Where do you think the next Fallout will be set?

Where do you think the next Fallout will be set?

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in ur mum's cunt

The next Fallout probably won't be made by Obsidian, so who the fuck cares? Especially after the shitfest that was Fallout 4.

The garbage

Imagine of they did Michigan, Sup Forums would be extremely pissed but I would like jt


post the other pic

new york please. i want to see total distruction of the city

or chicago with an underwater vault or two

what other pic?

I want New Orleans, Chicago, or New York

what said.
new vegas could've set up a game set in antarctica and it wouldn't make a goddamn difference.

japan with robo waifus


Fuck I wish, why the hell are all the Gen 1&2 synths male?

that one
seeing these two pics makes me want to see a new game where the Sorrows and the Dead Horses united under Joshua Graham into a religious state with tribals and the Great Khans becoming a post-apocalyptic Mongol horde filled with junkies. After both factions become strong they face each other and you basically choose if you want to join a side, make both sides stay on peaceful terms or destroy both. However it would be more fun if you add another faction in the mix like the midwestern BoS


So many people want to see the Midwest again

Does Sup Forums just love the Midwest Brotherhood that much?

Midwestern brotherhood of steel

Chicago is one of the biggest cities in America. Who wouldn't want to see it post apocalyptic?

I personally would want Denver. Just for the Doggos

Because it's supposed to be one of the biggest factions in the wasteland and their premise is interesting but we still don't know if they're canon or not.

>shithesda will slowly keep making bad FO games with good locations until there are no more good places left

New Vegas was the perfect way to end the franchise. So many threads from original games, so many satisfying endings, and they won't have to make one canon. I'm completely satisfied with it.

>Does Sup Forums just love the Midwest Brotherhood that much?

This is my idea: St. Louis, Missouri. Missouri was the starting point for the Oregon Trail.

>Pioneer atmosphere, most people wear buckskin clothing instead of 200 year old jeans.
>There is a migration going on, with people passing through St. Louis to go West
>There is a promised land there that you go to in a DLC
>Missouri had sectarian violence around the American Civil War
>St. Louis is set for a civil war between the more hardline Eastern BoS and the tolerant Midwestern BoS who recruit ghouls
>St. Louis is the home of Montsanto, so there would be a genetic engineering story line

>Chicago is one of the biggest cities in America. Who wouldn't want to see it post apocalyptic?

It's already post-apocalyptic right now.

Just South Side

Denver is fucking boring, it's DLC worthy for Chicago game.

Like the Pitt but name it some boring shit like town of hounds or idk

The best way to handle continuity after New Vegas is to leave the conclusion of the game vague but give mentions about things that happened in the game. That way the player can guess on his own who won in the end.


Fuck the U.S., I'm sick of desert wastelands.

Get out Canuckold


When does this come out? I'm tired of fucking waiting...

>yfw Canada is the sole winner of the Great war because it got nuked to hell

Honest Hearts was garbage, why the fuck would anyone want a game centered around a bunch of spear chuckers.

What do you think the Legion are?

they'd probably find new kinds of equipment to wear so they could look more civilised. Even the Legionnaries at first weren't dressed as handegg players.

synthetic boypussy.

cool cant wait to meet all the post war heroin addicts and hipsters

Portland is a boring awful place where it rains most days and when it doesn't it's still cloudy as fuck.

It deserves to be nuked into oblivion.

>St. Louis, Missouri

It would just be a bunch of inbred hicks trying to establish a feudal theological government to force Christian fundamentalism on everybody else.

FarCry already has that covered

It would be interesting to have a Fallout game about the NCR buttfucking the east coast 'civilizations' into the ground.

Places like Wyoming and Ronto are better as off screen allusions for worldbuilding than if you actually went there.

I'd have also said that about the Commonwealth in Fallout 3 if I knew how much of a shitshow 4 would turn out being.

Fallout 5:

>Mutaded Leaf People
>They have Dyed Hair and scream to male characters
>Ghouls Speak Chinese
>All Canadians Vaults was filled with Refugees from Middle East and Somalia.

Final boss is Justin Trudeu wearing socks with Vault-Boy.

Reno Nevada would be cool

Justin Trudeau would be a ghoul living in some in nowhere claiming that that Canada won the war.

no, not detroit

>"Smoothskin, when you nuke your enemies... they win."

>[Speech 40] But why?

>"Because it's 2294"

What game is the New Vegas of the Fallout franchise?

Fallout 3.

