What is your favorite location in a GTA game?

What is your favorite location in a GTA game?

Harmony in GTAV
So much of IV, but Firefly Island, north Alderney, and China Town
Las Venturas
Vice City beach strip
Staunton Island

Little Haiti in Vice City Stories
Paleto Bay & Cypress Flats in GTAV

San Andreas because it didn't age unlike GTA IV

whoa... That's /r/evilbuildings as fuck!

Isn't that just Trump Tower?

This, fuck Donald Love and fuck white people.

Grove Street.

fucking white people


At least it was before I fucked everythang up

Shit. Here we go again.

What did they mean by this?

That fish-eye lens are cool.


It said location, not game, you fucking retard.

Grove Street


Bone County, San Andreas

Gta IV times square.

That little bar/jet ski place off the side of the highway with its own stream just north of the city in GTA V is insanely comfy

>San Andreas didn't age like IV
I completely disagree. Trust me I fucking LOVE San Andreas, but you're just objectively wrong.

San Andreas feels and looks archaic. Its so antiquated its running on cell phones. Still good as fuck though.

geyser in gta sa
first ammo shop in gta vc

The garbage.