This game is bad!

>this game is bad!
>It's 2D!

Other urls found in this thread:

That's actually unironically how people treat pixel art. Even if it's good there's always a clause for "Good for pixel" slapped to it. Pisses me off.


boku no pico

boku no pico


Yup, a valid argument, get with the times dinosaur.

>this game is bad!
>there's too much RNG!

Oh the season started, thanks for the heads up. Time to watch 20 different episodes and drop 80% of them as per usual.

this had some great faces, cant wait to watch more

>the game is bad!

>this game is bad!
>It's anime!

The faces this anime will generate will improve the board dramatically.

Wait, WTF, is this a valid argument thread? What's happening?


ebat ti loh

Damn i forgot to get around to reading this. now I can't pretend to be mangafag

don't ever reply to my post ever again.
I don't even want your (You)s, I earn my (You)s and I don't want my (You) counter sullied by your fake (You)s

>Drop 80%
>Not 100%


Blame it on all the people who slapped together some lazy pixel blobs for their artistic indie masterpiece.

So all indie developers ever?

>it's another gambling anime

>This Game dosen't count
>Because it isn't an AAA Hype-Generator, Tecnology Overuser game

>this game is bad!
>It doesn't have anime tiddies

>>it's another gambling anime

You didn't like Kaiji?

>this game is good!
>it's so bad it's good!

>this game from 2002 is bad
>the graphics are shit

To be fair no one uses this argument anymore.

It was an argument and a thing when 3d first became a ting.

And people automatically associated 2d whit being inferior in every way because it was the only ting possible before the 3d era.

Nowadays many 2d games are insanely popular.

And its even a selling point in many cases.

Nigga, is that Live a Live?

>Nyaa is dead
How the FUCk does anime survive now?

does the guy become a manslave of those 2 bitches or what? cant bother watching this if that's not the case

>this game is bad!
>It's turn-based!

Didn't Nyaa revive?

>that game you play is bad
>i dont like it

>this game is bad!
>it's turn-based and not an fps

>tfw used to be that guy before having actually played any

Kill yourself cartel trash.

>this game is bad!
>because i dont like it!

>More anime is going to Netflix and similar services making the over reliance on ripping from Crunchyroll and Funimation a problem
Fansubs need a comeback

People can rip from Netflix and Amazon just fine

>Kakegurui is the first anime of the season to cross boards.


Ain't that shit dubbed? Don't want it

>this game is bad
>it hasn't aged well

>this game is good because it's my favorite game and I really hope you enjoy it as much as I did

Not an argument

>this game is bad
>the remake is better

> this game is good
> why
> it's fun

>3D 5th gen games have bad graph-


Are the sites i use, they're the only free ones i've found that offer 720/1080p

>this show sucks
>its animated and not live action


thats running on like 1 mb ram and 12 1/2 ghz cpu. We are going backwards I swevre

>this game sucks
>artificial difficulty

everyone except me is a complete and utter retard

that's a valid point btw

>This game sucks
>It's exclusive to a platform I don't own

>this game is a 10/10 perfect masterpiece
>its exclusive to a plataform that i own

To be fair, Zero Mission and AM2R are way better games than Metroid and Metroid 2 respectively.

I mean, they add so much in comparison to the original games, it's really a wonder why anyone even bothers playing the originals aside from nostalgia or something.

saw that coming

They do. Exceptions don't make the rule.


That webm has a nice aesthetic but the fact that literally every object is shaking as the camera turns ruins the entire shot, and it's only a result of having bad graphic capabilities.

What game?

>Sup Forums is not full of undera-

>people who grew up with gen 7 are old enough to post on Sup Forums

Is that shitty sprite of a cg render and those eye cancer wings supposed to convince me otherwise?

You can post the two other games that actually looked nice, doesn't change that 90% of the PS1's and 100% of the Super Nintendo's Library look like shit.

The faces are absolute shit compared to the manga faces though

>putting PS1 together with the SNES

The underage menace is real after all

This looks nice but
>Camera clips through wall of building
>in a cutscene

Games with anime aesthetics are usually shit though prove me wrong.

Those lips dont look erotic enough

My mistake, meant to say Nintendo 64 tho you do love that underage boogeyman a lot, don't you?

I've been seeing a lot of this lately with Sonic Mania and Samus Returns coming up. Since Bloodstained is sharing the edge of SM's limelight I'm also seeing a lot of "Dark Souls did Castlevania better than Castlevania ever did" although I think that's mostly just the people who constantly dickride Dark Souls seemingly never actually understanding it.

what game is this it looks awesome

>the Dark Souls of Persona games
kek, didn't realize Persona was a genre

FTL is 2d but not pixel art.

>the dark souls of fantasy/action rpg
>The dark souls of persona
Never fails to make me laugh.

If Dragon's Dogma is the Dark Souls of fantasy RPGs, what is Dark Souls?

Oh, this got an anime? Neato.

The Spelunky of social sims.

Silly goose, Soulsborne transcended into being its own genre now, just like Rogue except there are no games that are actually like Rogue these days.

Eriri a shit

Its game adaptation of "berserk" manga

That's Demon's Souls, Dark Souls was a KF4 remake before people got buttmad about Dark Race being the title.

Just wait when that gayu bitch anime airs, it will be beautiful.

but my game has a random offset for the players attackdamage why isnt it like rogue xD

>MFW people have told me that Souls games are Roguelike

A game can be ruined that way though.

Metroid and Zero Mission are like night and day.
> it's really a wonder why anyone even bothers playing the originals aside from nostalgia or something.
when's the last time you actually played them?

>Metroid and Zero Mission are like night and day.
Yeah, one's a confusing mish-mash of copy-pasted levels where you needed to own Nintendo Power to figure out where the fuck you were while Zero Mission was a game that took everything from the original game, gave it an awesome 32-bit face lift, new bosses, new areas, and all for an affordable price tag.

Next you'll be talking about how Pokemon RBY is somehow worth playing when FR/LG exists.

>tfw the 3D wobbles so much you don't even need to ask wchich platform it is
still looks good for a PSX game

>that "transparency" effect
sega saturn a shit

What are those games? Names please.

Valid point IMHO.

Who the fuck cares they were good back then if they are shit now? Do you also think prehistorical caveman art is the shit? Or that african drumming is awesome music?


>levels where you needed to own Nintendo Power to figure out where the fuck you were
oh, so I was talking to a moron.

It's not a boogeyman if it's true, kid.