ITT: Buyer's remorse

Pic very much related. Holy shit what a smearing load of shit. I tried to like this game too, but i can't believe how fucking boring it was. Gunplay and movement feels like shit, poor optimization, long ass waiting times and FUCKING UPLAY. At least i can test out the refund system, hopefully i get my money back before the sale ends.

>Gunplay and movement feels like shit
So you're a Call of Duty fag
>poor optimization
Lol this game gets 60+ FPS on Medium on fucking integrated graphics kid. Are you literally playing on a Windows XP AMD toaster?
>Long ass waiting times
Lol average wait time is literally less then 35 seconds, whether you're solo or in a full group
Boo fucking hoo. It literally sits in the background and only launches when you load up R6. Half the time I forget it's even signed in.

You could have just been honest and said;
"I'm fucking trash at this game. At least I can get my money back."

Do you sit in the catalog in patrol waiting for someone to tell that your shit game is infact, shit?

Sit in catalog? I happened to open up Sup Forums and this shit was on the front page.

Sorry I debunked every single complaint you posted.
Again, just admit you're shit at the game.

i think this game at its core is great but it's unpolished as shit and so far operation health has a month left but it's still just as awful as it was before if not worse
and why would you shrink hitboxes before fixing hitreg


L M A O Enjoy your 5 minute waiting times so you could pew pew with your plastic guns.

Casual takes 25 seconds on average.

Ranked takes maybe 1:30

You're just trying way to hard at this point, boy.

Not an argument

dark souls 2
>tfw you were tricked into thinking it was good
anyone who actually considers that darksouls 2 is good must be a contrarian

t. cucked by Caveira

>Casual takes 25 seconds on average

Yep, that's what the game told me my waiting time should be. And it was the first time, except that the other 2 times i queue'd this trash it took 3-5 minutes lmao great game


But i guess you enjoy Ubisoft lying to your face.

As broken as this game is, if you take longer than a minute you should restart the search.
Also, where are you playing from?

more like OP got BLACKED by Capitao


>put crosshair on enemy's face
>they die
What the fuck? Where's the excitement in that? A competitive shooter should have the bullets stray from your crosshair. That's how you build tension and raise the skill roof of the game. Also, it's really dumb that you can't sell skins.

Typical, operation health is such a blunder.

Siege is one of the best shooters I've seen in years. I'm sorry you didn't like it OP.

That said it is buggy as fuck and Ubisoft hasn't cared well for it in the past.

>So you're a Call of Duty fag

Ironically, the gunplay is almost identical to Call of Duty lmao. Fucking summerkids.

>there are people THIS DUMB breathing your air RIGHT NOW


>no argument

Enjoying your summer break, kids?

Except he's right lmao

>reddit dix siegeweenies give no reason on why the game is good and elaborate on it
its shit, they know that, we know that, but its reddit, they'll cling to ANYTHING!

Played since release.
The matchmaking changes are not a blunder in the slightest.
Health is bullshit but matchmaking needed this.

I play mainly solo casual and its made the game a lot more enjoyable. Before this update you had to go up against plat stacks with level 15s constantly.
I ended up having to become a one man rushing machine and Jager main to win a casual match

>call of duty with ASSFAGGOTS elements and retarded gadgets
>good game
This is a fucking terrible rainbow six game. This is a horrible tactical game. This is a trash shooter. Should've named it overwatch: siege. How retarded one should be to defend this piece of garbage.

>gets shot by jaegar once

>baiting this desparately

Better than Lockdown, Vegas and Patriots though.

It's a miracle looking at the track record.

>slow, methodical gameplay
>headshots are instant kills meaning firefights are more battles of skill than COD's "who fires first wins"
>No respawning means kills actually influence the match
>Restrictive timer means players have to budget their time
>Weapons are tailored to the characters that wield them instead of everyone getting everything
>Focus on destructible environments when COD has none of that
>Usage of sound means that ever sprinting risks broadcasting your location to everyone on the map, where in COD you only stop sprinting to shoot
>COD has jetpacks and wallrunning, R6 is more grounded
>Weapons aren't totally useless without ADS unlike COD
>Maps are colorful in R6 with distinct locations and characters that don't blend in, COD has samey maps and hard-to-see enemies
>Guns have distinct sounds and feel weighty, COD guns feel like they're made by Mattel

Holy shit, are you so fucking retarded that you can't tell how one game feels compared to another? Are you so fucking casual that you think every shooter is COD? Go back to your waifu simulators, cuck, and whine about your shitty taste and plebian mind somewhere else.

I got a free code and I want my money back.

This game is literally peeker's advantage: the game. May as well be a turn-based RPG with a series of coinflips.

I'm honestly not, i know it's hard to accept the fact that your beloved game is shit, but that doesn't mean i'm baiting. Cope my son, cope.


It literally takes 3 bodyshots with an automatic rifle to kill someone in gay six, i'm sorry, bud, but it's definitely who fires first wins.

