Anyone else looking forward to the new AC?

Anyone else looking forward to the new AC?
Thoughts? Hopes? Suggestions on areas of improvement?

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I unironically think that ___________________WE_____________________________________________

i agree, but then again ____________________________________________________________WUZ_____________________________________

this particular time i give 0 fucks about WE WUZ KANGS because i like the ancient egyptian setting. I have a feeling that this time they will get it right.

Played AC1, AC2, Brotherhood, Revelations, and stopped. I guess I'll try playing AC3 now, because I got it for free from Ubisoft's 30th anniversary give-away thing.

Does the story really go anywhere after AC3? And is there any reason to continue playing every game in the series if you don't care about the story? In terms of gameplay, it seems like every AC game is the same. There's only so much I can take, even with the incremental addition of new gimmicks.

It will be the best game.

>Thoughts? Hopes?
Let's have a Sup Forums thread instead

>everything i don't like is pol

>climbing mechanics got better
>everything else got worse

Was looking for this, thanks user

>everything i don't like is pol
>posts Sup Forums fags shitting up a thread
What did he mean by this?

I remember when this website dropped memes after the normalfaggots and kids got hold of them

but now this website is the normalfaggots and kids

Even though this is amusing, I feel like it's not bad advertising. Like it seems like it's in good fun and not necessarily hating on the game.

>Africa is the origin of humanity
>Egypt, the first great civilization, is in Africa

This isn't a coincidence.


Haven't finished an AC game since Brotherhood and I used to be a huge find but everything since 3 has been a dissapointment (including Black Flag). I'm very cautiously optimistic about this

can someone please explain the 'we wuz kings' joke?

Piece of shit far cry and assasin's creed get 29 sequels each while the only 2 actually good games that ubisoft has made in the past ten years will probably never get a sequel because they didn't sell enough copies

Video games are a dead medium

MGS in egypt

>I have a feeling that this time they will get it right


Is this actually historically accurate?

It's an interesting for sure with a lot of historical name dropping essentially. The story wasn't that memorable but the combat was pretty good as well as the building traversal.

> tfw Kek himself is mentioned in-game

Black Flag is the biggest departure with actually good naval gameplay and a full Caribbean to explore.

We are stragglers from a lost era.

>looking forward
not looking forward but the game looks ok for ass creed standard.
might pick it up at xmas.
I like egyptian settings and the world looks massive so should be ok

every single viewer in microsoft's e3 stream was from pol?


Obama was president of the United States. Therefor, America's founding fathers were all black and everything of value ever created or done by an American was done so by a black person.

>first great civilization
Not even close, bud

It's not as bad as Watch Dogs. Still, pretty bad.

Someone post that insane Battlefield 1 Collector's Edition with

>*game not included

more like cucklector edition tobehonest

>ubisoft games
go away shill


I really think AC Origins its gonna be one of those games we cant discuss on Sup Forums for the whole WE WUZ meme, like Tomba or Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness.

Its sad, because it looks interesting and its the first non yearly AC game in a while.

>tfw Kek himself is mentioned in-game
Go back to the_donald please


I like Egyptian myth, user. Have for years. I'm not one of those poleddit memesters.

I legitimately wonder how NeoGAF posters live with themselves. I've never seen a community so narcissistic.

I havent played any AC game since revelations back in 2011 but I know Desmond dies in ACIII, in the later games who is the guy using the animus to relive their ancestors past? Its a new protagonist since AC 4? or they change every game?

I dunno

the Legendary edition DOES have everything with the more expensive material

I fucking love ancient Egypt, but when I saw this thing's gameplay vids, the typical AssCreed ''setting-as-a-wallpaper''-vibe instantly returned

so no, not gonna happen

I would play it if it had nothing to do with Assassins Creed

i think it is going to be quite good compared to the rest of modern crap. i am looking forward to the open world, lore and rpg elements. i like deserts.

despite the we wuz kingz it's just an alternate earth.

Black Flag has an Abstergo intern using another ancestor of Desmond, but then they start using other assassins.

I don't remember watch dogs selling a package that was over $300. DotC Legendary is something like $699.

What the fuck is shadilay ?

