Are you hype for Monster Hunter World, Sup Forums?
Are you hype for Monster Hunter World, Sup Forums?
i actually am
i dont care about portable games and this'll be my second monster hunter game after the first one on ps2
> hype for casualilzed monster hunter
> hype for no penalty potions and gathering
> hype for letting other monsters and the environment kill your target
Yes, I am mad """""""hype"""""""
Kill yourself Soulsfag
>no penalty potions
>getting hit at all
Git gud, faggot.
> hype for casualilzed monster hunter
but user you said you're hyped for XX the other day
Depends on how singleplayer friendly it is. I never liked the past ones because I don't play multiplayer games and it's tedious as hell solo
Village quests are perfectly fine for solo though.
I want to see more gameplay, preferably outside the control of Capcom so they can't just make it look how they please.
Vertical slice trailers/footage are the new bullshot cancer.
I've only seriously tried to get into MH3U and fights felt like they took forever. Maybe my gear sucked though
>and gathering
I just started P3rdHD again after few years and holy shit, gathering is so slow and annoying even with Gathering Speed skill. It's fine on portable system where everything made for killing time but on home console it's kinda eats too much of your time for nothing.
Not this shit again.
Always excited to see Monhun try something new. If it doesn't work out I still have Generations to play since I didn't get very far in it.
>we made an large map game
>we put in guide flies to tell you where everything is
Hyped to pay for DLC and micro-transitions?
The franchise ended before this game
The smartest!
why is it only china ?
Very. Mainline MonHun on PC, what a time to be alive. I also like watching all the autists freak out over might casualization
MHO is better than mainline by miles, fight me.
Hyped but am sad over XX not coming over. Mostly because my friends and I all had fun hunting together in the same room. Local play was so much fun. We did basic online too so World is still something we will be playing.
Yeah! Damn casualization! I want muh psychoserum which allow me to magically sense where mosnter is, that's actually challenging!
not anymore but I am waiting for a crack on pc. I still wanna try it out
I miss forest and hills.
This, playing with other people is cancer
Do we have confirmation that XX is not coming to the west?
Can't you just import the game? It's not like MonHun is dialog heavy game and you already used to menus from X anyway.
Not really,but i am really glad Sony take this away from Nintendo. This is the only thing thats matter
>have MHW for comfy hunting since it will be on the lower side of the difficulty spectrum (still 1000% harder than XX because of no styles)
>have Frontier which continues to push the difficulty level and has only the most hardcore of the playerbase playing it
pretty hype, desu.
it's ironic that the only ones not hype are the casuals still playing XX or waiting for XX to be localized
I'm playing 4U right now, and this awaken shit is the most retarded fucking thing. I created the ludroth SnS, and at the third upgrade it changes to a completely different weapon and loses the water element because i need the skill to unlock it. What the fuck
considering a new switch exclusive monhun is already in development, that doesn't mean much
>casuals aren't excited for a casual game
>nintentards so delusional that they're creating alternate realities in their mind
i know, right?
it's because they don't realize they are casuals. which is the best part.
>b-but my sony domination!!!
I do hope nintendo gamers don't break Sup Forums when it's released though. We've seen enough shitposting on this board
There's an insane number of kanji in MH. We don't really want to deal with that much research since we will have to find out the Japanese names and their Japanese parts.
No, you dont. all of the work has already been done for you. the rest can be figured out easily with clues like icon colors, artwork, etc.
there is no excuse.
>start playing MHFU
>"let's see how to kill his monster on youtube"
>guy just chill under the monster no fucks given
>I go under the monster
>his movement hurt me, his tail hurt me, his head hurt me
I want to be, but every change they introduced so far has me skeptical about it. I don't want MH to end up like DMC
Not really. Everything surrounding it is sketchy as fuck so I'll shelve my interest until more can be confirmed, possibly when its out.
it's already DMC, have you not played the last 3 titles?
>let's see how to kill his monster on youtube
Actuall, no. My last MH game was P3rd
look up any X or XX TA.
MHW stands to be less anime and far more difficult than those two abominations.
Why of course I am.
It's the same when i watch a speedrun. They manage to stick to the head or the weak point perfectly. Whenever I try the monster just goes on an autistic crusade and chimps around
>can consume items while moving
>no more post-item use flexing
>can change direction of GS attack mid-charge
>fast travel that has no cost
"More difficult" is the last thing that comes to mind
you got that M upside down, homeboy.
DonĀ“t know almost anything about it. Should i be hyped?
No handheld no buy
>can consume items while moving
>no more post-item use flexing
you forgot
>can't jump into next area to heal
Which 90% of players did on higher rank multibattles. So yeah, the changes go with the mechanic change.
And I'm not sure what fast travel has to do with difficulty in this regard ,when farcasters were crafted so easily
You could only bring a limited number of them in hunts, unless you brought the ingredients for combining, which would take up more inventory space
>can consume items while moving
And can't change location and drink potions safely anymore.
>can change direction of GS attack mid-charge
Just a moveset tweak. Every game added something. Remember how hammer changed in p3rd after FU?
>fast travel that has no cost
So? How is fast travel casual again? Just walking never was dangerous or challenging.
it's far more difficult than
>tap on screen to cancel any animation into super superman dive that sucks your dick and sharpens your weapon
>anime dodges with evasion +69 attached
>monsters hit like japanese schoolgirls
>brave style aka "literally cannot lose" style
unless you can produce proof of one of these:
>Raging Brachydios, Molten Tigrex,140 of any non apex monster SOLO
>FU Land of tremors SOLO
>"Monster Hunter" SOLO From any game but X/Gen/XX
>Supremacy Unknown, Dora, Teostra or PariaPuria SOLO
>Duremudira SOLO
You are a casual and likely garbage at the series.
