This Week on Yo-Kai Watch....
This Week on Yo-Kai Watch
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So is this basically shittier pokemon?
This again?
that's why pokemon tries to copy it in their new anime huh?
It's Pokemon with ghosts that speak language instead of just their names.
I actually really like the Sun and Moon anime's simpler but more expressive animation style compared to other recent seasons.
What the fuck is that Charizard using?
why does charizard have a tie
>shittier pokemon
you dont even know asshole
Someone explain who Yokai watch is supposed to appeal to
Its flying gear. For flying.
Children? What kind of question is that.
Just cause there's some sexy looking ghosts at points, that's just Japan being Japan.
yes and I hope it stays popular, maybe pokemon company will get their heads out of their asses if they think there is a real competitor to them (even if we all know its trash)
That looks lewd for some reason.
Fart humor enthusiasts
Is that octopus sucking his dick?
So, Japanese kids.
No he's fucking the octopus.
*all kids
No, it's Japanese cartoon octopus so its mouth is under its eyes instead of at the center of its arms.
But the beak, the mouth is on the underside of the octopus.
Do octopodes even have vaginas?
Pretty sure they have cloaca
The octopus IS his dick.
Well its not. Its just flying gear. It is definitely not bondage gear.
get your mind out of the gutter buddy
Why is there an arrow pointing to his crotch?
Didn't it bomb in the west because amerifat kids couldn't get into the Japanese stuff they had in it?
Game wasn't that good. It's auto attack the game with shitty RNG on collecting. Heard it is doing alright in Europe but those guys LOVE everything Level-5 does.
So that you know where to sit, duh.
Its more like a kid version of SMT than Pokemon.
Then again Pokemon took the concept of capturing creatures(demons) and making an rpg team out of them from SMT anyway
It bombed hard. Shit was too Japanese for non-Japanese kids. Everyone calling it a Pokemon clone.
Pokemon got it's huge popularity because it's world was nebulous. It wasn't a "Japanese" world so everyone could get into it.
Post the video preview then.
Yeah it didn't do well here. Just sayin I'm pretty sure all kids still like farts.
I love how their new cross-media franchise, Snack World, is even more blatant at fleecing kids of money.
See, you get these boxes at the convenience store, they're blind-packed and contain keychains which are scannable and unlock weapons and items in the games on iOS and 3DS, so it's pay2win + RNG on what you get from the boxes. Plus there's different merch assortments, like item readers in different colors and different sized carry cases for the plastic crap, but each different variation of these comes with an exclusive scannable item for the games as well, so if you want to be a completionist you gotta get them as well.
If it hits off with the kids L5 will be rolling in yens.
It bombed yet the sequel still got released. Which is a shame because I don't think they're that bad
pokemon fanboys are the worst
Don't know how well that will work outside of Japan. Japan can do weird shit like that because of how small Japan is. US is so god damn massive that you can never really do something like that well here.
What's your thoughts on consoles? Which do you think is the best?
Haven't heard about Snack World. The designs for the characters seem kinda uninspired, but the anime might be cool. So it's basically just a fantasy show/game, but everyone's names are food themed and there's tons of money fleecing?
I watched Yo-kai with my 6 year old cousin for the first time.
I saw that hot ghost girl in the intro.
I stayed till I found her name.
My cousin thought I loved the anime as well, he was dancing and talking about the episode a lot with me.
13 or 14 episodes in I found her name and fapped to her rule34.
Good times.
Children will never know this feel.
Just a matter of time he/she starts looking up porn of their favorite characters.
Maybe once they are 10 or 11.
I started fapping to dragon ball z porn at that age.
>Children will never know this feel.
Personally I think its sadder that you had the feeling of child-like wonder replaced with mindless horniness.
My country's dub makes a pretty good job with localization, mindless fun when you notice the parodies
Japanese toys companies are gods when it comes to fleecing Japanese kids of their pocket money. It does help that most of the time the toys are pretty damn high quality compared to toys from say America or something.