Amazing logic right there

The anthem of a generation

Copy pasting from your previous thread

>theres niggers and sjws who unironically think the ancient Pharaohs still ruled the egyptians in this game's time period

>mfw they were actually ruled by a roastie descendant of a greek general
>A greek general who declared himself king after Alexander gg'd
>Alexander who took it from the persians
>the persians who took it from the assyrians
>the assyrians who installed a puppet dynasty after btfo'ing the last "dynasty" of nubian trash
>the nubian trash who conquered the balkanised egyptians during their steep decline

>mfw the dynasties who built the great pyramids died out 2500 years before this game's events but Kangs will unironically still Kang.

>assassin's creed: we wuz kangs

oh my god.

Yes you are, tumblr faggot. You'll just have to put on your big boy pants and not get triggered when you see something that offends you, tumblr faggot.


Nigger memes aside if you still buy asscreed you need to stop gaming

I have been disappointed by every AC game except for two and black flag and even those weren't great. However I have a boner for ancient rome and I heard (probably on this shitty board full of shitposting liers) that this game will be set during the time of cleopatra. So all I am looking forward is having missions with Caesar, Antonius and Octavian plus a cool endgame scenario where you are have to assasinate someone during the battle of actium.

>People still unironically give ubisoft money
When will people learn?


Sensible chuckle

But it is....




who gives a fuck if niggers believe that, Im not egyptian, and thank god I am not some sort of turbo faggot that gets offended by other people trying to take someone else's history
And to be fair, only american negroes believe this we wuz kangz crap, so its not like it will make it into 1st world countries history books

I just pay $4 for every AC game 2 months after release at g2a, I dont know how much of that money goes to ubisoft

Anyone has a link to the video where Zahi Hawass laughs histerically after an african american ask him about why all pharaons were white washed?
It appears all the uploads were removed from youtube


I love how much butthurt Hawass has caused to the afro centrist retards

"Zahi, let me educate you about the things you have studied for decades"


The modern day story arc is dead but they still do enough to keep up appearances.
Honestly not worth following for that.

AC 3 + Black Flag + Rogue is a nice trilogy, especially with the ship combat. 3 is kind of a grind but worth it for the story, 3 also has much better, weightier ship combat than the later ones.

Haven't played any Unity and Syndicate but the combat apparently went traditional i.e. bullshit. I don't understand why they thought changing the focus from counter killing to longwinded duels was necessary. Fighting was easy and kind of stupid but brutes in Syndicate needing 7 gunshots to go down because you are a lower level in your shitty RPG skill tree is the kind of shit that I wanted to escape from with AC games. AC is a fast game, due to the pakouring so long fights are out of place. It seems Origins went all out with this kind of system by directly giving Outposts, guards and yourself levels as if it were Pokemon.

nah looks like shit desu, same turd but wrapped in different package

I would change this, based on the trailer

>Protagonist talks less, waaay less (and when he's alone, instead of talking they should add filters to the voice so it feels like he's thinking instead of talking alone

>Eagle system reworked: You can't control the eagle. You don't see in third person what the eagle see. The eagle only tells you if there are enemies in the area you selected and how many. Nothing more
>Guards are more sensitive to sounds and hav better vision
>Add more stealth mechanics: hide bodies, hide
>completely remove any kind of mass murderer fighting. Fucking bullshit.
>add more combat gameplay
>add more hostility when you are detected, so you are forced to run instead of fighting everyone and then boom, im out
>completely remove aimed arrow

>first great


>Add more stealth mechanics: hide bodies, hide

It's exactly this they should have added since the fucking first game. Instead we got boss fights. Actual stealth would be nice for once.

AC1 had the right idea, i fucking loved it, it had the atmosphere, it had the right stealth mechanics, and it had the "your target is dead, now you should run" feeling.
but it should have had more punishment or at least some kind of gameplay incentive to do a clean target kill instead of just "hey, he detected me, well i dont care, i'll just fight and boom, he's dead!"
Personally i always wanted to do clean kills and escape like a true assassin

Why does Ubisoft always shill their games here?


In Africa yeah.

I haven't looked forward to an AC since 2

And that was disappointing

Oh wait this is set in Ptolemaic Egypt? Might be worth it just for the possibility of Caesar and Marc Anthony.

>>Africa is the origin of humanity
no it isn't

Most expensive one is like $800 for nothing.

Okay name one great civilization that came before Egypt