Are video game dying?
Are video game dying?
consoles are selling faster than ever
Nah, Sony just won
>Sony just won
So it's dying then?
Yes, they are being replaced by anime.
>the switch managed to sell more in 3 months than the wiiU did any year
Games arent fun anymore with all the politics, rehashed ideas and microtransactions, Im very close to dropping this hobby altogether.
No, there just isnt a console that will sell like the wii or the ds did anymore.
No you are baiting af or you don't know how to interpret graphical data.
what do the numbers even mean
also where's pc gaming
As if that was a high bar to reach.
Console sales are down, do you not know how to read? It's been in steady decline for every year since 2008.
>not just downloading launchbox and emulating games you missed
Not the PS4 which has better sales than the Ps3 and Xbox 360 according to the chart.
Only for one year.
They're making more money than ever with DLC's, micro-transactions, merch and all that shit.
>no legitimate new consoles announced for a grip besides nintendo's shit
>old consoles still have plenty of games
>thus, no consoles are being bought
Consoles are doing better than ever
Sony might sell a total of 80 million consoles for next year, the Xbone apparently is doing decent and Switch is doing pretty well
What is this graph even showing?
>Consoles are doing better than ever
No they aren't.
You could just exclusively play games made before 2016 and still not come close to beating every game in your lifetime.
They are though
You could always just get into /vr/. Play old games from past generations before vidya got politicized.
IMO the cancer starter with the last gen (PS3/360 era). The videogame industry has just gotten worse since then.
is this launchbox shit that easy to set up? I might do this
No they aren't. even if you look at that graph int he OP they clearly aren't doing better then ever. If that was the case we would be well past gen 6 in terms of sales.
Gonna need a source on this chart fag
MS and Nintendo shat the bed but that doesn't necessarily means that people aren't interested consoles
>Sony might sell a total of 80 million consoles for next year
Nigger, the fucking PS1 sold over 100 million units.
units sold aren't everything
Include every single game on any smartphone in that, and you'll see that gaming has been far more popular than ever before. It's not video games that are dying, though they are definitely going the direction of IRCs on how normal they are, but consoles WILL die in the next three gens, with PC going the way of tabletop RPGs.
But sales are down, so interest has decreased.
They are when you're talking about popularity.
We're talking about actual games here, not mobileshit.
No? Look at the chart. The Ps4 had more sales than both consoles since 2014.
For one year.
What is the source on this image? And how is it tracking PS3 and Sbox 360 sales when Sony and MS stopped tracking sales for those in 2013 and 2014?
Phone games don't count for obvious reasons.
Console sales are dying. Everyone is switching to PC.
You're wrong
PS4 is doing better than ever
I sure hope so.
Thank you for the credible source. I'm sure "Daniel Ahmed" from Twitter wouldn't make anything up.
>launch aligned
Irrelevant. Also why is that chart not comparing it to the PS2 and the Wii or even the PS1?
PS4 is doing better than the PS2
No it's not.
It is
No, it's not. The PS2 sold 71+ million units in the same time-frame as the PS4. The PS4 is objectively not doing better than the PS4.
No, consoles are dying because PC is better
PS4 is not doing better than the PS2*
It is tho and PS4 is still getting big releases such as COD Destiny 2 RDR 2 Monster Hunter World, etc
Yes. That's why retro games are getting so expensive. 95% of recent games don't provide the fun, novelty and passion of pre-2012 games. Console sales don't mean shit, it's just people clinging to hope.
>PS4 is getting multiplats so it's doing better than the PS2
Nice logic. The PS4 is also only 4 years old you fucking idiot, of course it's still going to get games.
Go away.
The PS2 was still getting games in 2004 as well. It still had over 2 years left as Sony's primary platform.
>one year
PS2 got games until Sony stopped producing it completely. This is irrelevant.
Once the new console is released, the old one stops getting big exclusive titles. It becomes an afterthought.
The PS2 had about 2 years left from this point, relative to the PS4, before that happened. The PS4's lifespan could be longer or shorter. We don't know.
The King of Limbs is definitely overrated though
>the world actually ended in 2012
>we're living in a purgatory of exponential mediocrity
I meant underrated, fuck
I'm back to watching lewd anime and manga.
I just hope SJW lunatics don't get into watch industry. That'd piss me off
And this matters how? The PS4 is not selling more than the PS2. Monster Hunter World, Any Call of duty, Destiny 2, and Red Dead Redemption 2 aren't exclusive to the PS4. The PS2 also still got big releases. It got Fifa 8, 9, 10, and 12.
No. Again, look at the chart. PS4 outsold both consoles in 2014 and 2015.
Now I see why all the console exclusives are getting ported to pc
Consoles are dying, even the Neps know it and had an entire scenario written where they had to fight the Mobile Game gacha parasites.
Games filled with overpriced RNG like Fate/Grand Order and Overwatch are absolute poison to the industry. It's great if you're Type-Moot or Blizzard and you're raking in multimillions of dollars every month but all the money pouring into the behemoths is money that is draining out of every other part of the game industry. Oh yeah, and then there's shit like Candy Crush, but the demographic that "plays" f2p gambling simulators never did and never would've put that money into real, legitimate games so I don't really see that as any money legitimately taken out of vidya since the women who play Keeping Up With The Kardassians on their cellphone would never have put money into actual vidya anyway.
and the SJW turning video games into a highly politicized battleground to try to attain Cultural Victory didn't help sales. i buy very very few western games anymore, my money is going to Japan where they still make games for gamers instead of making games for virtue-signalling SJW crybullies on twitter who don't buy the game even when it bends the knee to them anyway so western cuck devs can enjoy going bankrupt by trying to appease the unappeasable.