Assassin's Creed Unity was in fact the best assassin's creed

Assassin's Creed Unity was in fact the best assassin's creed

they all sucked

>the best assassin's creed
It's a pretty solid AC game post patches. But it's certainly not the best.

>Actually Good Tier

>Mediocre Tier

>Bad Tier

>Garbage Tier

The combat felt awkward and NPCs looked like sprites unless they were like 2 meters away from you.

Other than that it wasn't too bad.

more like
>Actually Good Tier
Black Flag

>Mediocre Tier

>Bad Tier

>Garbage Tier

AC2>AC4BF>ACBro>ACRev>AC3>AC1>The rest

this game blew my fucking mind in 2014
how could something look so good?

It was Assassins Creed back in its original element after the boat shit was introduced. Now because of IV fags ubi gave you Skull & Bones. And Origins despite the WE meme, looks like another game entirely with an AC character. Kind if like 3&4

Shit was so fucking boring.
Why they bother adding 10000 quests and collectibles if they all are the same and give no useful rewards

It also annoys me that you can explore everywhere really early in the game but you get roadblocked from your loot by the retarded lockpicking bullshit.


shittiest female in ac to date

i really loved her but she looks retarded

Best was: 1: Black Flag
2: Brotherhood
3: II
4: Revelations

Everything else is shit.

Nah. 2 + add-ons was the best

The equipment system where I could wear Knight armor and use a halberd for a weapon was really good, and Arno being so lifeless and devoid of personality that he was more a self insert made me enjoy the game more than I would have, felt like a really polished MMO in a way

But now they have gotten rid of everything for that shitty ass Darksiders 2 loot system and a poor emulation of souls combat

>Black Flag
>Everything else

Ezio Auditore, Arno Dorian and Edward Kenway had the best and most interesting personality
everyone else like Jacob from Syndicate and obviously Connor fucking Kenway were boring as fuck

Not even close, it's still AC2.
Although I did not know that some parts of the game used to be DLC. I just thought the game was this asslong by default.

>those fucking controls
>that slow as shit combat

only liked the first one, probably because i was 14

>Ezio and Arno

They're both fairly run of the mill cookie cutter characters, at least with Ezio they put some effort in with having jokes mostly at his expense and making him be serious when the game needed it and not have him spout quips like a fucking marvel movie. Conner is an autist who can only feel rage, the only good thing about him is his Tomahawk

Nah, I like Altair and Edward the most. Their hotheaded nature put them and others in danger, causing the plot to move along in ways so that the enemy doesn't succeed because the story demands it for now but because they genuinely messed up and gave a believable opening

i played black flag recently and don't get why people rate it the best
besides blackbeard, most of the pirates were forgettable, the main character was a tool with a boring backstory and sailing from island to island was a painful chore (with most places being nothing but a few rocks, tress and a collectable)
plus upgrading your home base is literally worthless in both story and reward

same except I'd move I to mediocore.