Apparently the game is based on Fantasy Life's design:
You make a character, go on RPG adventures, etc.
The anime actually got a promo dub to promote it overseas a while back of the first ep, it's very kinda Japanese RPG cliche comedy:
Welp, guess it's time to wait for the porn of the slutty looking princess.
>Personally I think its sadder that you had the feeling of horniness replaced with mindless child-like wonder.
Being excited by fantasy and new experiences is more fun than fapping for the 5000th time to trick your brain into thinking you reproduced for relief. Sorry.
Does anyone actually like the "heavy japanese setting" in games?
Seems like tropical island setting and medieval Europe setting always do the best at appealing to everyone.
Ah okay, so the anime is it's own story with set characters while everything about the game is customizable and more free from story shackles. Pretty much like the Yokai Watch game/anime.
The CG anime looks okay.
What's wrong with this show?
Weird thing is though that the game was obviously in Japan, but was trying to say it was in America. It was a fucking weird disconnect and not in the funny way like in Ace Attorney.
>Children will never know this feel.
Are you stupid? From a degenerate perspective this is the best time to be a kid
You can literally find porn of any fictional character easily and its all on one site. Some of it is even animated.
Do you understand how awful it was to be 12 and get turned on by Zelda and have almost no outlet for it? Now I can find hundreds of pictures of Zelda being fucked
Depend on the game Okami used it amazingly well. Persona is alright too.
Japanese humor being Japanese humor.
Is this the Japanese Totally Spies! ?
why are all the girls 8 years old?
>snack world
Where is the snack
>Shota (even have a shota grandpa that is cute)
Pretty much all the fetishes there is so yeah pretty much.
I keep seeing yakuza this and harajuku style that every now and then so some people must like it, but I have to agree that the other themes fit better universally.
Is there a brown girl in a latex catsuit?
They're not, dummy.
Oh, the card things are called snacks IIRC, they summon temp party members in the game.
The premise is based on convenience store items, so the "snack" name comes from that.
Sooo... he busted a nut?
Oh ok, i thouht there was a literal snack included since you said they are sold in convenience stores
>Being excited by sexual fantasy is more fun than tricking your brain into producing dopamine by watching another same cliche cartoon.
Naw that's the kids who decided to watch not porn show when doing a sleepover.
You cant "trick" your brain into a new experience.
I don't remember seeing any traps..
>yes and I hope it stays popular
It stopped being popular ages ago though. The fad died out quick and only starts up again when a new game comes out which obviously doesn't happen every month.
Is this series still going? Haven't heard of anything about it after the second game.
Will Level-5 ever return back to Dark Cloud instead of this?
>Yo-kai Watch
>Literally a game about Yo-kai
>Game bombs outside of Japan.
It did well enough to get a season 2 Watch, all the medal sets that come with it, all the side toys that come with it, and all three versions of the second game localized. It's not JP levels but it seems to have done alright and I think someone mentioned they still have faith in the brand for the west.
I just want Busters and 3 localized, but especially 3. I need Rudolph the Mafia Reindeer.
Fuck off tripfag.
>Yokai Watch created Anime Poses
I love this meme
I clearly says preview of next episode.
Because it references Japanese idol groups that are full of young teenage girls
Sure it did. It also created the ghost butler, clearly.
In Japan the third version of three released not too long ago iirc and in the US they said the third version of two was coming sometime soon as well.
There's a yokai with horse hooves that looks exactly like a girl but is a boy.
Is that so? Is he one of the newer ones? I haven't been keeping up with any of the 3 Yokai at all.
>Fapping to new porn
>or watching another cliche show
>not fapping to porn of another cliche show
Step up senpai
This isn't videogames.
It's an anime based on a game. It's better then people using games as a tertiary topic to talk about international politics again for the 1000th time.
Oh shit, I completely forgot about him.
Its not another cliche show to a new mind dumbass.
No. It's just as bad.
is this supposed to make me not like butts?