Which is worth buying more, La-mulana or Hollow Knight?

Which is worth buying more, La-mulana or Hollow Knight?

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Hollow Knight is a better game. La-Mu is a harder game, but it's unfair sometimes.

Hollow Knight. La Mulana is an exercise in frustration with puzzles that are often absurdly cryptic combined with events affecting random items in other rooms in other areas with no logical connections that you have no way of knowing about.

Hollow Knight is entertaining, beautiful to look at and balanced. The exploration feels amazing.

nu-Sup Forums

>I don't have an argument, better just call them nu-Sup Forums, that means I win

Hollow Knight if you like the classic Metroidvania ideal.
La Mulana if you want difficult puzzles and clunky controls.
They're both good in their own way tho.

I had more fun with Pharaoh rebirth.


They are completely different games in scope and gameplay style. La Mulana is a puzzle game more than an action one. The remake has some great boss fights, but combat is never ever a focus. Despite it being more of a puzzle/exploration game, it also is way, way quicker paced than Hollow Knight. La Mulana has the original version, which is freeware. It's damn good as well, and possibly a good test to see if you'll like the updated one.

Hollow Knight is a slow game that shares a lot with Momodora except the gameplay is inferior and it has a few QoL issues. It has a neat aesthetic, but it's pretty damn slow paced and actually discourages things like sequence breaking.

OP, my advice is get Environmental Station Alpha.

I wasn't super crazy about the controls for LaMulana, it made the game pretty frustrating if I'm being honest. I've been enjoying Hollow Knight greatly, plus I love the exploration and artistic direction. My only complain would be the map.

>OP, my advice is get Environmental Station Alpha.

>Hollow Knight discourages sequence breaking
Are you retarded?

You're too casual to play that game loser, don't even bother you suck, you're a mediocre piece of shit. Go play easy baby games that don't give you a challenge and make you learn.

I bought La Mulana for $.99 and it's pretty neat.

It's basically impossible without some sort of help, though. I played it like 40 hours and never beat it.... Do yourself a favor and write down all the text because you're going to need it. Good luck.

It's a damn good game without pacing issues until you get deep into post-game content. It rewards exploration and even attempts at sequence-breaking. It has a lengthy post-game content heavily inspired by La Mulana, and the main game definitely feels inspired by Metroid without it trying to be too similar like Axiom Verge. It also has great music.

Is La Mulana 2 ever coming out or not?
LM is one of the few Metroidvanias that hooked me from start to finish.

Are you? It gateways certain parts of the game pretty hard by your upgrades. For example, you can skip needing anything at the start to get to a boss early without the dash. Except the boss basically requires the dash to beat and you get zero reward for getting to him early. There are plenty of spots in the game like this. It isn't necessarily a bad thing. The game has structure and it wants you to abide by it, more or less. My biggest gripes about the game involve how fucking SLOW it is and how basic things like the compass are tied into badge points. Yes, you don't need the compass, but it certainly is nice, isn't it?

>It's a damn good game without pacing issues until you get deep into post-game content. It rewards exploration and even attempts at sequence-breaking.
That's absolute bullshit. Upgrade after upgrade is nothing more than "you can now break x coloured blocks" and if you then go exploring you'll find that behind most of those blocks is nothing but another block that you can't break yet. It's linear as fuck, especially compared to Hollow Knight, which actually does reward exploration and allow you to do a lot of sequence breaking.

La-mulana 2 is going to come out and there was a kickstarter update two days ago about how beastiary logs will be "chips" that are dropped from enemies and found in secret places for boss-enemies and when you get a new one you'll get a minor notification similar to a Xelpud email.

The game looks better than the original so far imo

I don't believe that anyone on Sup Forums beat La Mulana without a guide.

But when you really think about it are the puzzles that complicated?

Hollow Knight was more fun for me. La Mulana is basically is pretty much trial and error:the game, but I think it's still definitely worth checking out.

You can get around several areas by using the grapple wisely. The game straight up has some really well-hidden secrets as well. Hollow Knight on the other hand has what, one sequence break of any real interest that doesn't involve massive out of bounds glitches.

>Upgrade after upgrade is nothing more than "you can now break x coloured blocks"

You mean all 2 of them that do that, that also provide other benefits?

I suppose there's also the keycard, but that's the weakest item/upgrade in the game anyways

i have not played hollow knight, and i would recommend it over La Mulana
La Mulana is amazing, but the experience is far from enjoyable for casual gameplay

Original La-Mulana > Remake

I love both La Mulana and Hollow Knight. Though I feel guilty for having used a guide through a good portion of it. But can you blame me? Half the damn puzzles were so cryptic. Of course, I don't consider that a detriment. It just required alot more thinking that I thought.

>I would recommend casual game over not-casual game

this is why videogames are dead

>You mean all 2 of them that do that, that also provide other benefits?
I don't remember them doing anything else either.

The big problem with the puzzles was them throwing the instructions on how to solve it half way across the map.

To learn the dance of life, you needed to read it in the twin labyrinths, but perform it in the Chamber of Birth.

you need to accept some people don't want to invest/waste that many hours to finish a game
btw, I don't support using a guide

Well the charge shot does more damage and has a slightly longer range, as well as being necessary to damage certain enemies/bosses(?), and the horizontal/vertical dashes give greater mobility.