I still have fun playing with my clown set. Am I not welcome on Mh threads?
>Just a moveset tweak
GS was all about positioning and foreseeing where a monster would stop for you to land level 3 charges on it. This feels more like dumbing down the mechanics than a quality of life improvement
What monster do you hope comes back and what are your wishes for a new monster? The one they showed looked a bit too generic outside of the weird wings it has but you hardly ever see it in the fight.
casuals are welcome, sure. someday they may git gud. not likely, but possible.
again, you need simply provide proof of one of those challenging but doable tasks
Most monsters from gen 2. After that, I think the monsters are too overdesigned.
Plesioth can sit out, fuck Plesioth.
Mind you, I'm not defending Gen and XX. The super move shit felt too Frontier for my liking and the games felt like they had less effort put into them than 4U
>Are you hype for Monster Hunter World, Sup Forums?
Yeah, cause i'm not an angry nintendo consumer whore, and I like MH enough to probably pay the 60 to try out where they are going with this.
This is the first time I'm excited for a Monster Hunter game since Tri.
>welp, I'm taking too much damage, I think I should do another set
>need to break a specific part of the monster
>need a weapon with better sharpness to do it
>have to kill monsters harder than the ones I'm facing to unlock high rank to drop items for that weapon
>oh, I unlocked the "harder monster" set, better do this set then
What am I doing wrong? The game feels empty that way. It's like other games that you need to kill the hardest monster to get the ultimate weapon, and then you have nothing to use it on.
>need a weapon with better sharpness to do it
this is the flaw in your thinking
you don't need anything from high rank to beat pre high rank shit.
unless you are using a literal orange sharpness weapon, you just need to get better
I gather like a madman at the beginning so i don't have to farm late game, plus it's kinda a break from anything remotely difficult. I understand people hating it though
>Are you hype for Monster Hunter World, Sup Forums?
Yeah because I don't have autism and I'm a PC+PS4+Handhelds golden master race.
I just bought it used and wow is it way more than i expected
You got any sources for these Bigdick claims or is it just the some old Babydick shitposting?
So I just need better aim? My weapon always bounce from Kushala's wings, even though it's breakable.
>post yfw you realised that capcom only released mhw on non nintendo platforms so that all legitimate complaints would just be shut down with LE NINTENBABBY CRYING ABOUT LOSING MONSTER HUNTER
are you trying to break the wings specifically?
if so, attack the legs, trip it over, then bomb the wings
if you're playing 4u i'm pretty sure the wings take break damage from successful mounts, as well
if you aren't trying to break the wings, hit him elsewhere.
Ok then. Never tried using bombs. I'm playing FU.
You forget that monsters now are more "alive" and it'll be much more difficult to predict their moves now.
Switch owner here. I'm getting World on Xbox One, and I'm getting XX for Switch (either with, or without localization).
I like visit farm after every quest. And I don't hate gathering, it's weirdly fun in its own way. But I remember old times when I played p3rd at work on my psp and shit felt much more natural. It's a bit annoying to go into gathering on console. At first I disliked how quick gathering in World is but now I think it's actually great.
>unironically purchasing XX
>supporting nintendo choosing to make a console version of the worst monster hunter instead of 4u
If the xbone version has cross platform play then I'll definitely get that.
cautiously optimistic
I'm glad they did. MonHun isn't an explorational adventure game and shouldn't be.
I started with 3U and honestly I'm fine with them going the route they took in 4U. They changed some stuff, added new monsters and tweaked the experience which is all I ask for. Generations was awful so hopefully that rumour is correct and we'll see a portable MH (effectively 5U) soon.
>inb4 nintendobabby
I don't give a shit what it releases on, Pc/PS4/Switch whatever just give me more Monster Hunter and not Nu Monster Hunter.
Crapcum's already stated that World is 5.
>post yfw using ranged weapons won't be a pain anymore thanks to a second actual stick
>Playing bow with a mouse.
I'm actually excited for once
I'm honestly glad that the game looks a lot more responsive. Conceptually fighting dinosaurs and dragons is fucking awesome, especially with all the traps you can use, but each of the games had really unsatisfactory and clumsy movement. It felt cheap instead of difficult.
>search for saliva, footprints and claw marks on trees instead of aimlessly walking around the map
they put some HUNTING in monster HUNTER and you bitch about it
I welcome it's change to the formula.
Also nintenbros aren't monster hunter fans, monster hunter fans like me and the rest of the people I know are just so obliged to a series that provided 1000+ man hours per game that we'd blindly buy any console straight-up just to play it. If MH 3/4/Gen we're on any other console but the 3DS, we would've gladly accepted it.
>playing ranged will be EVEN EASIER
>something we should somehow be pleased with
>mfw there's no adept anymore and have to actually get good at gunner weapons
Monsters don't have static spawns and we don't have to have a permanent 99x paintballs in our inventory anymore, it's a welcoming albeit intrusive change.
>Post yfw we go back to right analog to attack again
difficult =/= annoying because of the controls retard
>X cuck who has never done anything notable on gunner
please refer to this post about the requirements for having an opinion on difficulty
has ANY game ever made using the right analog stick to control a weapon fun that isn't ape escape? monhun tried to but failed miserably
You have always had a small degree of movement on release of charge. Its actually pretty significant and can help a shitload if you were lined up for a wiff. I don't care if they let me 360 fucking noscope with my gs, I'm hyped as fuck for a new MH and can't wait to blacklist each and every one of you faggots.
I'm tired of all these Dark Souls clones already, get a fucking original idea already instead of copying other games