Which one? Is the New 3DS worth it for the few exclusives and the actual portability...

Which one? Is the New 3DS worth it for the few exclusives and the actual portability? Or is the OG 2DS worth it for being more than half off the price while still being able to play 95%+ of the same library?

If you're okay with using a baby's toy, the OG 2DS is worth it.

>baby's toy

Goddammit, this is a factor too. I can't afford to look ridiculous playing something that was hand crafted for toddlers and that can't even fit in your pocket.

I got a 2DS last year during a sale at Toys R Us for $40; best deal I've ever gotten.

if you're interested in the games and the games alone, go 2DS.

otherwise, if aesthetics, portability, features (3D gimmick, etc.) matter to you, pick a 3DS.

unless you can't afford one. then the choice is obvious.

2DS is really uncomfortable to hold for an extended period

if you're so insecure about it then you shouldn't be playing outside in the first place.

also keep panel variants (TN/IPS) and general QA in mind.

N3DS is worth it for the performance increase on certain games. You can hack both but one will just run shit better without frame drops. Also the 2DS doesn't have access to SNES games natively.

Neither, wait for the 2DS XL

I love my 2ds. You won't regret it. It's not just a baby's you I see it as pure genius budget handheld. More handhelds should be like this.

how about the N3DSXL?

If your gonna by a 2ds for the price you may as well just buy an original 3ds

it's the same thing you mong

except for the shit pixel density

99% likely that it will ship with an unhackable firmware.

Go for the new 3ds.

>Black Friday last year
>Store I went too never got $100 N3DSs
>They just sell all their 3DS systems half off
>Get N3DS XL for $100

>wait for two 2007 iPhones stapled together

but why?

What are some really good games on the 3DS that aren't on the usual "best games" lists? (This can include original DS games.)

The 3DS lovers always say good things about their console, but why?

Ignore this nigger, the 2ds is not only a clunky fisherprice toy that cant play newer games, it also has tons of quality issues, buy it if you are a manchildren who has no money, every owner of the 2ds is like that (omg a 3ds for 80 bucks i can finally play anime tits chronicles 12!) the og 3ds is better.

Wait for the N2DS XL

>the 2ds is a clunky fisherprice toy
never implied otherwise.

point is, >muh insecurity is a terrible reason not to buy a console.

>that cant play newer games
you mean the dozen? yeah, what a loss. granted, SNES.

Pls respond

>Whats are some good games that are not on the list that specifically compiles all the best games on the 3ds
That is exactly what you're asking and its stupid as fuck. Stop that

>New 3DS worth it for the few exclusives
Pshh no. Don't buy a *new* 3DS for that unless there is one particular game you want. The stable 3D and clit stick are nice I guess but that is still a hard sell if you don't care for either. The 2DS has a shitty d pad which may concern you. It also only has one speaker so no stereo sound unless you plug in headphones. To be fair, the speakers on any 3DS are ass anyway so headphones are a must. Probably a few hombrew/hack things you can do on a *new* 3DS vs a 2DS but whatever.

Make your pick.

I don't have one but the games I was planning on """"""""acquiring"""""""" were: SMT games, Mario games, Zelda games, Persona Q, Okamiden, Fire Emblem Awakening, Monster Hunter 4, Shovel Knight, Binding of Issac rebirth (New 3ds), Xenoblade Chronicles (New 3ds), Bravely Second, Etrian Odyssey IV, Prof Layton games, DK Country returns, etc.

Also a lot of ROMS for SNES and GBA emu.

I've owned both, currently enjoying my N3DSXL.

Used 3DS XL:
>+big fucking screens
>+Speakers are better than 2DS
>+Image quality/DPI marginally clearer than 2DS
>+Well designed, feels like an effective device in your hands.
>~SNES Emulation
>~3D Gimmick
>-Less battery life than 2DS in my experience
>-chargers are a pain in the ass, mine has always needed to be jiggled into position after being plugged in

New 2DS:
>+best option if you just want to play current nintendo games
>+excellent battery life if you switch the wifi off when necessary
>~I squashed my first one by accidentally kneeling on it
>~no 3D, only one speaker
>-looks ridiculous in adult hands

either way get a BIG fucking SD card

Can you emulate stuff on the newest 3DS though? Or are they unhackable?

The "Galaxy" model New 3DS that is currently the only one that I'm aware of that is still actually sold brand new in stores and it is hackable because the system version is 11.0. If you can find any new, unopened New 3DS you can easily hack it if I've read everything correctly.

Any 3DS that is 11.3 or older can be hacked by easy means with just the console, SD card, PC that can read SD cards, and the internet. Any system version over 11.3 needs another already hacked 3DS / 2DS to hack.

Thank you!