Realising that Toby Fox had created Undertale by the time he was 24, It fills you with

Realising that Toby Fox had created Undertale by the time he was 24, It fills you with...

No wonder it was so trash

Looks weird
probably a jew

reminder that no matter how many undertales he makes he still looks like a cuck

>the only thing you want to really accomplish in life is to make a game
>a game
>something that people will use for a few hours of escapism and never think about again

Try to strive harder, anyone that is jealous of this guy

Exactly, Undertale wasn't the most amazing thing ever either, even its aspect ratio is weird

John Keats DIED at twenty-five.

Who gives a shit about Fox?

What is higher? He made (and still is) making a killing out of something he enjoyed.
That is pretty damn good

I still have a few days left, help me Sup Forums whats your million dollar idea

undertale is utter shit, a game maker mashup of like 5 different games.

>and never think about again
Yeah that's totally how it went down.

Welp, time to get paid for shitposting on Sup Forums

Somebody mail Todd Howard

semitic face

Like how an actor does something that people use for a few hours of escapism and never think about again?

This, I enjoyed Fallout: New Vegas more than Undertale and that's saying something

>its an FPS
>but to create ammo/reload you need to type words
>each bullet is a word and when it hits another person they will hear that word

undertale is meme game for retared tweens

You sound pathetic and have no goals in life, at least he did something and it paid off highly in his favor even if he didn't mean for it too.

Typing of the Dead?

it explains why its such reddit trash
underage liberals really flock there

Typing of the dead is a thing


undertale is utter garbage


Reddit hates it.

Not quite. You type your own words to shoot at other players.I'm sorry I wasn't that clear

*teleports through time*

heh, Take back what you said about Undertale... or else ur gonna have a bad time

I look at it differently. A successful game could provide financial independence in a short time. You could potentially become a millionaire within a week of launching your game.

the only thing I'd be jealous about is the music. he didn't program a single line for the game and the sprite art isn't exactly jaw dropping

still a lot more than I will ever do with my life though

Whats he done since then? Legit curious.

You sound like someone who's so eager to mock and attempt to create suffering and blame in others that you don't notice he's peacefully standing his ground against a deliberate attack on the average character


Probably an hero before I reach that age.

Chilling in Hawaii with millions in the bank

I want to see what an elephant looks like in this world.

>See this man in public
What do?

the desire to make a game, too, and make it better than he ever could


you need to learn that the great ideas of mankind were first acted out in action, later in images

videogames aren't any different from that, you can say a lot with very little in a medium that combines some of the most profound mediums there are into a single entity

Reminder that most people can look decent+ if they have a good hair cut, shave and exercise.

Didn't some turbo-autist furfag basically fund the KS single-handedly desperate to get his shitty fetish OC in the game?

Don't give a shit about Undertale, but i'll tip my hat to the dude, he hit a sweet spot of autism at the right time and raked in the bucks FNAF style.

Various Undertale-related Jeweries. Managing translations, porting to playstation and vita, selling merch.


i still feel empty.

if you watch sports its not uncommon for 18 year olds to make millions of dollars and win championships and sponsorships before they even turn 20.

Rapid fire just type "fag"

Yeah but the kickstarter wasn't very successful. It was the release which was wildly successful.

And tbf Ava's Demon writer got her OC in there too.


this 100%
believe in yourself anons you can do much better

Determination!! xD
(undetale refference)

the writing and characterisation is amazing though, and thats his. like papyrus, sans etc (the list could go on)

>people shutting on him
I've never played the game. I doubt I ever will. But I'm assuming he's a ducking multi millionaire at 24 and will do whatever he wants for the rest of his life.

>not enjoying fallout new vegas

literally worship him

Toby Fox is much more of a genius than Keats. What he did was SO MUCH harder and more impressive

>yfw he's now gonna get even more money from sonybros

The true pacifist ending ruins everything unfortunately

>Monet is shit, all it is is a mash up of paints
>architecture is shit, its just a mash up of stones

There is more than a few generations walking this earth right now whose lives are forever changed by the games they have played as children.

I'd say thats a lot better than working 14 hours a day for your corporate master then going home and being bitter on a chinese basket weaving forum

It fills me with really make me thinks.



Ahahaha says the virgin who probably works at McDonalds.

Well when you put it that way it sounds lame, but so does pretty much any other job would too. If you can enjoy what you do and get payed for it I'd say that's pretty good

Toby Fox is legitimately talented though (as a composer). FNAF is total garbage.

disgust and contempt

>that bear

The desire to make my own games honestly.
I actually really liked Undertale despite it's shortcomings and that's reassuring.

To be honest, I have absolutely no desire to play Undertale or FNAF. Not simply because of fanbases or what Sup Forums tells me of them, but it's because I'm legit jealous.