Go look up a list of upgrades in the game. There are definitely some more passive upgrades like the keycard/heat suit, but how the game approaches the grapple and dashes is amazing. There are also no upgrades that simply deal with the blocks, you are mis-remembering. It's also a weird thing to complain about when Hollow Knight has a very slow, basic upgrade system.

I do accept that.

It's just that I come to Sup Forums because I don't want to be around those types of people, I want to be around people who actually want to invest that many hours to finish a game.

Why? Because I like talking to people with a refined taste, and I like hearing their expert opinions.

That's why I came to Sup Forums in the past.

That's why I got to play so many god-tier games no other website would even talk about.

I came to Sup Forums because I wanted something that was different from reddit, neogaf, something awful, or any typical forum. You came to Sup Forums and wanted more of the same.

Fuck you.

>Sup Forums
>expert opinions
This is such a popular board that the general consensus is incredibly casual and shit. There are plenty of trainwreck games that are popular because marketing or whatever that Sup Forums eats up despite loving to hate them. Sup Forums and fighting games is the perfect fucking example. Hell, look at the SGDQ threads and what the content of them are. I admit that some people here do have skill, but if you're blindly asking for help, how do you accurately discern who is right and who is wrong?

Take this thread. Most of the people are saying Hollow Knight. Does that mean you should ignore it because it could just be flavor of the month, or does that mean the game is good?

he is asking about buying Hollow Knight (the last easy metroidvania meme game) and La-Mulana (the vicious god tier mind fuck game)
it clearly shows what the guy wants as an answer, my lad

>hi, i want to play some multiplayer game, and i don't have any friends; should i play DOTA or q3a?
what would you answer?

they are both great games. I think la mulana is ultimatly the better game but it's ALOT harder. la mulana also has more content.

la mulana isn't for everyone though. hollow knight is. you wont go wrong with hollow knight

Q3A because it's the better game..?

I know, I'm just reminiscing about the 2009-2012 years when Sup Forums was getting out of its lolsorandumb phase and into a Sup Forums 2.0 w/ videogames. Sure there was all sorts of shitposting but atleast people didn't talk about casual shit 24/7 like they do today. Sup Forums getting even more popular was a huge mistake.

You should honestly invest in getting a job more than spending time here.

La Mulana. Hollow knight will be forgotten by Sup Forums in a month or so.

Hollow Knight is basically style over substance and yes I have completed both.

Sup Forums was pretty casual then, too. At least there was less spamming of the same shit pre-dubs/green lex luthor/etc.

>Q3A because it's the better game..?
DOTA because he wants to find bros to play
q3a is a better game, but he is going to get raped 2 minutes in

old Sup Forums introduced me to most of pic related

nu-Sup Forums rarely talks about any of them

nu/v/ (whatever that is) likes to talk about happenings and bad games

To be totally fair, a lot of those games were new then or are now part of /vr/.

I love La-Mulana. I also hate La-Mulana. It's a terrible, wonderful game. There are 2 ways to beat it: either you take PHYSICAL NOTES like a motherfucker and grind away at ridonkulous puzzles for 30+ hours, or you use a guide (like I did because I'm a huge faggot) and enjoy a fun, challenging platforming adventure that you can clean up in 10-20 hours. If you feel that either of those methods would be enjoyable, then go for LM.

If that's not your mindset, the Hollow Knight is my recommendation. It's made to be played and beaten like a normal fucking video game.

i really love La Mulana and it's graphics and amazing music tracks and great bosses and mythology they pulled from all over the world.

Hollow Knight always looked meh to me by comparison with grey samey graphics and does it even have a music? And combat and movement look like the same creatively impotent "me-too" steam platformer.

La mulana if you wanna work
Hollow knight if you want to have fun

>star fox 2
really nigger?

Do you like puzzle games or actual metroidvania?
LM is a good puzzle game with awful combat.
HK is a good metroidvania with a very balanced and fun combat/customization system.

I just don't have the patience for La-Mulana. Hollow Knight is way more accessible. If you have the willingness to learn before you play, La-Mulana would be the way to go, but you're going to spend a lot of time lost. It's definitely got a more """hardcore""" fanbase too.

>Live a Live
I see that you are a gentleman and a scholar

La Mulana is pretty good. The exploration is fun and when you solve a puzzle without looking up a guide it's very satisfying. I had to break down a few times and look at a guide to atleast get me started on a few things.

La Mulana suffers from I would say bad boss fights and some of the puzzles are TOO cryptic. It's easy to wander around and never find something, only to read a guide and learn you had to break some wall, then jump into an invisible wall behind that, and navigate some weird path behind that. Then for the boss fights, I would say the hitboxes from the bosses are a big problem, especially collision boxes.

shit gaem

I legit had a shitton of fun with that anubis and the buried bone game surely gonna play it if thw full version comes out but couldnt share the same love for la-mulana

How the fuck you didn't play La Mulana until now?

>hate using guides because they take me out of the game
>hate riddles
I will never enjoy La Mulana will I

Cant play every videogame ever made you faggot and dont act like la-mulana is on anyones must-play list

i would upvote you if i could dear sir