Is it good?

Is it good?

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You can play as coco, so, yes.

Well it was bad 20 years ago so I'd be impressed if they could make it good now.


goty easily

> mfw all the Dark Souls/Crash art and edits people are making because they can't beat Crash

Have you played the originals? This is exactly the same with better graphics.

If not, do you like platformers and grinding for time trials?

Its the same games they were 20 years ago, but with some QoL improvements, better graphics, and an awesome remastered OST

So I'd say yes, but if you didn't like crash before this won't change your mind

They fucked up all the details but besides that it's alright.

I beat all three in nearly one sitting. The first one is easy with only one or two bullshit levels, the second one gets a little easier and has no bullshit levels and the third one is just ridiculously easy

2 and 3 are

The first game is the best one. I don't understand why people praise the second one so much.

Yes but there are some hiccups. Not a big deal though game is fun.
Sometimes it's hard to tell if crash is closer to the background or screen when sidescrolling and this can cause you to miss platforms.

>multiple Crash threads up everytime, some easily going over 500+ posts
>business insiders saying trilogy is selling really well
>top of Amazon UK

Is this it? Is this the return of the Bandicoot?

I know, tons of people beat the entire series as kids.
But now we are getting Dark Souls comparasions. The average player these days is getting progressively worse.

Honestly, it isn't a surprise. Crash fell out of favor once he started getting mediocre games over and over, but people always remembered the originals and Kart fondly.
If they made a new, legitimately good Crash like the first three, it would sell pretty well. Would probably be easier though because of all the complaints.
>But then there's the death. There's just no escaping it, there might be brand new death animations to keep you entertained - oh look I've been swallowed by a lion again - but there's no avoiding that the controls just mean that Crash Bandicoot has become Dark Souls. It's a horrible shame. After being so excited for the remaster, there's just no avoiding that the N. Sane Trilogy and you aren't going to get along for a while. When it takes sheer willpower to survive the original's first island when you've played the game for years, you know something has gone wrong somewhere. Those coming in fresh to the franchise aren't going to know whats hit them. Sure, it's big, beautiful and positively packed with charm but it's time to prepare to die. I love the N. Sane Trilogy in its new roguelite form but some things will definitely frustrate those new to the franchise looking to find out what all the fuss is about.

This is why

it's only temporary nostalgia hype

What I want to know is how do Activision mange this.

>Sells games in literal pieces
>Almost always overcharges it

Instead we get the following
>Remake fans have been asking for since forever
>No bastardization
>Coco playable and not DLC
>only 40 bucks

Are they doing this because they think ACTUAL video games aren't profitable?

Honestly I just hope this sparks the gaming golden age 2

Maybe. I'm assuming cause of the success we might see a remake of the Spyro trilogy and CTR

It's a faithful reconstruction of the original and despite some minor quibbles I'd have, it hits the right notes. So, yeah. The original Crash trilogy was jolly good fun and emblematic of the best things the mid-to-late 90s had to offer.

It's weird how black and white the difficulty of this game seems to be. Some people saying they have no problems and and are getting no death gems while others seem to be having the most difficult time. No middleground

I was an N64 child, never owned Crash games, I've been eyeballing this maybe at a price drop. Worth my time? Nostalgia factor won't be there so I'm on the fence.

Sony probably acted as a consultant on the project.

>Can't move the camera in a 3D platformer
>Only 2 Non-Contextual abilities: Jump and Spin
>Platforming that offers a near non-existent margin for error
>Collision Detection issues

Tell me again. Why is this game is considered a classic?

Are the controls really that bad? I never played the first one, but I beat the 2 and 3 without too much trouble. Hell, with 3 I didn't even buy it; my cousin and I just rented it and stayed up all night taking turns after each death until we beat it.

did you get all the gems relics in one sitting? or did you just blow through the levels?

The lack of good games on the PS1 inflates its repuptation.

I'm also a N64 child and I'm having a blast, no nostalgia either. It's a weird but fun platformer, specially the more elaborate stages.
It doesn't control as tight as Mario, but it's really good.

