You HAVE bought his books and are donating to his Patreon... right Sup Forums?

You HAVE bought his books and are donating to his Patreon... right Sup Forums?

He's my favorite youtuber but I've heard mixed things about his books, although I might pick one of them up if I'm in need of a good fantasy fix

lol i literally unsubscribed a few days ago.
i dont find his videos that entertaining and the writing/structure is eh.
i dont leave his videos having learnt something; he merely "reviews" the game more in-depth as opposed to critique. well, at least, thats my opinion

also his voice is really fucking annoying. he sound like a bitch.

>talked about how much Matthewmatosis influenced his work and how much he admired him
>now makes 5 times more money on Patreon than Matthew

Please respond to this post with a shitpost

How does a dragon write books

i still prefer Mathew's videos more. the reason Joseph gets more donations, in my opinion, is because he uploads more frequently.

This user gets it.
Joseph Anderson is not any different than your three-paragraph-long leddit post.

Is this some eceleb cancer?

i don't know about you, but the incredibly simple title, "The Wizard and the Dragon", doesnt get me interested in his book.

He said that his recent video talking about raising his kids and how he makes his videos more doubled his Patreon income.


so he emotionally manipulated his audience? nice.

literally who

> listen to his voice
> Assume he is a scrawny kid
> He is married and has 2 kids

As a woman, this makes me feel conflicted.

If a Sup Forums poster who talks about video games into a mic with a monotone voice for a gorgillion years counts as an e-celeb then yes, yes it is.

I really enjoyed his videos and then he starts whining for them patreon bucks and he lost my sub.
Why exactly can't people do something out of interest or passion? Why must you get paid for playing video games?

Why do you fucking care?

If Matthew stopped being severely autistic and stopped massively overrating his own videos, he could actually make more of them rather than obsessing over details for months. Then he'd get more donations. It's like he thinks every video is some important work of art that can't be less than "perfect".

those synthesized hormones dont make you a woman

Care about what?
I don't really care about anything, user

I agree, fucking normies with their emotions. Where are the facts and logic?!

i prefer that. i find ALL his videos entertaining, and the majority of the games he reviewed i havent even played.

ur using the meme wrong.

Please fuck off back to lefty/pol/ you retarded communist

>Joseph Anderson
I saw his videos and they're all popular shit. What a waste of effort. Nothing he'll say or do will be new, just regurgitated shit. At least Two Best Friends played Parasite Eve. Last thing I need is more people reviewing or playing Witcher 3



so the levle of youtuber cocksucking here has now reached the point where im supposed to know who youtubers are with 0 relevant info given

do you kids do anything but watch youtube? do you ever go for walks or go outside?

Didn't Matthew act like a lil bitch in his RE:Make stream and pretend he never heard of him?

You care about nothing enough to be ""conflicted"" when somebody you don't know and probably will never know doesn't fit the expectations you have of them.

Or maybe he just wants to do his videos right and get his point across correctly instead of regurgitating the same old opinion and discussion on the matter, if you put a lot of time and effort into something wouldn't you want it to be the best it can be on conveying your message, just saying faggot.

I enjoyed his Zelda review and his The Witness video but his recent 'update' video made me unsubscribe. He goes on how he's so much above 10 minute videos youtubers because he can't into actually making a point in less than an hour. Then he goes on how he needs at least 800 hours for Witcher videos because he needs to actually play them first. How about you first play a game and then decide if you have anything interesting to add to the conversation or even want to play the game a second time. But no he plays 300 hours of the witcher games because that's what might get clicks, goes well on reddit and gets new Patreons. Also he made 2 (TWO) Fallout 4 video of >1 hour length and stated that he's never played FO1 or 2 and states 'he probably never will'. This shows absolute disrespect not only to the series but also to video game history as a whole. He's not interested in any of that though, FO4 was hyped as fuck, he liked New Vegas and knew this was going to flop so he made a video about it and a second one one year later and probably spent 500 hours on it in which he could have completed FO1/2 100 times.

Fuck this guy

Yeah that's a lie.

literally my problem.

no. someone asked him if he watched any of his videos and mathew responded saying that he tried, but "tapped out", because he wants to remain impartial and not have his opinion on games influenced.


Because the channels who talk about Dark Souls or the Witcher or Zelda are the ones that get support and attention. That's why they get talking about on here and someone who does the exact same thing but talks about smaller games doesn't get noticed or any support. Dude talked about video games for a couple hours now is raking in all those patreon bucks, meanwhile a smaller channel doesn't even show up on the search results. It's all a money game.

>This shows absolute disrespect not only to the series but also to video game history as a whole

rofl who actually thinks shit like this

is this where your mind goes when you watch youtube video gamers

Deathwing has a patreon?

desu if someone can somehow make Emperor text to speech work and thrive everyone else has no fucking excuse other than being low effort cucks.

>Help me take back the Spire


who actually says shit like this anymore

Is this where your mind goes when you post on Sup Forums? Back to 2007 grandpa?

If I'm going to listen to someone rant for 3 hours I expect them to at least know his Fallout better than me. And I concider knowing the 'classics' important for any video game discussion/review but he probably doesn't even play anything besides the stuff that he reviews (aka trendy new shit)

>goalpost cam

>rofl is from 2007
try 1995 or so but hey i already knew you were IT'S A DISRESPECT TO VIDEO GAMES NOT TO PLAY OLD GAMES IN A SERIES!!!!
fo 1 and 2 are bad games and have nothing to do with fo3+ btw

I just said how it's because they tap into the more popular series, and you retort with a fucking WH40K channel? You just proved my point.

played to much FF6 recently

user thinks he's more mature because he goes for walks... humanity sure is doomed.

Not even the original poster. Don't get your diapers in a twist old men. To think you care about arguments this much on a second hand Korean bird watching website.


He himself shits on the books in some videos, tbqh.

i dont think its *necessary* that one plays the previous titles but i do prefer it. they understand where it started, and where it ended, which is valuable to me in giving their opinion on something. literally whose opinion would u value more

-dude who played all mgs games
-dude who just played the latest

yes little young user people who go outside ARE more mature than you little fucking kids who sit and OBSESS OVER FUCKING YOUTUBERS LIKE KARDASHIAN SHIT





>goalpost status: strawman

>fo 1 and 2 are bad games and have nothing to do with fo3+ btw
they have nothing to do with FO3/4. They have everything to do with why New Vegas is better than those. But good job calling others underage when Fallout 1/2 are now 20 years old

>doesn't fit the expectations you have of them.
That's not what makes me feel conflicted.

Is more like, I'm cool with people pursuing their dreams. I admire when someone leaves everything behind and try to focus on what they like and try to make a living out of it.
On the other hand, I realize that person has a family, people that depends on him.
I put myself on the shoes of his wife, arriving at home and seeing your husband in front of the computer all day long, playing or writing...
Having family or friends meetings and your husband goes with the teens to talk about vidya and stuff ...

I'm not differen right now, I guess, but I'm free, I can fail and I won't drag anyone with me.

omfg shut up. ur comment is so fucking useless. if its ur problem she wants attention dont give it then, fuckwit.

>Warhammer is popular
Fuck off retard. It's not unknown but outside of memes and /tg/ Warhammer is not popular. Their most recent games to have come out have failed miserably and that text to speech video is the most popular warhammer channel. Witcher 3, CoD, fallout, Skyrim, and Hearthstone are popular. Warhammer doesn't hold a candle to them. You have a very weird definition of what "popular" is.

>Making a video about the witcher series will take 700+ hours
>Waaah why cant he just do it for free in his spare time
Probably because if he just worked on his videos when he is bored he will upload one every 6 months, or do you think he just plays a game while talking about what he feels like for 30 minutes?

>1 and 2 are bad games
Not true I played them both for the first time recently and really enjoyed them. Even if the gameplay was janky by modern standards.

>have nothing to do with fo3+ btw
Except for creating the world they all inhabit. Is context meaningless to you?

>i don't know about you, but the incredibly simple title, "The Wizard and the Dragon", doesnt get me interested in his book.

wow these titles are as generic as it gets

> The Bounty Hunter
> The Lost Starship
> The Monster Slayer
> Interstellar Marines

>I put myself on the shoes of his wife, arriving at home and seeing your husband in front of the computer all day long, playing or writing...
Also making 3500 bucks a month off patreon

No. I like him though, despite the knowledge that his videos are more of a very bloated review than actual in-depth critiques. He rambles too much. Matthew's earlier videos (not the shitshow after his big commentary videos) are much better.

Maybe if you don't know what the thread is about don't fucking click on it

Joseph Anderson is kind of funny.

His review structure is a lot like Doug Walkers, which is actually terrible. He goes through the main story beat by beat, which for a game like SOMA, basically ruins it.

His analysis is often long winded for the sake of it. Look at his analysis of Shrines in his breath of the wild review as evidence of this. Way too long for it's own good.

The lost soul arts of demon's souls is breddy gud tho

its a fantasy book where there is a wizard and a dragon. forgive me for thinking, "wow, thats cliche".

>making videos that happen to be viewed by teens must mean this person does not have any adult friends and only hangs out with his target audience

Do you also assume, for example, that a family man who works as a children's TV presenter only hangs around children? The idea that this man cannot contribute or behave in society because of his career choices is fucking absurd.

>he didn't build the game
>he didn't build the hardware to play the game
>he didn't build the hardware to record his gameplay
>he didn't create the platform or pay to use the platform he released his videos on
>He literally only says what he "feels' about the game and we should give him thousands of dollars a month for it.
You are the reason the economy is in the drain. Go clap and eat a burger you fucking American faggot.

Thanks for the (You) kid

>Their most recent games to have come out have failed miserably
Total Warhammer seems to be doing fine, Warhammer is popular for its niche but it's obviously not going to be AAA/Normalfag huge.

How can you people enjoy his droning
Or explaining basic gameplay features

Don't like post-Mario reviews matosis but damn lost arts of demon's souls is one of his best yet. Perfectly put into words what I felt about the souls series since DS2 and that BB/DS3 didn't save it.

Is that supposed to be a lot?

Decent amount for playing vidya if I do say so myself

>shitty self published writer
>doesn't sell his shitty books
>has to "review" virtual toys to feed his family
Oh boy. No wonder he's getting so buttblasted in the youtube comments all the time. I'd just kill myself at that point


I mean considering he has a family and no real job it doesn't sound like enough.

As always, despite polls showing that average Sup Forums poster is a 19 yo student or neet as soon as you mention any amount of money people will jump at you to tell you how little that is because every thread is full of neurosurgeons or some shit making 10k per month.

>you shouldn't support a service that you enjoy.
it isn't mandatory faggot, do you also think movie reviewers shouldn't be paid because they didn't direct the film?

I think these fanbases are actually retarded.

They love anything that jerks off their games. They love long winded and "long form" content that's as vapid as possible.

Joseph isn't funny, and the way he delivers his points makes me think his books are probably the driest, most generic fantasy shit you can get. The literal saltines of fantasy novels.

>le review Fallout 4, Witcher and any casual RPG on the market at the moment youtuber


How fucking blind has he been to video games if he cant fucking get Inside

I didn't say that I made more than that. I just said it's not a lot of money for a grown man with a family. It's well below average income.

I actually forgot about Total war spin off, was referencing the other two newest ones, Deathwartch and Eternal Crusade.
I'm just saying that Warhammer isn't popular on the macro level but it does have a strong fanbase for what it is. I wouldn't consider it popular when it comes to the things that actually are popular.

What so you need more than 3500 bucks per month for? And thats assuming his wife doenst have a job

its not that he "needs" 3500 a month -- his fans merely want to support him; i just think he doesnt deserve it.

In order to be concise you need to understand the subject matter. If you want to analyse BotW you should identify the overall design philosophy that shaped the game, and then examine each aspect of the gameplay to see how they tie into that philosophy and each other, then see what changed from previous titles and why. Shouldn't take you more than 15-30 minutes. Mark Brown did a good job at it.
Anderson is a """""self-published""""" fantasy author, he has no idea how games work. That leaves him just picking apart every individual part of the game in needless detail without reaching any meaningful insight.

Are you the same guy that said that 3500 is not a lot?

nope. this is the first time of me addressing his money.

I totally agree with you. Most of Joseph's videos could be cut down to 50% of the length, with no detriment.

This is why when he says he's terrible at estimates, and things end up being twice as long as necessary is laughable to me.

His outside review was 24 minutes, for a game that's roughly 2 and a half hours.

That's fucking excessive.

I mean he might strictly need more 3500 a month but that doesn't make it "a lot" of money.

>And thats assuming his wife doenst have a job
I mean if she does she doesn't make a lot.

>5 hours of Uncharted story analysis

>checked his patreon on video release day

Jesus tity fucking christ. I can't believe people fall for the patreon meme.

A video that literally nets you 1200 a month. The gift that keeps on giving.

ITT: Another episode of bitter autists hating everything and everyone

and i still leave thinking "what the fuck is his opinion on it"

hours of Uncharted story analysis
>lets go do adventure thing because greed
>oh no, a bad guy is here
>guys we're in too deep, lets get out of here, its not worth dying for
>insert Nathan and Elena relationship drama
>we can't let them win
>Nathan: It's time to finish this
>Nathan wins, treasure is lost

Literally every uncharted game. That's it. There's no depth, and there's nothing worth discussing. It's literally skin-deep.

i think this thread is pretty civil. alot of people are offering legitimate complaints. Sup Forums is usually alot worse.

mate i come from a single family. my mum got cancer and couldnt work and we had to live of government funding like a bunch of immigrants. we lived like this a several years. 3500 is more than enough.

>What so you need more than 3500 bucks per month for
You realize that kids don't feed and house themselves, right?

piss off grandad