Sony constantly tried to push remote play

>Sony constantly tried to push remote play
>Didn't add L2 and R2 buttons to the vita
>Expect you to use a shitty touch pad to aim and shoot in video games

Who thought this was a good idea

>Touch pad to aim and shoot
Name one game that did this.

>yfw you didn't buy a vita

Everygame you try to play on remote play nigger

You use the right analog stick, like any sane person would assume.

>tfw bought a 3.60 vita

>best digital library of any handheld thanks to PS1/PSP Classics, and all the good multiplat indies (+cross buy)
I dunno man, remote play wasn't "pushed" at all, but it's an option. Kind of like how Netflix and a web browser are optional but there, which is a lot more than the nothing I've got on my Switch.

And I'm not even gonna bring up the recent piracy. Stop hating for no reason, it's a solid platform

My Vita is still 3.6 but I haven't done anything with it yet.

I think he means aim as in aim down sights

>Sony wanted people to buy the Vita
>Charged $100 for SD cards

Who thought this was a good idea

Practically every PS3 game uses L1 and R1 to aim and shoot.

Then remap your remote play controls you dumb fuck

Do you all notice that no other console manufacture does this shit?

Just sold my vita + 3DS to some fat beaner for $300. Feels good man.

Couldn't remap buttons on the vita till 2015, 3 years after release.

What did you use / enjoy more while you had it?

In fact, the fact that they get away with this shit is shocking.

Remote play is a great feature, I use it all the time. But it could be so much better, the way son implements it is so hamfisted. Imagine you are able to pick up and play your ps4 from any device you pick up or sit down in front of at any time. You sit down in front of your pc, but want to play a ps4 game, stream it, you lay down in bed, stream your game to a tablet. Your at work on a break, stream your ps4 to your smartphone. But sony limited it. It only works on windows 10 PCs. It only works on sony phones and tablets, Why?

Shooting controls aside, I haven't played a console shooter in forever so I can't comment, they sort of didn't. The Vita may be doing okay in Japan, relatively speaking to both how the Vita did elsewhere and to the Xbone in Japan, but the Vita is in no way a successful console.

>It only works on sony phones and tablets, Why?
You really gotta ask that question?

>It only works on sony phones and tablets
So someone will have a reason to buy that trash.

>All that indie shit
Fuck you.