Any Fallout 4 tips?

Hey guys! I just got fallout 4 on Saturday and it just finished downloading this morning. I finally managed to get it running on my gt610 at a smooth and constant 20-28fps after an hour or two of tweaking some files. Anyways, I just started, so does anyone have any tips? I'm at the part where you follow Preston up to a bridge and then he tells you to save a settlement and then go to diamond city. Anyone got any tips? Any early game hints for a first play through? (Ala hollowed out rock near megaton in fo3?) Thanks. Also, anyone know how to make a cheap pip boy holder thing? Ive just been holding it onto my arm with some rubberbands, and I dont really have 350$ to spend on the think geek one nor 100$ on a resold plastic one, plus most of them dont ship to my country.

>Any Fallout 4 tips?
>so does anyone have any tips
>Anyone got any tips?
>Any early game hints for a first play through?

are you ok?

should have installed it on your smart phone, it's probably got more power than that shit heap

>smooth and constant 20-28fps

Almost had me

learn the VATS system and don't scrap the prewar money

You can't be much older than 14.

kill yourself in a fashion way not your fallout character but you instead.

God bless your innocence, i wish I was still like this

Fuck off Todd.

for people that play on their gt610 sub-30 fps is as good as it gets

Learn english and reach a minimum of 18 years of age, before advising someone to kill themselves.

I feel like this post was caught up in lag and server glitches for the past 2 years and it finally now got posted.

Also how about you just buy a better graphics card instead of expensive plastic you plebeian

Im 20
Graphics cards are overpriced in my country because of import restrictions and taxes. My gt610 2gb cost me around 100$ USD a bit more


Uninstall the game, it's pure crap

>tfw just switched from that phone to a galexy s5

You are autism

Lg L90? Do you also have a bug where it restarts by its self every few hours? Or where it just crashes whenever trying to load a somewhat medium tier graphics game?
Dont be like that man, fallout is my favorite franchise and I finally got enough to buy it on sale, just let others like what they like even if its not what you like


What shitty armpit fecal country are you from?

Brazil isn't it?

The game has been casualized to hell, if you built your character wrong you may be clinically retarded. Just shoot things until they die that's what Fallout is now. If you've played Call of Duty you'll fit right in with the gunplay

>Do you also have a bug where it restarts by its self every few hours?
I had this on Nexus phones. Basically, what was wrong was that the on button was pushed in too far into the frame. That would case the forced shutdowns, since the system registered the button as being long-pressed.


retards getting triggered by THE MOST OBVIOUS bait post ever to be posted on this site

If Fallout is actually your favorite franchise you won't enjoy this game. It's stripped down trash in almost every conceivable way other than combat.

Max int and craft shit to become God. Or Max str and buff that shit to 25+ with drugs and one shot everything. The game is very very easy.

I laughed too hard at this

Absolutely pissening

This post is art


Its not bait you idiot not everyone can afford 60$ launch day games and gtx1080s you spoiled neet faggot you're the type of guy who says in steam forum posts asking how to optimize games "lol just ask ur mom to buy a new gpu for you, thats what I do" fuck off faggot.
Argentina. I'm white
As far as I see the combat is WAY better and you dont just shoot someone 20 times in the head in vats and they still live


>Argentina. I'm white

cool thread

t. NMAfag

Still no tips or hints baka really guys?

Here's a tip
refund it and buy new vegas

I already have it idiot why do you have to be so negative baka

Now buy Skyrim VR Edition™.

>sub-30 fps
that includes 0 and negative FPS.

Literally anybody can get sub-30 fps in they try hard enough.

Here's a hint - They railroaded the game severely, thinking people wouldn't explore.

All you have to do is go east a little bit and you run into pre-placed .44 magnums, fat man, mini nukes, etc.

If I get a 9500 GT, will new vegas run fine?
My current specs:
1.4ghz dual core processor
256mb igpu
I can't upgrade the processor, its soldered onto the motherboard, I'll only upgrade that if I'm going full-on PC gaymen

There's a unique molerat disease in vault 81 that can't be cured. Go through the dungeon with no companion, don't activate the robot in there and don't get hit once. Save and reload as necessary.

click ~ and type tgm.
it reduces the amount of damage your character takes.

Is that a celeron? If it is, yeah probabky on Low or medium.

Specifically, its AMD E1-1200

Idk, id tell you to pirate fo3 or NV to see if it works and then buy it, its what I, as a responsible consumer, do. Demos should be a thing again

I have both on steam, right now, at the mohave outpost, looking at the statues, with boone in the shot, on low settings 720p, I am getting about 24fps

Looking AWAY from the outpost

I'll give you just the tip on the first time, fuckboi, but after that the honeymoon's over and you'll be getting the full force of my 3 inches whether you want it or not