What is the best MMO mount?
What is the best MMO mount?
>peace was never an option.jpg
Was lyse the best character?
>Ywn get your dick sandwiched between Minfilia and Lyse's asses
WoW's Fishing Turtle
somehow these thread starters are even more cancerous than the 'pretending to be a new player' ones
That burning nightmare horse that's in every MMO
>lyse will never clench her fist around your dick
I bought this, its not a proud memory
Hien was the best new leader. Lyse is a dumbfuck.
>that Serpent officer thay said the cleanup is harder than the battle
Ala Mhigo confirmed for being like post-invasion Iraq. Can't wait for Mhigger insurgents to kill their own.
The last time the Mhiggers tried doing something for themselves, they summoned a fucking Primal, and then instantly lost said Primal to the exact people they summoned it to kill. I don't think they could even be terrorists right.
Stop it, user, we can only go so far
you poor soul
>barely made 3.8k in Susan's first phase because nothing targeted me
I'm pretty sure this fight assumes you either have a 320 weapon or all 320 right sides and some melds too
Also nice autosage
Shame his fight is braindead easy
>done over 60 susanos and no doggo drop
>tfw never got him because people kept getting mysteriously evaporated in the 3rd phase
I'm very certain it's more braindead than Shinryu since there's barely anything happening and the only reason people fuck up that hard is because everything hits harder.
I refuse to play this until they let me play as a rat
>not dressing as a vanu
>Direct Hit is a GOAT stat now
ayy lmao
Susan got a pretty awesome voice
39 more and you'll have one once they put it in the NPC
Shinryu was too hard for me last night, gonna try it again later tonight. Fantastic presentation though.
this one
did everyone decide its cool to like direct hit now?
what makes it so good?
You kids.
>playing everquest beyond luclin
uhh lol
Free crits son
where are the stat weights tho
should i be buying veteran clan hunt mark logs with my seals? they'll be useful eventually, right???
is lakshmi ex easier? im trying for a few days now to down susano ex but fail every time. i always have the feeling that the 2nd healer is literally doing nothing.
>sword dps check phase
>i pre adlo and try to fish for a crit
>succor in the rythm of the aoe
>throw in lustrates for the offtank taking the orbs
>almost oom at the end of the phase
>2nd healer still 80% mana
and then after that its just failed mechanic after failed machnic and me trying to outheal the people who didnt move out of the aoe or didnt stop attacking while they had the debuff
>playing Scholar in Susan EX
I found your problem.
whats wrong with scholar in susano ex?
i dont have any other healer sadly
>>i pre adlo and try to fish for a crit
Don't fish for crits. It's too taxing on your MP.
Don't spam succor either. Its potency is awful and you're wasting MP.
Use the fairy abilities. Covenant for the first sword then illumination+rouse+WD for the second.
Give the tank that takes the orbs an adlo and excog (it sucks but might as well get some use out of it). Try to hit them with indom after they take the second orb.
I seem to remember there being an Alexander trailer the Saturday before it was released.
So MAYBE we'll get something tonight with the patch notes.
Or they'll just release it no trailer, either way 24 hours.
I dunno man all I know is I crit direct hit Midare Setsugekka for LB damage last night
>static has no ninja or rdps
should i play nin or mch. i loved them both by the end of HW
apparently it's around 38 DH for every 1% chance of getting f r e e damage which is really good.
NIN.. MCH DPS is in a real bad spot right now.
is it actually or are people just bad? i cant help but be skeptical given the mch changes and how people had impressions of jobs before gordias back in 3.0 that suddenly seemed to flip flop
thanks im gonna try that next time
Think is MCH got buffed after 3.0. At least twice. