Do any anons stream?
Do any anons stream?
Used to. Thinking about starting again, but I'm dealing with real life stuff right now. Honestly, I had fun doing it and was able to get a bit of traction in the indie games sphere, but I switched jobs and ended up needing more time to myself so I stopped. Now we're here about two years later and I'm considering giving it another go.
Yep. I'm streaming The Town of Light in about 10 minutes.
I'm sure they do
Have you built up a following at all? For profit or for fun?
I pretend it's for fun right now, but I'd like that money someday.
I'm planning on streaming red orchestra or hotline miami but I don't know any way to get people to watch it so I might not
I did before, got around 100~ followers in a week or two and had to stop. Maybe one day I'll go again
I sure do. Just put out a video of some raging teenagers disrupting my game. Overwatch becomes harder and harder to play.
Recently got my first subscriber and have got well over 1,000 followers in the past year of playing on Twitch. Feels good.
Rarely. Got enough followers for affiliate, but not worth it for how little I stream. I just do it for fun whenever I feel like it.
Back when I streamed I was never popular enough to get subs and I never set up donations, but people did gift me games on steam that they wanted me to play. Part of the reason I stopped streaming on top of my real life was because I didn't feel right accepting games to stream that I'd never have time to get around to.
I've thought about starting as well but the games I'd like to stream aren't all that popular
how much money have you nerds made on twitch since the affiliate program came out?
Did you ever find it difficult keeping an audience entertained? For long periods of time that is
I've thought about it but I really like to play games with my friends and outside of the Crikensphere I feel like people generally don't like it when the streamer is in Discord or whatever talking to their friends instead of paying attention to chat.
I'd like to stream Star Citizen 3.0 and fly around in a Cutlass doing goofy light roleplay but I don't think people'd watch it.
Lot's do. There are some famous ones too like aztrosist
Depended largely on the game and the amount of people watching. If it was a game with a lot of downtime like with gathering or traveling then yeah it'd be somewhat difficult, you have to force it a little. If it was a game with a lot going on then it was almost effortless. The key to doing it for me was just vocalizing what I was thinking instead of just thinking it. Finally, on most nights I averaged around 35-50 viewers and it was never too difficult to stay engaged with and entertain the chat. Anything less than that and you kinda have to talk to yourself.
All in all, I'd say most nights it was fun and easy, but there were definitely some nights where I'd be playing a slow game and have a slow chat and it was a chore to keep it interesting.
It depends on if your friends are actually funny or just spout memes and inside jokes funny. I've got a few friends who have some legitimate wit and people liked when I streamed with them. You gotta be careful though because some friends are just stream killers. Also, you gotta make sure you're all playing the same shit. Nothing is more annoying than sitting in on a stream and the dude's friends are all playing a different game and talking over him constantly.
>ITT behind the times redditors
i try to but its hard when 0 viewers or people dont chat
I streamed Liru's show to a friend of mine.
>still have streams with 0 or 1 viewers
is this normal?its like my followers arent being notified
>twitch still doesnt have transcoding for all like youtube
Only a fraction of that 430 are even online when you stream, a fraction of that are in the mood to watch a stream, and a fraction of that are interested in your stream over others.
>only games i enjoy are old as fuck
>most twitch viewers have ADD and will only watch the newest shit
>need to have shitty overlays everywhere and meme alerts when people follow
what are some games people could watch and enjoy because of the game?
I illegally stream my torrented anime to my friend who only has an Xbox. It's comfy.
I do when I want to show something to a friend, most of the time I use twitch only for recording
Yeah, sadly not much I'm playing these days so I feel lost on what to do.
I'm gonna be becoming a NEET soon. Quitting my shitty tech job and becoming a NEETdev for vidya games. Should I also stream since I'm gonna have a fuck ton of free time, or just game dev as much as fucking possible?
I tried it once, but I didnt know how to change scenes and shit so I stopped after 5 mins
I always give this advice in these threads and I'll keep doing it. The best way to start is to get 4 or 5 of your friends to watch and to also keep your own stream up and muted on a different tab. Your friends don't even have to watch, just as long as they have the stream up and are being counted as a viewer.
The problem is escaping what I call the 3 and under pit. On every game there are a handful of streamers all at 3 or fewer viewers and nobody watches them. You might hop in and see what they're doing but 99 times out of 100 you will leave before they even notice you. You've got to make sure you're right above that pit for anyone to even give you more than a couple of seconds of a shot. Sitting at around 5 or 6 viewers will insure that at least some people will catch you.
Even better is if everything is looking clean and you've got a good lay out. If someone pops by, sees that you've done no work, and the quality of the stream is terrible, they're gonna bounce. But if you're somewhat decent and you're right above the pit then people will start giving you a shot.
Unfortunately, the truth about twitch is that popularity begets popularity. Lirik is the prime example. Lirik is in no way special. He doesn't do anything that hundreds of less popular streamers do. He was in the right place in the right time and now he's so popular that people will watch him to feel like a part of a group and because he's so recognized.