Do you enjoy 2D platformers? If so then yes pick it up. If not then no avoid it because you'll get a new asshole torn in the first game and drop it


I wonder how the PS1 outsold the N64 4:1 if it lacked good games.

Same way the PS4's outselling the competition: memes.

I got all the gems I could get without backtraking and no relics yet. You do have to replay certain levels for 100% which wasn't what I was going for right off

I was in the same situation. Never played crash but I bought it today and am enjoying it so far. The difficulty of crash 1 is pretty enjoyable for me.

PS1 games were easier to pirate. Thus the system sold well.

t. someone who only played Crash 1 for three minutes

He's not wrong.

>better marketing
>easily pirated games (compare the sales of software on each system, N64 destroys it)
>more diversity of games

Nintendo has always marketed towards children while Sony marketed towards teenagers and adults with money

>Had pretty good graphics
>Sony fans are idiots

>Fireflies make a jingle
Im okay with this. The lighting in the firefly levels are pretty good too

Fuck Diggin' it and Cold Hard Crash.

At least the worst of 2 is over.

Great 2.5D platformer with fair difficulty and alot of replay value

CD player

Is it just me or is Cortex easy as fucking shit in the second game? I beat that boss battle is well under one minute

>Great 2.5D platformer
Based on what?
> with fair difficulty
You used a guide back in the day didn't you
>and alot of replay value
What the time trials? fuck that.

It plays just like the originals. The guy is just not as good as he used to be and decided to blame the game over his own incompetence.

or is it whack?

do i need a ps4 to play this garbage?

if so i guess ill just fire up the old emulator next time i feel like playing crash

fuck those kike bastards lmao implying im gonna buy a console to play recycled vidya

The boss battles in the game were all poorly designed from the beginning, you're just experiencing it without your nostalgia goggles for the first time.

In which case I extend my hand in support for you if you need anything.

>102% Crash 2
>didn't plat it

What the fuck are the hidden trophies?

>do i need ta ps4 to play a ps4 game?

Based on every other 2.5D platformers. Go ahead and name better ones. The difficulty gets harder at some parts but it always stays fair and you can easily find gems. As for the replay, you HAVE to replay certain levels once you have certain gems to open new paths if you want 100% and yeah time trial relics

Wasn't there a leaked 100% trophy list? Probably look that up.

Well this just happened to me

Mostly trophies for dying and other stupid shit. For example you get a trophy when you get stung by a bee and die

>PS4 game
>implying this isnt just a recycled psx game
>implying i didnt already pay for a psx and the crash trilogy back then when they were new
>implying this is justifiably exclusive

>Based on every other 2.5D platformers.
That's dodging the question, what makes it a good 3D platformer when it has barebones abilities, no camera control, boss fights with pathetic patterns and platforming with no margin for error?

>they fucked up controls on ice
>platforms have round edges. If you land on it might just go LOL FUCK YOU and you fall
>crouching/sliding is not like the originals, too unresponsive
>physics on Crash 1 are fucked making you fall faster so jumps are tighter and harder to make
>analog control gets fucked randomly, making crash start walking even if you are tilting the stick all the way (I noticed it happens when the game renders to much shit or something. Smaller hallway levels work just fine)

I hope they are aware of this. Is there any way to send Vicarious Visions feedback or something?

Don't go and buy a PS4 just for this game. It's the exact same as the originals but it looks and sounds so much better. If $40 for three remastered classic games is too expensive for you, you're probably under the age of 18


Does that really matter in a platformer?

OoT (N64's prime game), sold LESS than Crash 2, and SM64 only sold a lot because it was a bundled game.

>Waaah a remaster of some old games is on a newer console I don't own
What did you expect from a fucking remake?

Besides, it's a faithful remake of 3 games with better graphics and music for the budget title price of $40
No one is telling you to buy a PS4 for a remake, but it's definitely not shit

Why do you need camera control? The camera is fine. You don't need abilities to have a good game user. The first one is probably my favorite and it's just a regular well done platformer. Why is DKC so good? It has no abilities!

You're an idiot. Go play Warped you casual pleb muh easymode abilities

Anyone else bothered by how less 'sinister' they made the first game's soundtrack? Slippery Climb and Temple Ruins are two good examples.

