Dead already

PCbros fucked another game over


Good, I feel satisfied that I am responsible for fucking over consolecucks even though I never even bought this trash.

90% of the userbase left, rest is using mods, hacks and tool assist in ranked play. Bamco has given up on T7 for pc already. They are not even pushing the ranked update which PS4 got recently.

Fighting games are shallow in the worst possible way

It won't be missed

thats what it gets for refusing to offer PC VR support

>Even koreans like Nin and LowHigh prefer PC version
nah, it is defenitive version.


I'm actually pleased about this. T7 is the worst entry since 4 and even then 4 had more content and better presentation.

>Fighting games are shallow in the worst possible way
Sometimes I wonder how I'm still here after 10 years, thank you for making me remember, I still come here for shit like this, you people manage to say the most outlandishly retarded nonsense I have ever seen on a daily basis, it's honestly as bad as memespeak but at least you are amusing.

Please, give me more. Elaborate your nonsensically uninformed bullshit.

Yeah, it's dead on PC.

I beg to differ, T5 was definitely the best one

It's even more dead on PS4 because of broken matchmaking.

I agree T5 is fantastic but was has that got to do with my post?


agreed OP
i would much rather play the version that has 8 frames of input lag on my glorious PS4


mb my man, I didn't read it correctly. I thought you were saying T4 was the best in series.

SFV is not the version of Tekken on the PS4.

They fixed that weeks ago dude

Do you have a single fact to back up this claim


wow dead game wtf happened?

>T7 is the worst entry since 4

I'll never play a fighter broken up by dlc. Don't care what the reasons are, and don't care if there are no fighters without dlc. I can always find something else to enjoy.

>rest is using mods, hacks and tool assist in ranked play

tekken 7 has 8 framed of input lag on the ps4 and only on the ps4. google it.

It came out

T7 has nothing to it. It's SFV in Tekken clothing.

No shit, it's Tekken.

No one gives a fuck about Tekken, it's always been this way.

>people want to feel like a special snowflake and tell street fighter to fuck off
>people realize how trash tekken is
>people stick with tekken anyway so they don't look like bandwagon faggots
>people drop tekken in like a months time

It isn't just pc, that's just how Tekken works.

source are the people using guard hack on King and playing Kid Kazuya in ranked lmao,

They literally make it worse. You have to wait at least 3 minutes in warm up mode before you get the match and it's the only mode that is avaliable. At least they rollback to old matchmaking system (warm-up + match list) on PC, so it's not as dead.

The thing is Bamco had a good shot with this game but they decided to go ahead and disappoint everyone. I wonder if Harada used all the game development funds on coke.

>Buying fighting games on PC

PC is Moba and FPS land, and even then more people play FPS on console lmao

How can Sup Forums be so wrong about everything? The amount of bullshit in this thread is overwhelming

Why the fuck did they decide to break matchmaking on PC a couple weeks back?

The fuck was that about? Why haven't they fixed it?

That's literally one guy (TOOLASSISTED) who's doing that shit and he's not giving away his programm to anyone. He's been doing that shit since SF4.

Really? I play on xbox so i wouldnt know.

To mirror a patch the consoles got. They already rolled it back on pc my dude.

>why are people shitting on the game I like? STOP SAYING BAD THINGS REEEEEEE

Aw poor baby getting upset.

Looks like people had enough of floor juggling

They did fix it, they rolled back the patch the next day.

>90% of userbase
yeah nah


>no tutorial
>no single player content other than story
>broken mm

literally sfv all over again, I think so many capcom haters gave this a thumbs up because you faggots tricked me

>every single game dropping like a stone except tekken
>tekken doubled it's entrants and hit a thousand entrants for the first time
Why does this thread even exist?

it's another thread when consolow pretend pc kill a fighting game.

