Will you be getting a Nintendo 2DS XL Sup Forums?

Will you be getting a Nintendo 2DS XL Sup Forums?

I'm considering one to play older games.

Maybe, I have a DSi so missed out on all those 3DS games

Eh, I'm fine with 3DS XL

I'm one of the few who actually enjoy the 3D, and I wear glasses

Looks great but would have no use of it.

No, because it's more expensive than the old 2DS. I might have considered it had it been a cheaper way to get into the library.

I sort of want one to replace my broken XL, but at the same time I don't actually want to reward the fact that Nintendo is putting out systems that break so easily.
What's even coming out for the system, another Metroid 2 remake and another shitty Pokémon game?

The 2DS looks like crap though. And the 2DSXL already runs for $140 at amazon France. Probably $120 after a couple of months.

My ds is acting wonky and giving me data aborts so i preordered one today. Hopefully my current ds survives long enough to hack the new one.

How many fucking iterations of this thing are they gonna make?

What games are worth getting for it except anything pokemon or related to it

I got myself a used New 3DS the other day to play Ever Oasis. The fact that Samus Returns and Miitopia are coming out as well is a big bonus.

Nah, I already have an n3ds xl, but even if I didn't I dont think I'd get an n2ds
I know it's a budget console, but they've cut corners in some really noticeable and annoying ways
Stuff like the top screen being very loose and fragile, the stylus being the shortest one in the entire DS family, the outer cameras being on the base of the system will probably get scratched up, the inner camera being on the hinge leaves it wide open to get covered in dust when the system is closed, and the dust cover being a fucking pain to open which makes getting the microSD or game card out annoying

Kid Icarus Uprising has a bit of a learning curve to it, but it's great stuff.

Monster hunter. Etrian odyssey is a good dungeon crawler. Senran kagura is a decent beat em up type game with tiddies, tho for some people thats a minus. Fire emblem. Its got some decent games, tho a lot are on other systems or remakes. Tbh buy one, hack it, get free games.

As someone who considers the tiddies a minus, is Senran Kagura worth playing anyway?
I've been kinda interested in what it actually is, and people can't like it only because it has tits, right?

Eh, the writing is meh. The combats pretty fun, i like it. Though the tiddy factor is huge if you dont like it. Attacking enemies disrobes them, its their health bar. Your frenzy mode (berserk form) chamges you into a bikini. Even in boss fights there are chances for them to tear your clothing. It doesnt show actual nudity tho. Just very close to it.

Thanks for the reply, I think I'll give it a shot
The tiddies aren't a big deal for me and I can ignore it if it's a good game, it's just that I normally avoid that kind of style of game

>new4ds and 4dsxl

Guys, I need some good JRPG/RPG games for this thing. What have we got?

I play it every once in a while as a time waster. Not something i can take seriously desu. Its fun for short bursts but it does tend to get annoying. Hope you enjoy it. Have a game reccomendation image as well.

Nah. I only use my old purple 3DS when there's a game I just have to have that isn't available literally anywhere else. I hate it as a handheld, and I'm not encouraging Ninty to keep shitting out half-assed ideas. I would literally rather play Chrono Trigger on anything else I own than on the 3DS, for example.

It's such a garbage piece of tech, and I hate that good games come out on it.

Ah, I'm not OP, but thanks anyway
I wish someone would update that image already, it hasn't been updated since the end of may

Try Microsoft Excel if you just want to browse through menus.

Chrono Trigger. Xenoblade Chronicles if you don't own a Wii or Wii U.

This reminds me of that fucking South Park episode where Cartman keeps drinking mt dew variants that get progressively less healthy.

Probably will. My OG 3DS has been fucked for a while now. It'll give me the chance to play some games I missed.