Don't go in expecting Mario 64, although they're both platforms, they're way different games. Crash is a fairly simple game with some levels that can be a pain in the ass, especially if you're trying to collect everything. It shouldn't be that difficult of a game, but I haven't played it since the PS1 days

The controls are a little off, but the biggest flaw is the stages where you run towards the camera. Other then that it's a solid game.

>They fucked up controls on ice.
I think they switched it with mud. Mud makes you slip quite a lot instead of slowing you down.

The hot coco is good

Slippery Climb is less creepy, but still pretty tense


Daily reminder Coco is 8 years old

YES, how do you think Mario has stayed relevant after all these years

>Why do you need camera control? The camera is fine
Because the platforming is poorly designed, if you need to backtrack to get crates you missed on a split path you can't see a fucking thing in front of you.

>Why is DKC so good?
The first DKC is barebones at best. DKC2 is 1000x times better thanks to some smart level design and platforming designed around the Kong's dual abilities.

In bandicoot years

what happened to crash's hot furry girlfriend

This is a sign of someone who is not in a clear mental state of mind.

She canonically left him for Pinstripe.

I don't smoke but damn that will go for some good money.

Every fucking time with Mario. Look, I like the plumber but god damn, stop comparing crash to him. What crash lacks in "abilities", he makes up in movement options.
>Slide jump
>Slide spin
>Jump spin
>Slide spin jump

If we are talking strictly from the first game, he doesn't have those options, yes, but the actual platforming aspect is difficult but can be completed. Platformers should focus on the placement of... platforms and enemies in a level before focusing on the quality of life stuff.

So instead of playing a platformer that's actually fun I should play a platform that thinks all it needs is walking, jumping and basic attacks?

Wow no wonder Ponies are delusional.

>>Only 2 Non-Contextual abilities: Jump and Spin
haha, oh (you)

This is some Kaizo shit jesus christ

If I trade in HZD for this at GameStop how much would it be?
Trying to decide if I should give the game to amazon or GameStop


You do realize that not once have actually made a single point about what makes Crash a 3D platformer that's worthy of a classic title compared to other well made 3D platformers.

I would estimate around 20-30 bucks counting the bonus you get for trading it towards Crash. HZD is still pretty fresh and it is quite a big release

Since I don't have a PS4 and no desire to purchase one, I went back to the old games. Since I don't suck, I breezed through the PS1 trilogy, 100%ing everything without too much effort. It's not that hard, just git gud, literally.

I'm now playing Wrath of Cortex, and now THAT'S hard, it's really kicking my ass, with all the long ass levels, not showering you with lives and masks, Coco sucking and of course the five minute loading screens. I would love to see how you "it's too hard" kiddies would fare on WoC.

>need gimmicks to have fun
Sasuga Nintendork

Because it has literally all the best gameplay aspects of a 2D platformer like constant flow, and visuals like a 3D one.

Take the value of HZD x 20%. You can look it up on their website

Strawman, ho! Abilities are a quality of life aspect more than a core feature that makes platformers what they are. They are the icing on the cake and can offer other challenges but it shouldn't detract from a game if they don't have them. Crash makes fine work out of the lighting and level design by restricting itself to a glorified 2d plane.

On another topic, I find it very ironic the game was dubbed "Sonic's ass game" when sonic got Adventure not long after.

Because this shit is binary, outside of Relics you either succeed or fail, there is no inbetween.

Thanks guys!

please i 100% the trilogy and wrath of cortex last year these games play differently for sure

Which other platformers are you comparing it to? You better not fucking say SM64. Compare Spyro to SM64 if anything.

Crash had great level designs, good but fair level of difficulty and tons of replay value

Come on, I actually like Wrath of Cortex, but it's really not that hard
Crash 1 is a lot harder than WoC

It's a different variety of 3d platformer by taking what works with classic platformers and taking it a different angle. Not every 3d platformer has to be Mario 64. Linear levels aren't bad at all.

>Beating Ripper Roo that quickly
I'm fucking glad that guy drowned. That asshole kangaroo made me suffer, so no one else should get out that easy.

Wrath of Cortex wasnt hard.
only thing hard about it was the loading screens and models