What do you expect? this place is full of sonybros who cant accept the PS4 version is literal dogshit in comparison to the PC version. Even Korean pros are switching to it

>Tekken 7's Evo numbers more than doubled

Massively increased tournament turnouts are a sure sign of a dead game

>PC version the definitive one
>people are leaving PS4 to play on PC
>PC version is dead

I believe it. Im ran into a player with a huge win streak, doing perfect combos strings

Ranks reset with each character

some people don't want people playing tekken and having fun. it makes them miserable and they feel left behind.

Maybe he was just good

Rip pc cucks.

Is this like an anti-shill campaign?

>fighting game

They only release on pc for some easy extra sales.

>>people are leaving PS4 to play on PC

People keep saying this but the concurrent player numbers say otherwise.

How will pc cucks ever recover?? Is this the end of yet another vidya genre for pc

sad but tru

Bros, who is your main?

Maybe, he was using asuka like the shitter he was

Still 4x more than SFV has playing it

exactly. if street fighter 5 was good nobody would give a shit about this game.

Every game ever released has had large player amounts when it launched then it drops right afterwards. How is this any different?

Paul. I'm a beginner and I like his hair.

i playas best girl.

What steam fighting games have more players than T7?

Damn, shame the game is pretty much left playerless. Guess I'll move on to something more alive, more hobby-grade, more esports, and definitely more badass; Battleborn™!

Then why is it still broken for me? It was fucking immaculate before that patch, never had a single issue, now half the sets I play have constant disconnects.

Miguel, because my name is Mike. Yes that's how I chose who I was going to play.

anyone else get this game for the easy achievements?

SFV is cross platform.

That's even more sad for SFV then.

>spending $60 for cheevos

nice bullshit you cunt

I'm pretty sure the combined numbers of SFV on PC&PS4 are higher than just T7 on PC.

What are some good mods or hacks?

Any lewd things going on?

So basically SFV has an advantage and it is still losing to tekken?

it's the best selling fg ever and you're a fucking idiot

I guess if you're pretty sure than that settles it, right? >4.5k is plenty and not close to being dead.

game so dead there is no sfm even

You can't seriously be this retarded.

To be fair his moves aren't hard to pull off and he comes off as a schoolyard bully

Don't know, I don't really play online when I'm at home since the isp at my place is fucking trash, but when I play online at a friend's house it's worked fine for me, outside of like 2 or 3 people who were clearly using the heat from rubbing 2 potatoes together to power their internet

>play Josie
>start to get to the point where my wins are looking bad next to my rank
>switch to feng to reset it
>not feeling him anymore and want to play josie again
>win/rank still a problem AND I've forgotten how to play her

Moral of the story always be loyal to your waifu.

Fucking this. I don't like playing it on pc but I have far less trouble finding opponents.

Also why did nobody tell me Miguel was so fucking fun to use.

moral of the story don't have a shit waifu

Yeah he's pretty fun, plus I like that his fighting style is basically that he's just pissed off

Think about it. Since SFV is cross platform, PC players don't have the usual incentive to go to consoles, which is the higher playerbase. Tekken doesn't have that advantage, and yet it's still beating out SFV. There are people out there who would be playing in PC if it had crossplatform but aren't. and EVEN THEN it is beating out SFV.

Another Denuvo game flopping, all is right in the world.

>still in the top 100 Steam games
>4000-5000 players online any given day

>another ded game

how does this always happen to us bros

Consolewars are stupid, but let's not kid ourselves here. You are nowhere near the level where you can tell the difference between 6f input delay and 8f.

Fucking Eddie

easily the best fighting game currently on the market
hard as balls to get good at it so Steam babbies moved on

Josie main here too, it's easy to fall into the same patterns with her cause her moves really feel good to use. Crazy how she made it into grand finals in a Jap tournament

honestly why do pc players desert games so quickly? almost every single game becomes a wasteland in two months time. shit is depressing

Oh no, I-I guess I'm Street Fighter Jiver now..........

Do you understand what cross platform means? Just because T7 has more players on PC doesn't mean that it has more players than SFV has combined.

they have to get back to their mobas and gta mods
