I only put 3 points on STR

I'm like 6 hours into the game, probably less if I speedrun it without reading the dialogs, and I find myself with enough strength to carry a 10mm pistol, should I just restart?

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Definitely. Can't enjoy shit if you can't even properly go through the fights without surviving by a hair's length dude.


You want 5 or 6 strength minimum, when you get power armor that gives you 5 strenght as well

haha yeah, I didn't know it was gonna play such a big factor in it, I've only played new vegas and 3, in those the STR and AGL wasn't that important

Stats that matter are the most meaningful casual filter by far.

And if you persevere to finish it after restarting to fix your issues then that's when you become a true cRPG player.

how can I not finish this masterpiece? It's so hard to find games with such good dialogs and character reactions, they can get offended of be aroused by your personality, that's golden

charisma only affects shop prices in the first fallout IIRC, it is a dump stat.

For me personally I usually go with the Albert character pre set and traits for Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 because I liked how he was chosen to be the "canon" route, he's also well balanced from Whay I remember so you can try and go with him if you'd like. Good luck bro.

This. Drop charisma to 1, raise agility to 9.

Didn't charisma determine how many followers you could have or am I thinking of the Fallout 2 restoration project mod?

thanks everyone! about to start it up again, only this time I won't be literally scamming everyone lol

Perception and Agility are the only worthwhile stats in 1

Doesn't it raise companion limit?

Fo2 vanilla I believe.

You're right, in vanilla Fallout 2 it determines max followers. In Fallout 1 it's pretty much useless - there's one charisma check in a pointless dialogue.

Who gives a shit about companions. They always end up hurting you more than the enemies.

dogmeat doesn't

True, but he always dies so quickly he doesn't really matter

In is the most important stat by far. It's all about skill points

I never played this game for more than 2 hours, can anyone tell me how to force myself to play it?

It's just something that clicks with you once you get started. If that doesn't happen then maybe it's not your type of game. What are you doing in the beginning?

Clear the first cave, go to shady? sands, do the radscorpion quest, get the guy with the leather jacket, and go to the first town where the doctor lives. Thats usually when I stop.

Go back in time and stop being a faggot.

maybe it isn't your type of game, it is more for people who enjoy well written dialogs and inmersion more than action and graphics

The thing is I really like old games, I love playing baldurs gate but I have problems with fallout

if you want to, I like luck builds

what does that do?

is a Jinxed build as fun as it sounds?

Can't remember much allot the doctor. Was the first one Doc Morbid in Junktown? If you haven't done it yet, then how about trying out some of give sidequests in The Hub, or at the very least talk to the people in there?

You have to be 18 to post here

Yea this doc in Junktown, the one who can pull out your eye.

sry, I'm 21 I'll be getting out now...

>tfw never finished F2
I always do every single fucking quest all the way up to SF, ending being roughly lvl 20 somethings and then I lose interest after getting the Vertibird plans and clearing Mariposa base, usually because I noticed I fucked up my stats somewhere and they aren't perfect.

Dogmeat lasted until he walked through a barrier at the end of the game for me

I did this and went hardcore using energy weapons. Fucking energy ammo is heavy. The two followers I had (Eddie and Veronica) were pretty much just pack mules.

In my game he ended up dying in Necropolis.

Strength and Charisma are both dump stats in Fallout 1. For every point of strength under a weapon's recommended stat just add another 20% to its appropriate gun skill past 100%, power armor lessens this so you only need like 140-160% big guns to use a minigun. Charisma is shit because it doesn't impact any important dialog checks and companions in FO1 are only good for killing you with friendly fire.

Every other stat can be left at 9 sans endurance because you can raise SPECIAL by 1, also endurance isn't retroactive so raising it later in the game won't give you the HP you would have gotten when leveling.

Also FO 1/2 have a mechanic called One Hexing, the farther away from a target when you burst with a gun, the more bullets are lost when damage is calculated. Being face to face with a target when bursting guarantees all bullets hit if you land your hit. Its why Sulik in FO2 can do 300-600 damage bursts and you won't.

do you not know you can repair the barriers and turn them to yellow, and then off?

Fun fact, this is actually the canon death for dogmeat.

it actually isnt

>usually because I noticed I fucked up my stats somewhere and they aren't perfect
But that's the fun of RPGs. All builds should have flaws and drawbacks. The only way you can 'fuck up' your stats is if you massively nerf all the most important skills.

new challenge: play this game with the minimum amount of str and beat it.

hardmode: never die and have to reload once.

Yes it is. It's mentioned in the Vault Dweller's Memoirs that Dogmeat was killed by the barriers in the military base.


Not him but how? From Whay I can gather the section that talks about Dogmeat dying talks about the supermutants splintering up, which has some of them go to places such as Black Mountain and Broken Hills.

>I had to find these Vats, and put them out of action as well, lest another take the Master's place and continue to build the mutant army. Fortunately, my friends at the Brotherhood had a few clues, and helped me reach my goal. Invading the Vats, I came across more mutants and robots. None could stand in my way. I had a mission. I had a goal. I had a really large gun. It was here that Dogmeat fell, a victim of a powerful energy forcefield. I miss that dog. I destroyed the Vats that day, and with it, the mutant army. The last I heard, they splintered and disappeared into the desert.

user if you like that side of RPGs (the actual role playing part) I thoroughly recommend Arcanum when you're done with the first two Fallout games

am downloading right now! feel free to reccommend me more of these player interactive rpgs please

>Making killing the Master before destroying the base canon

But why?

don't worry about spoiling the game in a thread of a guy wanting advice on the first hours of the game.,..

He already left to continue playing so we're just showing the user how its canon since we can now.

Yeah this pisses me off. The Master should absolutely be the climax to the game. I like that you've got the option to do things in whatever order you like (including just ditching the whole waterchip questline) but that Cathedral encounter is really emotional and quite terrifying especially on a first playthrough.

It's an acknowledgement of the way Dogmeat apparently often dies in game. I never got him that far so I don't actually know what it's about, but it's a deliberate reference