Necro released


I mean D3's a good game but......

yeah I'm on the fence as well. might just wait for the grim dawn expansion and play that instead


pick one

will probably buy during ladder reset in 3 weeks

I really enjoy going through the campaign on a new class because you can actually make whatever build you want so I might just do that. End game still sucks major dick though.

>PoE expansion free
>D3 $15 character
Come the fuck on Blizzard your Jewish tricks isn't helping your games. Your RNG shitfest of a card game that you're milking is getting a lower player base. Your shit MMO is getting stale to the point you need to release an unannounced patch cause Final Famtasy online had an expansion. Overwatch is your only source of money with the waifu bait and new skins the fuck

>D3's a good game

>spend several months on a public necromancer test server
>still comes out broken

>D3's a good game

>I mean D3's a good game but......
>D3's a good game


it's almost as if d3 is maintained by a skeleton crew and blizzard doesn't really care about the game.

it's solid, wouldn't go as far as to say good
then again, no modern diablo clone is good


>Now £13 in UK

Fucking Brexit people ruined everything

There is no excuse for this update not being free.

PoE is pretty good and doesnt cost a cent.

shh they think poe and grim dawn is any different than diablo 3

>Seven skeletons
Jesus fucking Christ how embarrassing. And they're probably not any different from D2 Necro skellies.

Can you at least get different skellingtons?

When's that out?

Im not defending this turd but do you guys realize that 7 skeletons are permanent and besides them you can fill the screen with temporary spawned spooks?

HAHAH fuck this shit.

>capped at 7 skeletons
>mage skellies do nothing but stand still and die over time
>15 dollah

in a few months I think. they said Q2-3 2017

just play path of exile holy shit

The mage skellies follow you when they time out. You can also raise up to 10 other assorted undead, plus golem

When will this meme end?

>paying for necro when you can buy Grim Dawn for that same price and mod all Titan Quest classes into it

i mean cmon

yeah you can have dozens of stuff summoned at once from screenshots ive seen

Filling the entire fucking screen with 30+ cows and skeletons and then joining HBR and then wiping everyone was the most funny shit you could ever do

>mfw they removed bone wall and bone prison
>now it's just a shitty 1% proc effect that can root an enemy for a bit

Poe necromancer can mantain 3 spectres, 14 zombies and a golem at the same time, (skellies expire, but you can summon arround 20 of em and they stay in the area for about 45 seconds))

I recall beating the entire game and not spending a dime

like £13 is a lot of money

get a job

He's fun, skeletal mages should be permanent though or the duration should be lengthened. It's still 8 or 9 seconds with a passive skill.

Literally didn't spend a single shekel on it. Just play new leagues/races selffound.

Thorns are fucking OP!!

plus the no cooldown on corpse skills like Corpse Lance makes necro way too easy atm.

>people who played summonmancer in d2

how embarrasing

>have a game so dead and derivative that looks like shit that you have to spark discussion of it in D3 threads

Grimdawn fags are almost as bad as Darksouls 1 autists holy fuck.

go away POE fags, your free to play trash game is clunky and plays like ass

Dont you autists have a paladins thread to shill ? Or maybe a dirty bomb one?



>capped at 7 skeletons
Thats the skeletons only. Besides that you can have a max amount of 1 golem, 10 skeletal mages and Im not sure about the cap of the undead summoned from corpses. If im not wrong they have no cap, as long as you have corpses.

There's also vaal summon skeletons, a skill that summons around 30 skeletal mages, warriors and archers, commanded by one big skeltal that gives a bonus passive aura. and these skeletons dont count for the limit of the summon skeleton skill.

Good for you.

>inb4 muh mules
If you intend to play the game at least somewhat seriously you WILL have to pay for stash tabs unless you want to inconvenience yourself. Playing self found is a fucking joke. Endgame absolutely requires trading.

okay blud

>clunky and plays like ass

it really doesn't tho


This generation of "gamers" are the neets that buy with how much they can refund something else for. It ain't easy being a cheap leech I guess.

you forgot to add possible trinket and ring procs to summon even more shit. Such as shadow clones, or demons, or angels, etc

it's called opportunity cost

grow up

>can't afford £13
>trying to educate others on finance


poe fanboy here, you can experience up to end game completely free, after that you need to spend ~$20-40 for QoL stash tabs. After that you're a hoarder or devoting enough time in the game to justify the cost.
Everything else is optional.
The vast majority here are too ADD to play the game up till end game, while instant-gratification d3 is there for your "epic" 1hr sessions before mom's meatloaf finishes.
Have a good summer, kids.

>opportunity cost
>something that is completely personal and differs from person to person
>grow up

Thanks. That's exactly what I am arguing and it is not free like these people claim. It's nice for someone who just wants to experience the story and none of the endgame content. Just because you invested a lot of time into the game does not justify their prices though. Time spent should not be proportional to the money spent. It's a grindy genre after all.

I mean, even if Grim Dawn is "dead", the game is still fun. It's designed around a single player experience like D1 and 2.

Plus, it isn't hard to find users online to trade items with. Shit always have around 3,000 people playing.

This game had the least satisfying loot in any diablo-like I've ever played. Sometimes I thought the game would be more fun if they removed loot completely. There's no satisfaction in getting gear, it's just an annoyance switching items.

The stat system is so stream-lined as to make it feel like there's really only 2 stats: survability and damage. You don't even get any exciting moments of feast or famine where your stats are either much higher or much lower than intended. Everything is stuck in this dreadfully medium stat. Seriously the loot in the first phantasy star game was more engaging. At least I actually felt the power growth when I equiped something in one of the game's 2 equipment slots.

Hell why does this game even have more than 2 equipment slots if I'm just prioritizing the same stats in each one.