95% of the reason to go to twitch is for friendship simulator.
4% of the reason to go to twitch is for autism speedruns.
1% of the reason to go to twitch is for gameplay.
People do not use twitch for the video game most of the time. If people wanted just the game, they'd youtube and find it somewhere.
>having to limit bitrate to 2000 because people with potato internet
I prefer youtube as a platform, but the money is at twitch for streaming.
I'm trying to grow my channel on youtube. I don't know if going on twitch is a better idea, or if it's better to stay on youtube to help promote my channel.
I do kind of want to stream some "boring" stuff, like doing controller mods, but I doubt people would watch that.
just stream in the IRL section and have a picture of a giant titted girl in bikini anywhere
Just stream what you're going to record anyways and then put the real shit up on Youtube. If people watch, great. If not then you're still doing your Youtube shit.
That is sorta my worry. I have really good chemistry with a couple people and we can bounce off one another and be really entertaining but it depends on people's moods and a lot of our humor is just being very observational and making fun of one another's little mannerisms. Which I don't think would just a general audience would care for since they don't know these people.
The only problem I could see would be that it'd be very obnoxious having ads pop up while you're in the middle of explaining a process or why you're doing something a certain way.
>see my viewer count go to (1)
>person says "hello"
>i respond "hey whats going on"
>person never replies
>viewer count back down to (0)
I have been doing this for fun
Anyone use facecam?
I've been thinking to. I play HC on Path of Exile and usually people from my country play SC, so could be a good advertisement I guess.
used to but i started getting the TriHard prison comments
Some people just wanna lurk and not be called out, y'know?
I did briefly some years back. Got a small circle of viewers that'd tune in every night just to shoot the shit with.
There was also this dude that'd send me pictures of his waifus and would ask me my thoughts on them. He'd also go ape shit over anyone that said anything negative about the pics he linked. It was pretty comfy times.
wtf i posted pepe
>person says hello
>just wants to lurk
then why even chat at all?
Nah. I know my dad so I never needed the validation.
>mfw remembering when i got 20 viewers a few times in a row playing fucking MW2
clips twitch tv/AgitatedHonorableTildeBatChest
Thinking of getting back into League of Legends Playing Single Player games ain't cutting for content to viewers.
It's not their internet, it's twitch. I can watch 5k bit rate streams fine at source, but if it's a random person who isn't affiliated (or even those who are sometimes) 2k bitrate will shit itself and stutter.
I'd most definitely record it, and make a better curated youtube video. I honestly think streaming something like mod work would be insanely boring, and it's a shitty platform to do it on. Something that takes 30 minutes, could be put in a 3 minute youtube video. That has better information and is way more concise.
I'd definitely stream/record. The issue just becomes whether to stream on youtube, or twitch. Youtube potentially brings users to your youtube channel, but Twitch is a fucking hotbed for the cashflow.
oops, i misread the post
I occasionally stream one specific videogame for said small but dedicated fanbase of said specific videogame.
someone put highlights of it on youtube because they apprently thought it was funny but I'd rather not link it
stream to twitch and export vids to youtube or
set up a replay buffer and just save the important bits in high quality and edit them together then upload to YT. mention the stream in the title/description
Come on user post it, what could go wrong?
>its another 0 viewer episode
>see count go to one
>check to see who it is
>its twitch staff
>panic and shut everything down
>be australian
>want to stream
>have NBN so my upload speed is good enough that I could do it at a decent quality
>have a shitty data cap
fuck my life
clips twitch tv/RenownedHelplessSeahorseBabyRage
Speedrun on a mission I guess.
Hover:Revolt of Gamers
6,500+ Youtube Subscribers.
1,100+ Twitch Followers.
I'm starting to gain momentum in the former but i just get bored and lose interest. How do you stick at it? It's a hobby not a job but if i did stick to what i'm doing i could become progessevily big but i just can't be arsed.
i always see posts like that about strayans and their internet
LoL is a tricky beast. As are the other top viewed games on twitch. If you go in with no viewers you will ALWAYS be at the bottom. There's like 30 pages of people with 0-3 viewers. You gotta either be a pro who people will gravitate towards, be a top viewed streamer's friend, or already have a good contingent of viewers before going in.
Keep a schedule. Be into what you are planning to get into.
Play what you want to play. Not what others want you to play.
Be yourself and have fun.
Streaming should be about enjoying the game yourself and having others watching you.
Yes. Started streaming recently, only done a few. Changed mics due to issues a while back and did a whole 2 hour stream where my audio was barely audible.
Good thing nobody was watching.
>when you realize either desktop or mic has been muted the whole time
>5 viewers
>unmute them
>everyone leaves
the fuck?
Yeah that makes sense.
Problem with a schedule is that is what makes it start to feel like a job. I know it's the best way to get viewers and followers to know when you're about and streaming.
I do from time to time, but I'm not going to promote here on Sup Forums. I enjoy the topics here, but the audience is mostly cancer.
