Surprise, it's fucking trash.
How long after release before going f2p?
Surprise, it's fucking trash.
How long after release before going f2p?
I thought it was pretty good
they need to nerf the medic
Don't see anything good about it
>Boring classes
>Boring modes
>Boring weapons
>Boring everything
Not sure. It was originally going to be F2P, then they changed it to $30 last minute. DOA.
Surprise. OP is wrong.
Why do you care when it's going F2P if it's trash
Because it's interesting to see how long it takes the devs realize their game is shit and they can't make money of it without going f2p.
It could be good but I don't trust these literally who people, even if cliff is leading them, as well as Nexon.
As it stands now
>Gunslinger is ridiculous in anti gravity zones if you are even semi competent at aiming
>Titan is pathetic, rockets auto detonate after 30 feet and they have no real traversal options except blindfire rocket and lose out on primary ammo just to reach other side of map
>Wraith is strictly better than both Enforcer and Assassin. Literally no reason to not play him over those two.
>melee range as a whole needs to be redone. I'm getting sliced up at 5 feet away from an assassin and I'm kicking people in the face at that same range
>THREE (3) neutral flag modes
>4 maps
Maybe in a year when it goes F2P and they fix things. Not like the competition sets a high bar with Quake Champions or Overwatch though.
Is that the western adaptation of Uravity?
Surprise, OP can't aim or keep momentum
The only thing your are right about is the flag thing. Uplink needs to go.
No, I'm right about it all. Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't
>Dark Souls of shooters
Quote from Cliff
>assassin is underpowered
>melee is overpowered
Read yourself before posting. I'm not even mention why Gunslinger is the worst role by far.
Melee RANGE is the keyword. Melee isnt OP at all, but it's effective range is ridiculous across the board. Assassin and Enforcer are pretty balanced I think, but Wraith does their jobs better with much better movement as well.
>wraith and assassin at least 2 of each or 3-4 of either one in every game on every team
Yeah I too, really enjoyed the game with 2 sole classes
Seriously though this game's a fucking trainwreck, Lawblunder will just be another DOA: Battleborn boogaloo 2.0
killing shit is fun but there's no team deathmatch
I'm burned out on objective based shooters after overwatch so I have no interest in dealing with retards not wanting to play the objective again
>wears a bright suit with a neon pink heart in the center
>got on muh starving in africa face
They could have at least made her smiling.
>tfw Wraith is literally the only fun class
Seriously. When was the last time in any game the most fun character was also the best character?
>black female
I'm not even from Sup Forums but I'll be avoiding all games that do this shameless virtue signaling.
This. Not having 100% white cast of characters is literally white genocide. #14Words
>can only resort to strawman
No wonder Trump won.
Not even just white, i'm just tired of westerners making games then shoving as many blacks in as possible while screeching about "diversity".
>How long after release before going f2p?
Inside of three months if they're smart. They should be working out the "founders" compensation as we speak.
>Wraith v. Wraith
>that's the entire game
Oh boy.
The whole anti-gravity thing seems pointless. Were there a point when they were actually going to places with that or was it always going to be such an useless gimmick?
this garbage game will go f2p before the year ends. its designed completely to be f2p anyway.
>Give the beta a download
>wait for match
>and wait
>and wait
>finally get out into one
>oh wait this is a post game lobby
>everyone leaves
>back to searching
>find a match
>what do you know, another postgame lobby
>everyone leaves
>get matched again
>finally join game
>it's in progress
>enemy team has a hacker
Great game. Uninstalled.
peer to peer servers are a great thing guys, it works so well, you'll never repeatedly lose connection to host, only flawless matchmaking.
>even smaller team based gameplay than overwatch
no thanks. i'm tired of losing because one person isnt pulling their weight. 16v16 (or higher?) I'm all in.
I've grown to enjoy smaller scale games. In larger ones you do like one thing and then die.
>just sit in enemy's spawn as Jugg and kill them
Lmao this game is so garbage. Can't wait for it to crash
>MVP 9/10 times is Wraith
It's so retarded, devs have no clue what they are doing. So glad CliffyB is going to be remembered for this blunder.
Just from the main picture and title alone it sounds like a Brink x Shattered Horizon game. Is that close?
>1 black woman on the cover
>as many blacks in as possible
>another Overwatch wannabe