If BB is so great then why did it sell like crap and didn't get a single valuable award?
If BB is so great then why did it sell like crap and didn't get a single valuable award?
I liked the game a lot. So I don't really care. I got my moneys worth.
Same here. I'm going to try a DEX build.
If BB is so great then why is there no Bloodborne 2???
There could be in the near future. But Miyazaki said he wanted to try new stuff with the souls like formula, so he may not just to keep it "fresh". Either way I'd be perfectly fine waiting another year or two for a sequel then have them rush out an unfinished one.
Bloodborne is one of the best selling Souls games and along with DaS highest rated. Are you retarded?
>one of
Are you?
>my opinions are formed & affirmed by (((awards)))
>being among highest selling games in series means game sold like shit for some reason
>ranking from all sites in Internet is meme for some reason
No, I'm not. You are definitely retarded though
Because it's PS4 exclusive. Dark Souls got popular and still lives only thanks to it's vast PC community and huge amount of content creators who even to this day dig game files to find even the smallest piece of new information about the game/lore (even if it's not canon).
Console casuls on the other hand won't really care about this game. It's doomed to be dead soon.
>why did it sell like crap
Console exclusive, although it should be said that for a console exclusive it did reasonably well.
It was a good game. fucking shit shit shit fuck fucking shit in
Most PS4 owners are normalfags who bought it for the multiplats.
I liked it but it's my least favourite souls game, I preferred Das2 even
Reviews are literally only paid by Sony to have a strong "launch" exclusive for PS4 and to force people to buy it.
The exact same thing Nintendo dit with BotW and Switch however they don't have to pay because reviewers are retarded enough to suck their dick for free.
>why did it sell like crap
>didn't get a single valuable award
Cmon user,you know neither are a sign of a game quality in the current industry
I still haven't played BB btw
>Reviews are literally only paid by Sony to have a strong "launch" exclusive for PS4 and to force people to buy it.
You have to post source on that hot news user. Also if reviews are paid why do you use awards arguments? They can be payed too, isn't it?
>Dark Souls got popular and still lives only thanks to it's vast PC community
1) It sold 2 million before the DLC, Bundles or Price drops. Currently we do not know how much it sold. the 2 million figure is from 2015
2) In what world is selling 2 million copies bad? Unless you are a giant publisher with 3 different studios working on an expensive IP like CoD or Assassin'sCreed, then selling more than a million is amazing.
3) Define "valuable award". Bloodborne did get a lot of awards, but your fucked up mind seems to think like the VGA's are the only ones that count for some reason. I thought the VGA's where a joke? But suddenly when Witcher3 gets GOTY form them instead of BCloodborne they are taken seriously? I don't get it OP. I mean I do.. you are a fag as per usual.
The same reason why BotW sold like crap and will get barely any awards when December hits.
>People have and will continue to take the bait
Because, and this might surprise you because you and the mouthbreathing horde are retarded like that, Souls games are actually garbage.
Also, believe it or not but the souls games are considered hard by the general populace. While they may have been considered decently challenging if not simply average with difficulty spikes back in the day, the current "players" of videogames tend to be limpwristed soccer moms and chads, games often not scoring even the fifth place as far as their hobbies go. When confronted with something like the souls games, the few who arent turned off by the general idea of them being hard will get the game only to discover it really was too hard for them, the clowns proceeding to return the game. Then someone gets the used game for half the price
Personally, ive bought this game twice. Once the original, second time since I wanted a physical version with the expansion packed in