>slow, methodical gameplay
Not gunplay, but yes, R6 is slower and thus, more casual/low skill ceiling
>headshots are instant kills meaning firefights are more battles of skill than COD's "who fires first wins"
The person that fires first wins in both games
>No respawning means kills actually influence the match
Not gunplay, but kills influence the match in any game
>Restrictive timer means players have to budget their time
Not gunplay, but just about every FPS can be summed up as a race against the clock
>Weapons are tailored to the characters that wield them instead of everyone getting everything
Not gunplay, but true, except for the upcoming WWII CoD
>Focus on destructible environments when COD has none of that
Not gunplay, but true
>Usage of sound means that ever sprinting risks broadcasting your location to everyone on the map, where in COD you only stop sprinting to shoot
Not gunplay, but wrong, CoD sound has a huge influence on gameplay, there are perks that dampen and enhance volume
>COD has jetpacks and wallrunning, R6 is more grounded
Not gunplay, not all CoDs have that, but the ones that do have higher skill ceilings
>Weapons aren't totally useless without ADS unlike COD
Wrong, hipfiring weapons is useful in both games with perks and attachments affecting both
>Maps are colorful in R6 with distinct locations and characters that don't blend in, COD has samey maps and hard-to-see enemies
Not gunplay, but it depends on the game, Treyarch CoDs tend to use lots of colors
>Guns have distinct sounds and feel weighty, COD guns feel like they're made by Mattel
Seem about the same to me, but I suppose that comes down to preference if you're picky

So you had one legitimate point and it's a matter of preference. Looks like you're the retarded one.

Sometimes it's the person getting shot that wins since they decided to take a whole mag up their ass.

How butthurt is this guy lmao

How butthurt is this guy lmao

Knowing the fact that i'll get my money back and won't have to play this trash ever again? A 3/10 for wasting an hour of my time.

The real question is how butthurt are you to reply to this thread?


>writes an essay about how he got rekt
>keeps fishing for replies
>but I'm butthurt
Too bad you're refunding, I so enjoy shitting on lowlevels in R6.

RB6 Siege is one of my favorite fps'. I think you're just an asshole OP

>your just an asshole
siegelets everyone

Is it any surprise that the only people who play this garbage are children who grew up hating CoD?

Hilariously, the better you get at this game the more the meta becomes about picking 3 speed and basically playing like Call of Duty,
Maybe some of that wall of text applies if you're copper

did you just make the typo yourself

this the most fun i've had with an pvp fps in my life. the only complaint i have with the game is the shitty servers and bugs

Yep, it's all about exploiting the lag comp pretty much.

>People like this exist
call me a contrarian fag but i miss when siege wasnt popular now its filled with cod and battlefield
elitists kiddies who think they play games that require skill
dont kid your self this game is casual as shit but its fun, the game has a million problems though and 90% can be blamed on ubishit


its a dud

i used to play this daily, but after 560 hours of solo queue enough is enough

a good 40% of the time i get matched with actual derankers, the other 40% is just pure retards who are put on my team just to even out the elo because im plat and its a diamond carrying golds so i get stuck with the full silver team

mmr has ruined this game for me, i no longer can bear this autistic shitfest 0-4 everytime, its just constant loss streaks and the more you play the less elo you get on wins eventually making it 10x the amount of wins you need to get back your rank

fuck this game

Why would you keep playing this shit daily when it's so shit, even more glad i refunded now, Jesus.

>filled with cod and battlefield
>elitists kiddies

Those are just siege players who realised that the most effective way to play this game is to treat it like COD.

The game is so badly designed that the person who treats it like a tactical shooter and tries to hold an angle will get rinsed by the 3 speed flying around the corner cheesing the terrible netcode

Alright, now that we all agree this game is shit, what's a better shooter for 30 euros

t. gets double tapped by Doc

>3 shots for a death

>takes 10+ shots to kills someone in another fps


Get ready for no replies after this one :^)

>Gunplay and movement feels like shit
Hey fuck you buddy, those two are pretty alright.

Read the thread and try again. And i don't know any fps where it takes 10 shots to kill a person.

Lawbreakers. Really badass.

>Siege goes on sale
>Suddenly Siege threads on Sup Forums telling everyone to stop playing Siege because it's shit

Like clockwork.

Don't worry, the redditor army already made my evening so much better. Thanks for the laughs guys.

You're retarded, i've gotten shot from front/side/back numerous times and won the gunfight by a hair by dropshotting and headshotting fast. Is right about the game.

I fucking love Siege, have around 900 hours in it, but I had to give a break for a couple months recently. This shit is just unplayable right now and I'm just fucking pissed at the fact it'll be this way until the end of summer.

Also, gunplay and movement is shit? Are you fucking dumb?

this thing, everything looks the same and fill inventory with useless shit:the game

>b-but the 3 speed operators
*puts down barbed wire*

titanfall 2

>long ass waiting times
I wait a maximum of 30 seconds for every match

>Game goes on sale, is now cheaper so more people try it, thus more people saying it's shit
>Who woulda thunk...

And i'm not telling you to stop playing it. If you enjoy eating shriveled up dogshit from Ubisoft's starfish, i don't care.

sup Cliffy

>Titanfall 2

This. By far the best shooter of the past decade. BUTTERY SMOOTH movement.

