Stop critic dark souls 2

He's not the worst souls game

The bosses have less personality and characters too but for the rest the game is better !

Stop you bad faith you have shit taste in videogame douchebags i'm sorry for you

Level design is so gewd the game is better (for me) than the 1 stop bashing Dark Souls 2

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What do people like about DaS2, anyway? Or claim to like. I can see people liking the PvP more, but is there anything else?

Co-op worked better too.

This game is epic masterpiece my fav game !


being able to properly use your off-hand is a big one for me. Actual dual wielding and just everything involving weapons, shields, armor magic and movesets really. A real shame since everything else being shit overshadows it completely.

Luckily 3 took all the good stuff from 2 so you can just pretend 2 doesn't exist.

I've always felt like DaS2 fans are mostly just PC users who played it as their first souls game since they heard the port was good, and after playing it thought the souls series was some weird MMO-thing or something and find fault in the rest of the series as a result, because the game is unplayable garbage outside of PVP and co-op.

>He's not the worst souls game


Gon was such a little bitch. He barely even knew the guy and throws an autistic fit.

The problem with your idea is that pvp basically doesn't exist until NG+, so if it's their first game and only play it once they'd probably never know pvp was a thing

I'm the Op i like the The atmosphere, the music, the level design the beauty of the marine world while keeping the dungeons very dark as in the 1

The essence of the game has been respected to the letter and sublimated

And fuck the big fanboy fan of the ds1 boss like Sif or Astorias ! Dark Souls is more than fappin on boss design it's fapin on the graphics and universe dipshits !!

Pvp and serment are so gewd in 2

You need to go back Pedro

>Level design is so gewd the game is better (for me) than the 1 stop bashing Dark Souls 2

"I want to go to the supermarket. Let me open the closet to take my jacket. OMG so cool, what is this poison swamp doing in my closet!!!??"

the artistic direction in this game is fabulous !

I don't think you need to know a person to be upset over the fact that they just killed your father-figure and then used his body as a puppet

Please post in English.

>after getting rid of all that poison remember my jacket is in the attic
>go up to the attic
>lava everywhere

Of course it's a frog.

No idiot the level design is coherent it's Dark Soul fagget stop fap on the 1 you are so dumb bro !


your jpgs look worse than french people smell


level design is shit nice try

Go play League of Legend filthy casuals



>being this egotistical








Dark Souls is a near of perfect souls with beautiful graphics, story, very long quest and awesome pvp in 64 bit version

Poorfag can play in on their horrible console version and critic it's not my problem go buy a pc and shut up poorfags !

Now good night it's 5 am in France i'm tired !

I like Scholar BECAUSE it's different.

Gonna redeem this shit thread with the best Souls videos
This night's channel is p good

Well since no one else will do it, I will

>The atmosphere is good
It's completely shit. The tone of the game is inconsistent, as it fails to use it's assets to reflect it. Das1 oozed it's depressed tone from the npc dialogue to the boss fights and level design. Next the theme of the game was so vague that I spent more time confused about the world than immersed in it. The fact that DaS1 started with a clear cutscene about the decrepit state of the lands, and DaS2 began with "huehuehue ur gonna die alot cuz we made dis game hard" says it all. Lastly the level design was so goddamn ham handed that the lack of flow ruined the immersion further.

>Thanks essence is respected
The essence of the first game is absolutely not respected. The B team tried to make DaS2 hard. The point of DaS is not to be hard. The difficulty comes from the team trying to create visceral combat and accentuate climaxes like Ornstein and Smough. Difficulty was a biproduct. What happened is the b team saw the marketing campaign for the west "prepare to die" and thought that was the theme, when the difficulty is just a biproduct of a-team's goals.

I don't think anyone will fall for the third paragraph of this bait so I'm done