What are you playing on your PS4?
What are you playing on your PS4?
Persona 5
When I'm done I have to finish Uncharted 4 and Horizon Dawn and start The Last of Us
Then I have to start Life is Strange with my gf because she never played it
This. Just finished rise of the tomb raider it was great.
Just completed S;G 0
Horizon ZD
Level 30 now, some of the magic is kinda gone. Pretty good time filler but not super excited by a sequel.
platinuming FF XV.
how's everyone else temps during this game ? my ps4 is burning up.
Dunno I don't tend to touch my PS4 while playing games. It did get pretty loud with FFXV though.
>based sony nigger hand man
DaS2. The only trophy I'm missing is the Miracles one, and I'll have that as soon as I finish beating The Rotten and Old Iron King.
I still need to finish the first 3 games, I have the UC trilogy but only played a little bit of 1 so far
I have a Slim and it gets pretty fucking hot / loud. Would hate to see how hot the OG Ps4 gets under load.
Pretty sure everyone is playing Crash Bandicoot
glaunted with some friends and disgaea 5/injustice 2 by my own
Just got lvl 40, I feel what you mean.
Have you killed some Thunderjaws and Stormbirds yet?
They make the game a little more exciting again.
Bloodborne. I'm happy as a little boy.
Bought a PS4 pro just the other day for it. The only con is the silky smooth 30 fps, otherwise the game is fantastic so far. Kinda wish I hadn't played DaS3 though, it would make this a more unique experience I think.
I beat the game to death and I gotta tell you, once you hit max level everything is a fucking chore.
Yeah found a double spawn of Thunderjaws to farm epic mods. You can kinda cheese them by standing behind cactuses.
Bloodborne, Just Cause 3 and The Witcher 3.
Can't beat laurence, managed to kill ludwig in 4 tries solo. This fucker is unbeatable.
dust collector 2017
Amazing how it doesn't even need to be plugged in to play this.
Still gotta finish nioh, gr2, just cause 3 and dark souls 3 but I'm busy playing killing floor 2
Well, I'm having fun so far, let's see how it goes on.
Found that spawn too, didn't cheese them, because I like fighting them
Are there any good indie titles in the midyear sale?
I was convinced my GPU was frying during the 3 hours Adamantoise fight. I was encountering graphical glitches for the final hour or so and the fan was incredibly loud.
Doesn't seem to have caused any permanent damage though.
>Friday the 13th
Both are legitimately comfy while my gf cuddles with me
Bloodborne and Yakuza 0 mostly. Might start with Uncharted 4 soon because grinding gems in BB (without PS+ so no glyphs) is slowly eating away at my soul.
Tekken 7.
Don't give me all that crap about how it runs better on the PC. I know already. I just want to play with my friends, none of whom have a desktop PC that isn't low-powered and utilitarian.