Reminder that if you play mobile gacha games, you are no better than the faggots that spend on Candycrush and that you are literally contributing to killing the gaming industry.
Reminder that if you play mobile gacha games...
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Reminder that gachashit still has more effort put into it per dollar spent than the average AAA game.
This is true. The only mobile game i play is a gacha game, but it is by far the best one. The only good one imo, but its still gachashit.
>run into Stheno in Septem
>she says that she is not suited for fighting
Well at least she isn't incorrect.
>Contributing to kill the gaming industry
user, the gaming industry is already dead for various other reasons...
>more effort
>putting a stock image of a "waifu" inside a card template
Keep being delusional, casual shitter.
I'm well aware of my sins. Already stocked 150 quartz for Void Shiki.
Gotta pay those psychologist salaries so they can figure out how to abuse human addictive tendencies more!
Kill yourself.
If you're aware, how about you stop?
Why are you rolling to get an image you can get on the internet?
Stealth /NFGO/ thread?
When are they resetting tickets?
a case of "Its okay when Japan does it"
Flash games>mobile shit
>implying anything this good could ever happen in a AAA western title
Because I find it enjoyable
And it's pretty good way to waste time between SQDC runs
why do you care what that guy does with his life? its none of your business
Why play any videogame then? You can just watch them free of charge online, it's the same principle.
Nice translation there, XSeed.
Nobody knows. Could be the end of the year, at this rate.
Although most likely, it will be restocked at the end of July, or on July 25th given the release date.
>implying i spend money on the mobile gacha games i play
the way these games usually do their premium model it gets you stuff you can only get through spending money so if you get something good you can only keep upgrading it by paying more so once you spend one time you have to keep spending money.
How else am I supposed to worship my king's boobs?
Truth. I've whaled the fuck out of the Love Live mobile game, but I was fully aware of my cancerous behavior the whole time and was never under the impression that I was truly having "fun" blowing my money away.
How delusional can you get?
But I'm not spending money on it you silly billy.
The translation is fine.
Nah, I'll save my money and just pass on the Saberfaces.
Plus, Cu is my Lancer of choice.
You know damn well playing and watching isn't the same thing, stop playing dumb. You can't compare rolling for stock images in a gacha game to actually playing a polished game.
He said it himself, it's a sin. Why not correct your mistake and make yourself a better person?
>you are literally contributing to killing the gaming industry.
Only Nintendo fags are doing this to Nintendo IPs.
They deserve to be ruined, so I'm OK with it.
PLEASE play PokemonGO and FireEmblemWhateverItsCalledOnMobile, PLEASE!
You can be aware of your sins and still live with them
That's not smart. Especially when it has a negative impact on your precious money, time and the hobby you enjoy the most, gaming.
This dude is absolute bro.
why do you care mr moral high ground?
I'm not spending money on this.
If I enjoy it, it is not time wasted. If it was, that would also apply to all games.
Not entirely true, you can F2P Goddess Kiss and only miss a few exclusive robot pilot waifus out of dozens to choose from
Better stop posting on japanese image boards and playing video games then user, idle hands are the devil's workshop, go learn how to dance or the intricacies of tax structuring.
Is there anyone to change the cards displayed of a servant after I ascend them?
I really prefer Medea's first art with the hood up, it looks much cooler to me. I saw options for icon and the battle image of her, but not one for changing how the card or her bigger images appear.
Go to their profile, you can change everything, including the card's art.
Because I enjoy gaming and I enjoy the series/franchises the companies are using to milk the gachafags away. Fire Emblem used to be a renowned SRPG and now the entire series turned into a vulgar casual shitter bait. If there wasn't a market for shitty gacha games like these, we maybe would've had quality Granblue/Fate/Kancolle games instead.
Boohoo, not all games are made for you. Go play something else :^)
10 quartz rolls are super expensive, are there people wasting money on this game?
I still play Kancolle and I'd love if they released a home version of the arcade game because it seems much more involved and fun.
I do think Kancolle is pretty good for a browser game all things considered
Only whales
From the menu, go to Formation and then Spirit Origin List. You can change all the stuff there, such as combat sprite, the cards that show up in battle, and the card displayed for the character. You probably could access the card elsewhere as well, but that's the place where you can see all the cards in your inventory.
>Jew game
>people not pissing away money
What makes it fun?
I just don't see it outside of the porn opportunities.
If I could actively kill the industry any harder I would play every mobile game I could.
fe heroes requires more thinking than fire emblem echoes
the fgo one seems pretty braindead though
Even the fucking porn is shitty. The only decent one I found was one Scatchach doujin and it was only a couple of pages. Fucking touhou has better doujins.
The GHBs are fun but everything else in FEH is just grinding, same as FGO
It's funny because when you guys are at fault, you say "pay us no mind, go play something else and let us have fun!" but when someone would pay for a shitty DLC or game, you guys throw a tantrum for him encouraging that shitty sale model. Be consistent.
The gambling aspect of it, I guess? Gambling has always been "fun" to the average human, it's just that instead of winning money, you win waifu images with sparkly stars on it that you can find on the internet for free.
>What makes it fun?
An actual story attached. Sure, it's cheesy, but makes the characters likeable. Well, some of them.
The combat is odd but allows for some planning and strategy, both in combat and in team building. That's better than just "throw in your favorites and then grind for months" that most similar games do.
Of course, most are certainly just here for waifu card collecting.