Don't give them more ideas, please.

>Oh look, you can buy this literal piece of shit for 1$!
>It's cheap so autmatically it's worth it!
>What do you mean you don't want to buy shit? It's cheap! Don't you have a job?


you need to buy tabs for like 10€.


Why do you act so superior, user? You just admitted that it's not free and that's all I'm asking for. I'm not going to argue about the amount of money you have to spend as it will lead nowhere. Free to play is a cancerous business model that is inherently anti-consumer. GGG are massive jews. Fuck off.

>ust because you invested a lot of time into the game does not justify their prices though. Time spent should not be proportional to the money spent. It's a grindy genre after all.
I'd say its relative to the genre. Getting 200hrs out of PoE justifies $20, IMO; especially since its far less static than D3 is. Whether you quantify it by pure content, builds, leagues, whatever.

PoE is one of the least intrusive f2p models that has ever existed. Or do you prefer loot crate horseshit?

Fair enough. Everyone has to decide for himself what price is justified. I'm merely arguing that the game is technically not free.
I agree. Not what I was arguing though.

tabs for 10
a whole character for 13-14


I have been enjoying the necromancer and diablo 3, nothing to do once you finish the game though, games gotten boring
I don't know why the fuck there is like so many character slots or why the stash is even a thing, seems completely and utterly pointless

Skeletons and resurrects were permanent in D2 as well faget

>doesn't even know how to read
>attempts at argument



im gonna go Diablo 2 for the millionth time instead.

Why play that garbage when diablo 2 exists

Why play that garbage when good games exist?

>hurr press one button to clear screen
>durr mapwide curses
D2 necro was a meme class through and through. Just filling your screen with useless bloat of 60 summons is no better nor worse than the rest of his toolkit.

>1 post apart

>these 2 posts made at the very same second
damn son

Was D3 the biggest case of brand suicide in the history of video games?

Can you name any other release that utterly annihilated customer goodwill as hard as D3?

>work PS Support
>person calls in because they bought Necro DLC but it won't load
>turns out they have a US version of the game and a UK account
>cant play it, no refund because its DLC

Bad times.

>I don't know why the fuck there is like so many character slots or why the stash is even a thing, seems completely and utterly pointless
D3 is catering to autists that keep rolling new characters each season and hoard legendaries for every class. If this doesn't make sense to you then it's not too late to quit yet.

>a necromancer class plays like an actual orthodox necromancer
Viability or not it actually felt like playing a necromancer

maybe you will play Nioh one day PCbro.

>Can you name any other release that utterly annihilated customer goodwill as hard as D3?
Sounds like a standard EA practice to me

>Was D3 the biggest case of brand suicide in the history of video games?
fuck no. it wasn't great for sure but I'd consider ME:A and C&C4 to be much worse.

>Viability or not it actually felt like playing a necromancer
So does the D3 one
>doing lots of disgusting shit with corpses
>some fleshy abominations and skeletons that vaguely follow you around and do stuff
The problem with D3 is that the game itself is a twitchy loot treadmill with Playstation tier complexity to it.

Price has nothing to do with the quality of a game.

Prices change while quality stays the same.

POE would still be just as good if ti cost $1,000 or $0

Because we already played that to death and it's interface is getting really dated. Having to sort potions is not something I can deal with anymore after playing with elixers.

>Skeleton mages only last a few seconds so pet builds are obnoxious
>Only good set is Inarius, rest are light-years behind
>Dies to a fart at high tiers because lol it's a design feature that they have shit survivability
>Revived pets and golem stand around like tards 90% of the time so they are wasted slots
>Skeleton warriors are shit poly reskins
>Need corpses for high damage skills, can't kill people to get them with corpse builds because lol 2 minute cooldowns on your abilities alone while literally every other class gets equally powerful shit with a 30 sec cooldown at most.
The worst part is there is a good class deep down, but blizzard half-assed everything about them.

I don't even want to see druid now.

Literal fucking wrong. I has to spend money because i felt i was stealing a legit great game. To this day i refuse to play for diablo because ir is puré shit

Help me, I'm tempted to buy the necro even though I know it's a bad idea.


That would be fine if the AI would actually work for revived minons and the duration was about twice as long. Necro is obnoxious to play in D3.

>not just playing the FREE and superior alternative

sets are the dumbest concept ever

>I mean D3's a good game but......

Lol this guy

It's the worst Blizzard game and I don't say it out of spite or something, and not even "bad but good by standards", it's actually outright mediocre to bad overall. Even unpolished, and coming from Blizzard that's something noteworthy from the people that usually polish shit into something passable.

both games are shit in their own way

D2 is the only one worth playing

They are great actually, it's how the devs pigeonhole every powerful effect only into them is the problem. Especially when it's Mandatory 6 sets for a good effect.

Diablo (1) is fucking great.

pic not related obviously

Not him but the best compliment I can give the Diablo 3 of today is it's this generation's choice to fill the Snowblind void.

But how can you balance it to be one set of 6 items being equally powerful to 6 unique powerful items? You'd just think "well what's the point of using up every one of my slots for this one thing when I could just use whatever I want and decide what skills I want to use"

how does diablo 3 help with cocaine?

>Don't even need to but buy $5 worth of coin and get a premium tab and two upgraded ones during sale
>Literally no need to buy MTX

Hoarding largely niche and useless uniques is silly, and you don't need to keep all those essences or talismans from leagues. I thought they deserved a little cash for all the hours I played.

>get like 12 pieces of gear toward a build
>still only do a fraction of the damage of some other build
I mean it's just eehhh you know

at least in diablo 3 you can actually command them

Nioh is the best Diablo like and better than Diablo 2 or 3.
>inb4 retard who never farmed on wotd says nioh is souls like