>tfw I have a burner twitch account that's just random gibberish for a name
>use it to test stream settings
>use it to ensure mic quality and shit is good before going live on my main account
Everyone should do this.
They just wanted a comfy stream, not a fan whining and some autist's voice.
I would say like keep it updated regularly. Like planning ahead. Don't make it feel like a job. Its more about your relaxing/enjoyment time.
People shouldn't come home from their daily 9 to 5'ers just feeling drained and demotivated. They should enjoy their time of entertainment whatever that may be.
Who knows. Streaming might not be your schtick. You might try for other venues like artistry or music composition or literature.
Your mind is what is holding you back. Just think of the possibilities and plan ahead and put them in action.
Anyone with "Road to [number] follower" should just kill yourselves right now. You'er an embarrassment. And I'm too polite to tell you to your face, but I resent you.
First of all, if I'm already following you, and you do that shit, you're only reminding me that I'm nothing but a drop in your bottomless ego well. And secondly, if I'm not following you, then I'm insulted that you think I'm invested in your ego. As if I'm supposed to read that and think "yeah, I'll follow that guy! I'll become his stepping stone on his journey to popularity!" How fucking insulting.
I had a friend confirm the audio quality, and assumed it was good from there. I guess he was wrong.
Also, if you're new to streaming. fix your fucking levels. Goddamn, I can't tell you how many new streamers have their mic low, or the game low, or both low. Do a test stream if you have to, and listen back to it.
.twitch tv/videos/155472944
In celebration of Sonic's 26th Birthday.
Which was part 2 of Sonic playthru and full play of Knuckles.
Not sure of the quality but I am hoping that playing with no mic helped with the overall quality of watching the gameplay.
Well, I hope nobody would be unlucky enough as to have you be their follower.
And why is that? You make a cringe title like "Road to 50 followers!", and I'm the asshole? Stop ego-stroking yourself in the title, and just do whatever it is you do. If you're thing is good, then you'll get followers. The mouthbreathers who see those titles and follow are fair weather fans at best. They'll follow you and forget you.
>not using NoiseGator.exe
no idea why noobies don't run virtual audio cable and noise gator to kill out any background sounds and only click on when you are talking into it.
>not using the built in VST plugins in OBS
Yea only problem with that is my method noise gates every application you apply it to not just your shit stream, that includes discord.
using memecord
better picture got posted
It could be a number of things.
1. I might want to comment on the game later, and I don't want it to be awkward when I do. I assume you can see me lurking. So if I wait an hour for my first statement, then it might seem weird that I did that. So saying "hi" diffuses a bit of the weirdness.
2. My stream buffered when you talked, so I didn't hear what you said.
3. Someone I follow just went live with a game I like, so I had to quickly abort.
4. I realized your audio setting were fucked, and I wasn't in the mood to inform you.
Nearly every popular twitch streamer uses it for IRC and voice chat. Get with the times you autist.
I used to stream a bit of dragon's dogma or vtmb but got burnt out of both of them
never really had many people come in outside of /ddg/ F or irl friends but talking to people in chat was probably the best part of all
I used to, but I figured no one would watch cause I don't have a mic. Got up to 8-10 followers.
Then I started listening to O&A,P and comedy albums while playing but I figured that's also not a good format. So I stopped entirely
All I ever played was Dark Souls and CS:GO once every now and then.
I once setup a stream for a friend of mine when I was playing World at War zombies on Shi no numa with another friend, forgot i didn't put it on private, and for some fucking reason, I got about 30 people watching and talking. I even asked them, what the hell are you doing watching some chuckle fucks play WaW.
Not that non, but wouldn't it's popularity make it a meme?
Was ventrilo or teamspeak a meme?
I once streamed Banished for about a week. It was chill. Got like 10-15 viewers for a few days in a row which was nice when I expected 0.
I honestly couldn't dedicated to a consistent enough schedule to build up any kind of following (and that's assuming I could be entertaining enough to keep people around).
not really
I was just streaming Grow Up earlier cause I got it for free and my friends wanted me to stream since its my birthday today.
Wise words user, thankyou for this.
if it were around during this period of complete shit internet culture, then it would have been.
So neither is discord it's just a voip and irc client slapped into one.
It's pretty useful to have if you like to communicate with your friends or twitch audience.
I don't know. I don't normally use any of these applications, or really know what they're about. Except I downloaded discord, because I got into twitch, and everyone seems to be using it.
But that's why I think it's kind of a meme. Like, it's not doing anything special. It's an ok chat app. But somehow it became the biggest fucking chat thing on twitch.
And everyone is trying to get you to join it for bullshit too. There's no reason to get on anyone's discord. Unless you're just that desperate for human interaction.
Would anyone watch a stream of resident evil 2 speed runs from someone who had no clue about strats or anything but only wanted to fruitlessly attempt a record every day?
is streaming worry it? it seems fun as fuck and I want to stream smash bros, skull girls , and some old GameCube games