
Wow that's surprising seeing it being 40. Owl boy was expensive too, so glad pirating is a thing.

>being this poor

40 bucks? Dude you'd be better off replaying Wizadry or something

precisely because it's niche outdated style of game poorfag
just wait a few months until it's half the price

> a game that looks like it was made in 1990

it was

It's actually coming out?


It's 40 dollars, because you're paying 1 dollar for every different character attribute you have to manage.

That's 6 cents/hour of gameplay.
This is massive incline.

>I found my own product to be more satisfying than any of the Wizardry games and even better than the original Eye of the Beholder series
The arrogance of this cunt makes me want to seed

Watch the indiegogo pitch video and you'll see what he's about
The game is good though and similar to wizardry 7


Nostalgia fags will pay for it, rose tinted wearing spergs are the most exploitable group of the whole gaming industry.


But Wizardry 7 isn't a good game, especially in comparison to masterpieces like Wizardry 6 and 8.

>How do crazy indie developers get away with this shit?
Cleve is literally crazy, that's how.

This is bridge too far even for the hipsters.
No just no.


Ouch. Not completely unexpected, based on the way Cleve was talking about the game I considered even $45 likely, but I can't imagine this being a good decision. 20 years or not, I was going to go for it on day one only if it was $25 or less.

I bought dominions 3 for $60

I'll buy it.

Stay mad, OP.

It's Grimoire, you're paying for a legend.

It literally was made in 1990

For that money, the game better be at least 100 hours long.

It's 600 hours long


But it is a good game mate

This is worse than weebshit.

I love Cleve, that absolute madman.

If this had anime art-style no one would give a shit about the price

Wizardry is just bullshit though

Good call

I'd only buy it if it was cool like Etrian Odyssey

Is not. It's one of the few series that is actually balanced around grinding.

Not him, but pretty sure Wizardry 4 is bullshit

wizardry is supposed to be bullshit though

>Wizardry 4
Even the box says it's a master level scenario. It was designed for the community who said the first 3 games were too easy. Also, that game actually removes grinding, you get your levels at 9 plot points and that's it.

Even at 40 buckaroos it's a day 25 purchase for me.
I mean, I have to make sure it's a full game.

all of this assumes that it will actually be released

>tfw 10 DES


Why so many? What do they even mean/do?

I'll wait for reviews to come out before I even consider buying it.


No idea. I'd assume that DEV = devotion, good for clerics. FEL = fellatio, good for roleplaying as a whore. MET = mettle, no idea what that does. maybe good for fighters. DES = destiny, probably works like Luck in other games

all generic filler stats that give you an illusion of choice
these kinds of "old school" rpgs are nothing more than the videogame equivalent of an all-you-can-eat buffet
instead of playing an actual quality game, instead you gorge yourself on a bloated low quality experience that pales in comparison to something made with actual love and care, purely to stroke your ego at how much of an awful experience you can endure and subject yourself to

>t. JRPG fanboy

Jrpg shitter detected

Do your fucking turns.

How so

it's a game made for a small pool of 40-60 year olds who have stable jobs and can easily afford the price

as did I. the game has content updates years after its release. the devs earned the trust of its fanbase.

>It was designed for the community who said the first 3 games were too easy.
I'm pretty sure it was a "fuck you" to that same community.

It was 60$ only because devs left all the marketing stuff to their previous shitty publisher. When their contract ended and them made Dom4, you could literally buy it for 10 bucks on a regular sale.


Jesus, I thought it will be priced unrealistically high, but my guess was 20$ at max

Poor People Problems: The Thread

>graphics make a game good
Kill yourselves.



Heads up that most of the negative comments in this thread are coming from SJWs at RPGCodex, who have a massive hate boner for the dev

eh, what? I just think charging $40 + tax + tip for some 12kb oldschool shovelware is ridiculous

>at RPGCodex

Does not compute. If this is an attempt at false flag, take this back to the drawing board.