ITT: Dead franchises


Ape Escape

It's been a decade since Half Life 2 episode 2

But the are not,there are 3 new seasons that are actually good.

Actually played Hit the Road last month. Still hods up very well.


it's been 7 years since the last game, bruh. just accept it.

And 20 years between Sam & Max Hit the Road and the new seasons.
give me a break,once the walking pleb and glass him shit dies down we will see them again.

good sidescrolling beat'emups.
castlevania that isn't god of war

>give me a break,once the walking pleb and glass him shit dies down we will see them again.

There's not a fucking chance in hell Telltale is gonna make another Sam and Max season, sorry bruh.

new telltale a shit


infinitely easier formula found:
get rights to a popular story/franchise
animate story
sprinkle in a few choices

it's a choose your own adventure novel with a movie on it.

that said. first run of walking dead games was damn fine storytelling.

This formula makes them more money than other things could.

sad ain't it


It kind of is. But I think often I'd rather Sam and Max stay dead than get this current formula. I dont want the DEEP CHOICE OF MAX LIVES OR DIES that doesn't matter.

please hold me

>infinitely easier formula found:
>get rights to a popular story/franchise
>animate story
>sprinkle in a few choices

well the first 2 are what they did with Sam and Max

Season 3 sucked, though.

>Telltale was formed because LucasArts employees felt the company was spending too much time on licenses instead of their original IPs
>Telltale ends up doing the exact same thing a decade later

This makes me sad and yet I'm not entirely sure modern Telltale could handle making a good, funny season of Sam & Max especially since they'd probably go out of their way to make it as safe and inoffensive as possible.



they are not dead, just sleeping

well max is dead but the another universe max is there to take his place

>Sammun-Mak is handsome
>Sammnu-Mak is cute

Has there been a single point and click adventure series treated worse than Sam & Max?

Most of them.
Sam & Max has been treated pretty dignified. The breaks between them may be long but the games themselves are always good and its not like they end on a cliffhanger that would actually make the wait painful.

>No more games
>No more cartoon
>No more comics

It's dead, Jim.

The reason why I give Telltale endless amounts of shit all the time.
>Tfw you got into the series with Season 1 back when it came out.
>Tfw I thought of them as one of my favorite video game companies.
>Tfw they haven't made a proper point n click game since 2011

>tfw Deus Ex is fucking dead

Don't remind me, user.

There was one last year, wasn't there?

Monkey Island

yes, but after that the franchise got canned

I'm rather happy the are though.

>Wanting a Sam & Max made by neo "muh cinematic experience" Telltale.

why the fuck should everything be a "franchise"? Deus Ex was great on its own, there's no need for a sequel

Still sleeping...

Reminder that this is the THIRTIETH ANNIVERSARY of the Sam and Max franchise

Kain did him a favour



So are there any new companies of people who left LucasArts or TellTale to make good games?