I'm hitting a weird point in my life where I'm not able to sit and waste my time (essentially what video games are) playing someone else's work. I don't mean to say I want to make my own video game because fuck video games, but there's this mental block in my head. I hate the fact that these games were made by literally one person and that they've made millions. And that I'm sitting here wasting time playing other people's creations when I want to create something of my own.

It really fucking bothers me.

>I'm hitting a weird point in my life where I'm not able to sit and waste my time (essentially what video games are)
Stop buying into mainstream societies bullshit. You're doing this to yourself.



No, not to sound like a tired gamer but when you hit age 32 when you've done nothing with your life since you were 18, it really makes you think differently. Probably some biological clock shit where your brain/body is telling you "get a wife, go make kids, have a house, picket fences" even though I don't want any of that. I wish I could sit on my ass all day and play video games, but something in my brain is telling me that I need to make or do something other than suck on the tits of someone else's work.

>whoa, hey guys, welcome to EB games

he has the DIGNITY of not pandering to furs
his parents are PROUD

>Turned 24 last week
>Depressed, suicidal NEET alcoholic
>Tried to kill myself two months ago
>Had to move into aunt's house since my roommates fucked me over and left after not paying rent for a few months

So what's a good way to learn how to make a game

I'm 25, been here for 12 years and I feel like I really need to do something that I can be proud of at this point. What sucks though is that I've spent all my time on this site and playing videogames since age 13 that I have absolutely no fucking creative skills. Can't draw, can't compose and can't program.
I'd start now, but it sucks being shitty for 2-5 years before you git gud and are able to make something half decent.

Learn Unity, a simple, yet powerful engine.
Start doing "babbys first gaem" projects like breakout and work your way up.

Gain a little programming experience and try experimenting in something like Unity.
The most important when you learn to program is to play with it and have fun, or else you'll feel like you're learning nothing important or useful.

I was thinking he looked familiar and it just dawned on me he looks like a young Anthony Birch

>Turned 23 last month
>Speak English, Japanese, German, Dutch and Spanish
>Have a bachelors degree in both Electrical Engineering and Electronics Engineering
>Have girlfriend of 4 years
>Loving supporting family
>I'm also the saddest piece of shit alive that wants to kill himself every day

I'm 100% sure depression is just genetics and you were born unhappy or happy. Seen tons of people on welfare 100% happy as shit. And tons of people like me "successful" while also addicted to drugs and holding a gun to the temple at least once a month just contemplating eternal solace.

Only way from there is up, user. Keep pushing through it, you'll get there. I don't know why 20 year olds act like everything is falling apart around them. Most people don't hit their stride until they're mid 30s. Just be sure to stock away a little bit in retirement funds and personal savings/money market accounts, user. Even 2 or 3% of your paycheck now when you're young goes a long way when interest on your earnings is involved. Find a nice cheap hobby, eat healthy, and have fun, man. You'll get there, I promise.

>It will never get better because genetic lottery said "fuck you" and dictated you will feel like an emtional husk and want to die everyday no matter how much you achieve

Welp, time to try and kill myself again

it's the fucking school system telling everyone that the key to ultimate happiness is to go to college for 4+ years and then work some awful job that you hate because it costs too much money to learn something else

Oh sure, the average consumer idiot might just play it to play it, but to influence artists and writers or even next game devs is really the most satisfying part of making a game because you get to see other people make content for it, to build on the world you made or even be inspired to make their own using yours as inspiration.

But sure, anything that isn't a doctor or an engineer is a worthless goal. I don't think video games are for you, stick to Skyrim.

>perfect life
>still sad

lol kill yourself

>>something that people will use for a few hours of escapism and never think about again

Undertale sold 2.5 million lad, he's rich now

Game is filled with kike mythology, so you're right

I can't really hate a man who's Ranfag. Godspeed Toby.

Indifference. Just a case of right place, right time. Lots of indie developers make lots of games, and they go nowhere. He happened to be lucky, and his game caught on. Every now and then, it happens. Good for him I guess, but I barely give a shit.

Incredulity how this freeware tier trash not only sold anything, but sold as well as it did

t. fatty


I hate myself every day for not learning a skill by now. It feels horrible to be 25 and not being capable of anything good. The worst is that there is no quick way to improve. Getting good at anything takes years. And by then I will already be 30 and still no job experience. Getting old sucks. Wish life was like a video game where you only level up if you also get more experience.


Guess you'll just have to kill yourself.

Hey you, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down.

It's possible, but you don't learn in the same way you do when you're younger.

You could be pretty good at art or an instrument about 3 years from now, but you'd have to work/study your ass off. I'm talking like 12-hour days. This is only doable if you're NEET though.

imagine being so uncreative that you have to steal game mechanics from other games in order to fuse them into one "original" and "unique" idea

the lol really sells it

Yeah you learn even better at an older age.