FO3 is FOBOS of the franchise.

fuck you at this point fallout is just a checklist

[ ]bottlecaps
[ ]vaults
[ ]raiders
[ ]green raiders
[ ]BoS
[ ]the evil BoS
[ ]dogmeat

it doesn't fucking matter where you put it they'll just slap on the same formula and call it a day

haven't you guys learned that Fallout 2, despite playing in the same part of the country was the most interesting for simply advancing the lore a few generations forward?

that's what I want, advance the universe by a couple dozen years. if you really want to change the setting do it radical like annexed Canada or maybe even a colony in China or some shit

Florida for those sweet, murderous, radioactive alligators

they're definitely canon, they're referenced in 3 and 4 and the brotherhood in those games are supposed to be an offshoot of them

or more like the existence of the eastern BoS is directly a result of the midwestern BoS

>Not picking New Orleans, the most unique city in Americca

no one under 18 allowed

I want it to be in Detroit. And how the population coped better with the apocalypse due to the city already being in ruin before the war started.

They could use the car factories as a great setting with something like a cult of the wheels.

I know it won't be obsidian so I won't play it anyway.

>YWN play a game where you start out as a second generation BOS member
>There will never be a game that rewards you for intolerance and hatred in the face of primitive culture that you must stomp out utterly before you integrate and indoctrinate its former adherents with superior firepower

Rate favorite radio song, for me nothing beats wandering across the Nevada desert on a long empty stretch of highway in the dead of night with this playing


>tfw no Fallout where the Legion and the mid-western BoS fight against each other, showing the conflict between the flesh and steel

i bet nobody nuked ohio, nobody told ohio about the nukes and nobody in ohio ever though to find out what happened to everyone else

I can actually see it kind of working.

>Jazz cult faction that run into battle with saxophone inspired gear and pray to some old time Jazz artists from the 50s

>The irradiated waters combined with FEV made a race of very intelligent sentient alligators which will be a faction that is hiding in the sewers and some places underwater

>At the end of the game you can choose to side with the alligators and bomb the dykes flooding New Orleans and turning it into a habitat the Lizard-men can live in.

>The alligators have a hidden terminal with a journal describing how the local fault had a test where they spliced alligator DNA with the humans living in the fault that got slowly flooded over time

wasn't fev a very limited thing? I don't know hoe Bethesda explained super mutens on the East coast

Bottlecaps are such retarded currency from the getgo.

But it's even more retarded that the protagonist of FO4 instinctivelly knows that they're currency, despite no one telling him anything about how the world works.

He just knows.



They had their own special strain of FEV stored in that one super irradiated vault the GECK was in

It made sense in 1 where everything was still absolute shit

Blame Bethesda for not letting the setting advance beyond it despite 2 using minted currency

Siding with the legion shows that power armor and fancy energy doesn't mean shit when you're out numbered which is why they lost helios for a second time to people with machetes

Except that they're as big as the Legion and are far more willing to accept non-humans in their troops like ghouls, super mutants and even deathclaws. They would provide an actual challenge for the Legion unlike the NCR.

The NCR is a significant challenge to the Legion.
Mid-Western BoS is an overpowered Mary Sue of a faction.

>there will never be a fallout set in Hawaii

That shit would be gnarly and you guys know it

Hawaii probably got btfo by tsunamis and volcanoes going off.

Didn't the Mediterranean sea dry up or something or am I thinking of 40k?

>The NCR is a significant challenge to the Legion.
Not really, they go their shit pushed hard at the first battle of Hoover Dam until Joshua fucked up by taking the bait. After the battle the NCR is overextended, while also facing other problems like the Fiends. Meanwhile the Legion is still strong and is concentrated in the south-east of the Mojave while sending the occasional raids west. If we assume that the Courier stayed dead, at the second battle of Hoover Dam the Legion would steamroll the NCR and then lay siege to Vegas where House is located, but even then the Legion will break through after the Omertas betray House. So basically it will be a Legion victory.

Nowhere, hopefully. Let the big name die instead of keep profitting at the bare minimum effort in programming and storytelling.

Lets move a little south and spice things up

Fallout Tijuana: Drug Cartell Bogaloo
also throw in some Lucha Libre Raiders and some wacky Conquistadore Faction and your good to go

You're confusing NCR's expeditionary forces in Mojave with the NCR proper. I believe Legion can defeat the former, but probably not the latter. Note that Caesar doesn't even consider invading NCR homelands.

>Note that Caesar doesn't even consider invading NCR homelands.
Not Caesar but Lanius probably would. Let's not forget that Caesar would already be dead by then because there would be nobody to treat his tumour.

Yeah, but I don't think his chances would be too good, though it would not be an easy campaign for the NCR by any means.

>Fallout: Twin Peaks
si papi

>Not really, they go their shit pushed hard at the first battle of Hoover Dam until Joshua fucked up by taking the bait.
>they inflicted significant casualties, engaged in a feigned orderly retreat, and baited the enemy into prepared defensive positions and traps
>got their shit pushed hard