ITT: "that" player


Other urls found in this thread:

>le sigh

>that player who posts normalfag twitch memes

>can't express disappointment without being "that" player
emotionless faggot Sup Forumsros in 2017 where are we at?


Just tell someone to stop being a bitch, instead of being some pussy whipped passive aggressive faggot

>they win
>gg :)
>they lose
> ᅠᅠ

>that one ego-stroking faggot who joins servers in small online communities and imediately gets his dick sucked for knowing one entire extra technique than the rest of the riffraff
>starts spouting memes and acting as a captain while snobbing everyone
we all know that guy

>that player who says "nigger" unironically
>that player who spams annoying, unfunny binds (and has an anime profile picture)
>that player who needs nasal spray and talks nonstop on the mic
>that player who says his team sucks when he's playing the worst
>that healer who doesn't heal and attacks
>that player who goes in the wrong lane and feeds
>that player who unallies you after allying you for half the game
>that player with that player who types instead of plays


>that player that spams "loud_nigra.mp3" on the mic when he loses
My favourite kind of player tbqh


>they win
they lose

>that player who says "nigger" unironically
What's wrong with this? If I hear Jamal telling me to switch off Torbjorn I can atleast let him know how I feel about him.

nigger unironically

was at anime expo, some faggot kept glancing at me after every match in tekken 7, win or lose.

nigger isnt a feeling
just say you hate him because he's black

But user, that emote is a perfect representation of Sup Forums

Could you take him if he tried to fight you?

>That player who is trash and claims they play for fun in ranked


>the guy who shows up
>gets to the top of the scoreboard
>says nothing the whole time
It was me

Who doesn't love fun? :)


healers who attack are the best kinds of healers

im not a violent person but i am muscular and i have strong features so i guess maybe i look more intimidating than i really am. but yeah, i probably could, desu.



>that player who says absolutely nothing and just keep killing himself

You lift bro?




>someone on your team randomly dc's in a ranked game
>he didn't say shit all match so you can't tell if he ragequitted or his connection fucked up

>Sup Forumsfags still think they're funny and relevant

>that player who speaks normalfag twitch memes

Honestly just fuck anybody and everybody who uses emoticons. Fucking garbage humans.
only acceptable emote is ;w;

they're gonna be relevant for atleast 8 years

>"yeah man that was an epic match 4head"

>That russian guy whose mic sounds like a fucking jet engine

>That player who laughs and says they're so drunk right now over mic
>that player who laughs and says they're so high right now over mic


i sound too serious and uneasy to people if i don't put those at the end of messages

>That faggot who joins the teamchat and spams "sigh" over and over again until someone asks him if he's ok so he can spend all match bitching about his stupid problems
>If no one responds to him he just leaves

>*cykavodka has joined the voice channel*
>*cykavodka has left the voice channel*

cykavodka is my kind of guy

>Press X to talk

>Sup Forumsfags are so delusional as to believe they were the ones who memed trump into presidency, not the thousands of middle americans who voted for him

what about UwU and OwO?

>that guy who went in deep every time and got himself killed
>one time he actually went ham and destroyed the other team
>he uses this reason to keep on doing it despite it not working nine times out of ten

Kill yourselves


>"""girl""" goes in teamchat

haHAA I'm old enough to post here haHAA

dude, shut the fuck up. if it worked once it will wokr again.

I only wrote that because that guy is me

>implying it didn't have a big influence
The election's main battleground was internet, and Sup Forumstards don't have a thing to do in their lifes apart going on Sup Forums and twitter.

>libtards think Sup Forums has enough influence to meme Trump into presidency
Sup Forumstards who think they have power are just as moronic as the libtards who think Sup Forums has power.

We also watch anime, play vidya, & eat out on the occasion.

Yeah, they're saying their memes inspired (meme'd) people to vote Trump. Honestly they are probably correct given that the US election is a popularity contest and as such can be influenced by pop culture/memes.


>they win
>ez game ez lose

>how are we doing tonight bros
>what are we playing tonight
>what do we need to win?

>close game
it wasnt a close game

>that little kid with some cs go skin scam site adress in his name that shitposts in the chat every time he is killed and he sucks dick at any and every game he plays

AN influence, sure you could probably prove that, but "big" is a stretch

>there's a streamer in the match
>one guy is acting retarded for attention

>girl says something in voicechat
>guy who has been totally silent the entire time is suddenly a chatty kathy captain boyscout trying to get everyone to work as a team

>girl says something in voicechat
>guy who has been generally talkative and completely nice goes radio silent for remainder of the time

>Come on guys we can do it
>guys the (power weapon) has spawned
>We're doing good guys
>come on guys just stick by me

>play game
>it's a stomp
>say gg close
>say gg ez if it was actually close

>that guy who's been playing the game for like a decade and is utterly burned out and needs to move on, but has no idea how to, so he sticks around and complains about everything in the game

>that player who doesn't talk but sounds like they're eating chips really loudly

>heavy breathing

>That guy with aimbot that joins with 5 of his bot accounts who flollows him around and also aimbots

Sup Forums summed up

>die, spectate teammates
>one guy is having trouble even controlling the character, can't move and aim at the same time
>look at his playtime
>262 hours

>that kid who photoshops himself with vidya characters

I fucking hate these people.

>playing with randoms vs a grouped team
>lose in a landslide
>round of gg's from the group
>inform them that the match was actually shit

Every time. Talking shit after getting stomped in a crappy match is amusing but these game communities retort like a broken record

>push to talk
>rips bong over mic

Successful people do this kind of thing a lot, it's called visualization.

>That kid who runs track with his arms straight back like sonic

It would be incredibly painful to play from that position, especially with your back deliberately arched like that.

You'd at least need a pillow under your chest

>Player leave his mic on and there's talking in the background
>tell the player he his mic is on and we can hear it
>Either ignored or player can't hear me because he leaves his mic on for the entire match

>player X on the enemy team is doing exceptionally bad
>player Y "guys please report X"
>report player Y
>shut up X is the best player on your team

Every time

So all those Twilight fangirls are just "visualizing"?

Uhm, I'm thinking you mean Naruto, right?

Girls aren't the same, they just have things they want and hope that some day a man will get it for them.


That's the correct play though, let that shithead streamer and his dumb ass chat know who's boss


>people who greentext in game

what if they're actually good and play for fun?

That's kinda cute desu

Fucking Germans and their emotes

>talk on mic a lot
>some guy in text chat says he loves my voice
>tells me to talk more
I miss that server.

>that player who doesn't turn push to talk on, so you can hear his family cooking in the background
>that player who doesn't turn push to talk on so you can hear his spic parents playing salsa music in the background

>Those people with at least 6 emoticons just in their profile name
>They also have the flower banana filter on their avi

>t. jealous lefty