed around him. The only thing that saved him is the pity of an old friend.

Do you feel sorry for Cagey Inafune?

If this were his first screw-up it would've been easier to sympathize with him but he's no stranger to it as seen with the Kaio fiasco just a year or 2 before MN9.

Also he kept talking shit on the Japanese game industry and slowly pushing Crapcom towards western bullshit. He may be gone from Capcom but his effect lingers on with their business practices

I would have bought the game if not for that shiity community manager

ReCore was a surprisingly fun game. A bit short, but I enjoyed it

Poor KG Inafune.

Not even in the slightest.

Mostly cause he used other people's money to make mediocre games and jumped the gun onto other projects before even finishing his first.

Comcept was bought out. Not sure I'd say it "died". And that's probably the best thing they could ask for. I feel somewhat bad for the team whose names had be to associated with MN9. The guys who had to use UE3 because Inafune was a retard. Or had to port a shit game to a bunch of shit platforms no cares about. Those guys labored quite a bit to produce something that will forever be abhorred. But Inafune? Nah. He accepted responsibility. I don't really feel sorry for him. Because he's not that different from Capcom.

>and jumped the gun onto other projects before even finishing his first.

A studio doing multiple projects at once is not a shock. Look at Platinum games, which might release 4 games in one year. Also, Comcept is a design-art studio, nto a gaming studio. So they work on the story, setting, art, design of a game, and then move onto the next project. Game devs then come and complete Inafune and Comcept's vision.

>he's not that different from Capcom.

He spearheaded a few good projects at Capcom, but a non Inafune Capcom is proving to be even less productive.

having a few hits is better than almost zero.

Fuck off Japanese business man. Your company debts were shouldered by another and your position as head was kept intact.

> gg retard pretending a community manager is of any interest to his enjoyment of a game

I lke how you cared about this hacks failed project in the first place.

>having a few hits is better than almost zero.

...it's better than nothing?

What's that on he left?

I can understand handling multiple projects when you're a studio with experience, but starting up a new company and doing multiple projects at once seems like a bad idea. Should at least get one game out the door to show people what your company is capable of, otherwise you're just stretching out resources and risk other projects being dead in the water by a bad first release.

Also, jesus fuck that sounds like an "ideas guy" company.

But donators had a personal stake. Of course they would care.

Thats because its literally what it was for the longest time. They take a design document or something and then farm it out to a studio. They had two other studios for making games Intercept and Ding, but they both died out. Now that they got bought out by Level 5, they finally seem to be making games now.

btw, Comcept staff had the launch livestream playing. They had no idea how much hate they were getting.

That sounds like a terrible idea for a company, but I suppose they got the best outcome by being bought out by Level 5.

This thread feels like dejavu.

Level 5 supposedly is also looking to make Comcept into their Osaka branch eventually. Inafune lucked out like crazy.

It only feels relevant to discuss Comcept now, mainly because Mighty Gunvolt Burst is out on both Switch/3DS now, and because supposedly they'll fulfill their backer rewards in mid August.

"its better than nothing"/10 con man, deserves zero pity.

Inafune was handed out everything needed to shine, and he fucked it up in every way possible.

He treated KS as guaranteed unlimited free money. Fuck him.

It's easy to say that now, but they totally were unprepared in hindsight and sorely underestimated the cost for developing the game. Inti Creates had 0 experience making a 2.5D platformer in Unreal Engine 3, and on top of that they had to port it to 10 platforms, 2 of which were handhelds too underpowered to even handle UE3. And then they ran into several bugs in terms of multiplayer which ate up more time and money. It's super likely that they didn't even have money to fulfill backer rewards by that point, much less patch the game on all platforms.

>life of brian
since when is it 'edgy' to like monty python?

>stole credit for a beloved character
>took advantage of people eager to screw over his ex-employer
>gave them mediocre product while he ran off with money

>screwed Marvelous out of $3.5mil
>took advantage of Megaman fans who were mad at all the projects being cancelled to whore some forced multi-media plan

he's simply reaping what he's sowed. He should be glad that L5 is letting him lick the soles of their boots.

>but they totally were unprepared in hindsight and sorely underestimated the cost for developing the game.


That's not even an excuse if everybody involved were 100% noobs, even is they don't know what are they doing they are still taking money and promising things they can't deliver in exchange.

But Inafune is a veteran who's been working in the industry for 3 decades. There is no fucking way in hell he wasn't aware of the costs and difficulties of making a game... and if he REALLY wasn't aware, then he is a negligent idiot who sucks at his job.

Either way, 0 pity, no fucks given.

Akira kitamura

it's bait

>Inafune lucked out like crazy.
How does this keep happening?


Inafune likely had an ego, thats why he couldnt think straight. He thought Capcom had it out for the "Inafune Brand", thought running 3 companies would be easy since he was head at Capcom's R&D, he thought his companies would succeed since he was Keiji Inafune.

Dude must be good at networking or have some sort of charisma.