>implying its dead

>works on my machine

Congratulations, didn't work for me though so i'll just take my money back and play something that isn't shit.

He's not wrong though

It's pretty dead though, like 3k peak players on PC

The game could have been amazing but as is it's just ok, hampered by shit balance, bugs, shit netcode/latency and devs who don't know what the fuck they're doing.

Operation "health" is a joke, they've yet to improve anything worthwhile and I don't see what they're going to drop by August that's going to fix the game. Oh wait alpha packs lol epic.

It was fun at launch when nobody knew what they were doing, but as of now the meta is:

>pick a 3 speed op cunt
>abuse shitty hitboxes and latency
>pray you don't end up on the receiving end of the multitude of bullshit the game will throw at you

It's just not fun.

Shame it could've been great but the devs are dumb retards who care more about muh pickrate and pro league than they do about making a working balanced game.

i'm g11 on piss4 and its at 10k players quite often
remember the original was 360 exclusive so the older base is mostly consolefags already

Thanks for the bait, I appreciate it.

Ironically I've shot people dead on for a few consistent seconds in Siege and not killed them.

At least CS works.

OP here, i was bullshitting all of you, i spent 400 hours on this game and i'm Diamond 2 in ranked, it's buggy, it's broken sometimes, but goddamn if i don't love it to death. I don't know why anyone would fall for this bait when it has the tightest gunplay and movement on the market. GG no re, i main Jaeger.

?? lol

>i'm Diamond 2 in ranked

I had fun playing it but the world is the biggest turn off and makes me never want to replay this game again

>make every other bullet a ghost bullet no matter what
>raises the skill roof
If the game is competitive it should be able to build tension between two players on it's own


that's wrong though

EXACTLY this, unfortunately

At launch, hell, even on beta, the game was amazing because nobody really knew what was best (read: broken).

As time went by, at around somewhere in between Dust Line and Skull Rain, people had realized that the game was actually just a CoD with complex maps. So the matches turned into the fastest operators possible running and gunning everyone down because of broken hitboxes and disgusting peeker's advantage.

I think what's mostly to blame is the fact that every gun uses hitscan instead of projectiles. Such a shame too, since I've put nearly 1k hours into this broken ass fucking game.

You're 100% right, but shitters will defend low skill ceilings any way they can.

Tekken 7 is probably my biggest regret so far this year and probably the past couple years. $60 for next to no content and nothing but silly goofy ass customization items.

>slow, methodical gameplay
I see you haven't been playing the game for a while then. Good for you, since you're out of the Ash/Jaeger singularity

>headshots are instant kills meaning firefights are more battles of skill than COD's "who fires first wins"
It actually means the exact opposite. Especially with how garbage the netcode is.

>No respawning means kills actually influence the match
True. Also the fact that it's only 5v5

>Restrictive timer means players have to budget their time
Not a problem if you're playing the meta, which is to go as fast as possible to capitalize on the game's flaws

>Weapons are tailored to the characters that wield them instead of everyone getting everything
Why are you lying, user? There are plenty of weapons that operators share and you fucking know it.

>Focus on destructible environments when COD has none of that
I don't know what you think "focus" means in this case. It is possible, but apart from specific objectives in specific maps, there's no reason to just walk in the front door with Ash and meme on everyone with your tiny ass hitbox and broken R4C.

>Usage of sound means that ever sprinting risks broadcasting your location to everyone on the map
Yeah, let's talk about how sound in the game doesn't travel through walls, but rather through doorways and windows only.

>where in COD you only stop sprinting to shoot

>Weapons aren't totally useless without ADS unlike COD
Give or take. There's no reason not to ADS unless you're a shield.

>Maps are colorful in R6 with distinct locations

>Guns have distinct sounds
True, and it's pretty neat that you can tell who's shooting by it.

> and feel weighty
Lol no. The lack of recoil and spread on Siege's guns is fucking laughable.

You forgot retards like this guy, OP. The community is shit and if you much as dare to criticize the many faults of this game, you'll be called a casual. Siege is a 6/10 shooter.

Jesus you guys still didn't kill this thread? Wow, i'm impressed.

>There are plenty of weapons that operators share and you fucking know it.

Wut. There are only shared weapons between operator tiers. No one from another group shares a single weapon with anyone from another group.

They should remove the ACOG scopes from the game. Enough sniping through a crack in 3 doorways shit. Would make the game far more interesting and would make Glaz stand out as a sniper without needing to rely on thermal shit.

Yeah I used to enjoy it a lot back then and similarly have about 600+ hours.

I think the introduction of all these new operators and mostly shit maps is actually making the game worse, especially before fixing the core issues still present.

Introducing operators like Hibana, who's a straight upgrade on Thermite, with practically no downsides is lame. So not only do you have Ash who was previously the designated 3 speed attacker, you now have an ash thermite hybrid who files both roles. This is the new meta that will not change because Ubisoft won't even acknowledge that it's op.

I'd rather they fixed the game itself instead of padding it out with shitty maps like Bartlett and either OP or totally useless new operators, and they want 50-100 operators in total. No doubt the game will die before that because they won't fix anything and it will become progressively more broken and unbalanced as time goes on.