God's not real Morty
is it worth getting this on ps4?
after reading this bullshit it put me off
Somehow I could tell that that was written by a woman before I got to the end.
But that's a different game.
oh yeah fuck, that's from Tyranny my bad
how's the writing in PoE then?
Lots of loredump, if you ever get Durance and decide to go with his quest, ignore everything he has to say. He loredumps like a fucking machine.
user I'm a fucking retard, first off I thought OP posted about Path of Exile, then I mistakenly posted content from Tyranny, and then just realized we're talking about Pillars
fuck it all
It's more like
>*burp* The gods are real but they're just an amalgamation of all the souls of a dead society and its values created by a science experiment, and there's nothing you can do about it, Morty.
>Lots of loredump
That's the entire point of the game, you fucking mongoloid. Obsidian needed to establish their own setting and define how it's not just a reskinned Faerun (which it's not), you can't do that without proper world building.
>b-but I don't liek to read lore!
Too bad, good thing not everyone is a shit-eater like you.
Tyranny? First two chapters are pretty fucking good honestly. Unless you're some tanky fuck who can't handle a communist civic nationalist society crushing a backwards sexist monarchy.
Wow talk about not being able to handle criticism, I am a huge lorefag, but this game triggers ADHD easily and it's not for everyone, that's why I was giving a heads up to that other user.
How much of a fanboy can someone be, really? Like did you really need to post that screenshot of the steam page about how succesful it is? Fucking shameful.
I'm playing on normal and this game is just kicking my ass so far.
Only have 3 party members, but all of them specialize in range. The first guy you get should have been a tank, not a fucking mage.
you DID pick up Eder, right? The fighter in the first village? He should be your earlygame tank
Where? All I see is a shit, irrelevant, subjective opinion. You're free to express it, just don't act surprised when someone tells you you're a shit-eater.
>did you really need to post that screenshot of the steam page about how successful it is
Yes? Because, opposed to the nonsense you've been spouting, it's an actual, tangible, objective criterion of evaluating the playerbase's satisfaction with the game.
well then do that, normal difficulty shouldn't be that difficult
Not him, but you make PoE fans look bad. If you care about this game even a little and aren't just here to pick a fight with anyone you can, you should stop.
>Because, opposed to the nonsense you've been spouting, it's an actual, tangible, objective criterion of evaluating the playerbase's satisfaction with the game.
So PoE really was made for fedoras after all. Fancy that.
>it's an actual, tangible, objective criterion of evaluating the playerbase's satisfaction with the game.
Yeah, thousands of opinions, just like mine, what's your point? All those guys may like the game just as much as me, but that won't change the fact the game has huge loredumps out of nowhere and Durance and his quest is the worst of them all. Actually, if you cared enough about your outdated screenshot, you'd see that many of the reviews say that you're gonna have to deal with a lot of senseless reading.
It's just fascinating how much of a condescending fedora tipper specimen you are, even if someone is trying to get other guy into the game you jump straight to the neck because he gave a negative opinion about your D&D substitute when you are playing alone in your basement.
>want to make a fighter that uses a warhammer and an arquebus
>you can't actually get either of those weapons in the early game
>due to how weapon focus groupings work, I have to either have less accuracy than everyone else, or waste money redoing my talents later
>needed to establish their own setting and define how it's not just a reskinned Faerun (which it's not), you can't do that without proper world building
Proper world building is done by showing not telling. Take the iron crisis in Baldur's Gate for an example. As you visit Nashkel you see how farmers are struggling to make ends meet as people disappear, and how families are forced to send able-bodied people into the mines at high risk of death for the sake of putting food on the table. Later on you uncover how this is merely a setup for a coup being staged in a nearby major city.
None of that requires anything more than very light reading to understand, because all of the flavour text and character interactions clue you in to the context of the setting. No loredumping required.
Guys think I should go paladin to sooth my roleplay itch or cipher to be the most damaging thing?
Why not both? You could make a paladin protagonist for your roleplay itch, and make a custom cipher party member for combat?
That was the second idea, I was just wanting story party members with dialogue. But thank.
The only thing that benefits paladin is their inability to die, since you should have Eder I'd say go for Cipher. If you ever feel like you die too easy, Respec and experiment. It is possible to make a tanky Cipher that is really hard to take down but still deals out raw damage.
Most of the party member questlines are actually rather short. You can finish all of them with little hassle if you rotate your party.
are rangers really bad in this game because everyone is telling me they suck
>are rangers really bad
Is there any game ever where rangers aren't trash-tier?
dragon's dogma
Every class is fine. Also, don't believe anything you read online about this game from before late 2016/early 2017. It's undergone massive updates and 90% of the mechanical info and "play like this" advice is severely outdated.
>tenaciously loyal (unless, of course, she has sensed a weakness)
Doesn't really sound like someone who is "tenaciously loyal". Someone who bails on you for not being strong enough is not loyal. And "a weakness"? Isn't just "weakness" more telling?
>play potd
>every fight is a hard cc spam