>quality Kancolle games
Kancolle, more than most franchises, was designed by committe to jew nerds out of money as much as possible. No one at the company ever would have given a shit on expanding that setting. Hell they actively banned fan games, so we don't even have the occasional fun and interesting doujin game like Touhou gets.
but they have this
>but when someone would pay for a shitty DLC or game, you guys throw a tantrum for him encouraging that shitty sale model. Be consistent
Stop fat shaming
I don't spend money on gacha games though
>Sup Forums is one person
I sure love this meme
I've never said that though. This is coming from someone who bought all the DLC for Persona 5.
Yes. Its a hivemind.
FGO refugee discord:
Is THAT why there's constant infighting between people who own DIFFERENT consoles and enjoy DIFFERENT games? Whoa
Almost all of them were made to jew nerds out of their money. What I'm saying is that if people didn't respond postively to them getting fucked by those games, they wouldn't have continued with that model. It's like gacha/mobilefags likes being screwed over, I'll never understand.
Are you new here or something? Go make a thread about you enjoying your Battlefield Premium Pass or your latest Call of Duty Map pack DLC. See how many positive replies you get.
I'm getting a free game with cute anime girls. How is that being screwed over?
I'd whale the fuck out for a /m/ gatcha where you collect giant robots.
Sadly there's no way the west would get anything close to that especially with the licensing hell that is old mecha properties.
Because youre not going to get them. Good luck rolling for Jeanne Alter without spending cash dollars.
Well, you're not if you're happy about never seeing those cute anime girls in an actual game. Please continue playing and encouraging the companies to make more of those shitty micro-transaction based games.
I just thought the majority cared about the gaming industry, that's all.
But I already got the grills which I wanted from tutorial rolls and the free 4* is coming. Why would I spend money on a mobile just because I didn't get the girl I wanted?
I can't tell what's a bigger waste of money, spending dimes to get stock images or paying hundreds of bucks for fucking figs that serve no purpose, shit is hilarious.
>caring about the gaming industry
this right here is my favorite meme
one guy deciding not to blow his weekly paycheck on some shitty waifu game sure is gonna save the industry from the cancer that's been infesting it for years now amirite guys?
Game industry is fine. I have enjoyed more games this year than in the last 5 or so. Get rid of that depression of yours and maybe enjoy life and games for once.
At least figures are physicals objects that you can use to decorate your place just like a piece of art. Gacha games makes you pay to /have a chance/ of getting a digital stock image. Seems way worse to me.
I have few figs. I just think they look nice. Disposable income is a thing,
Why can't 3D fat women also have thin faces like 2D ones?
Of course one single guy is not enough to make a change, but we definitely have to start somewhere. Fact of the matter is that we (and our wallet) do have the power to better things.
Yeah it's fine but it could be better. What if we had a Kancolle SRPG on console? What if we had a Granblue RPG on console? What if we had a new cool Fate Fighting game on console? Those are all questions I ask myself and I honestly get sad when I realize it'll never happen because of gacha whales feeding the mouths of companies that uses those franchises to make fast & easy money.
>piece of art
>he thinks that half naked anime figures are "like a piece of art"
They're dolls, user. You're decorating your house with overpriced nude Barbie dolls.
so naive you are my friend
this "we can change the world if we try!" attitude is silly. Voting with your wallet doesn't work when the majority of people don't care enough to do it.
>At least figures are physicals objects that you can use to decorate your place just like a piece of art.
>Disposable income is a thing,
Yeah that's what vidya is for or any other real hobby that provides you something for your money.
They're technically sculpted statues which are pieces of art. Ancient greek statues were also half naked, what's your point? And not all of them are half naked. Your bias towards anime culture is showing, please educate yourself before shitposting on the matter.
But it has proven to work countless times with games. Sure, in this care we're not the majority (Japan is) but there's still a reason why they released an NA verison of FGO.
Okay but what makes your house look nicer.
Greek sculptures or anime slut figs
How about both?
Collecting and leveling up cute girls and cool bros is fun. And the story is pretty good. F/GO is the best mobile gacha salt simulator
>something for your money
That something varies for people.
That just comes down to a matter of opinion, honestly.
Anyway, my initial point was that I'd rather spend for a physical anime figure than a digital waifu card.
>Collecting and leveling up cute girls and cool bros is fun.
if you suffer from crippling autism maybe
>Ancient greek statues were also half naked, what's your point?
Ancient Greek statues were displays of skill and stonework, showing off not only how well the crafter can manipulate the stone into a specific figure, but also how well the crafter can emulate the human body in doing so.
Your anime figures require no such skills. At best, they involve clay sculpting, and generally don't require even understanding of human anatomy. They are poor displays of skill, poor displays of art, and only expensive because they publish limited runs of such things.
The heck is a gacha game?
Alright so I got Saber and Jeanne D'Arc. Now what do I do?
basically chinese lootboxes
Needs more commas.
not that you deserve to be spoonfed
>Collecting and leveling up cute girls
Heracles, Cu Chulainn, and Saint George are the cutest.
Playing videogames to collect virtual items, and achievements is the equivalent of an autistic stamp collection anyway.
>That something varies for people.
No it doesn't.
Anime figs only serve to be just displayed. What's the point? Better off having some 10 bucks poster of your waifu than some fucking barbie doll that just gonna stand in a single place for you to look at.
>Now what do I do?
Try playing the game?
yes thank you for agreeing with me
Reroll because you didn't get Waver and Hercules.
>At best, they involve clay sculpting, and generally don't require even understanding of human anatomy.
You do realize that most of them are scales of actual anime characters, right? Some anime characters have good human anatomy and, as a result, have great scale figures.
Anyway, not going to argue anymore on that matter as that wasn't my initial point.
You're an idiot. Can you look up the skirt of a poster?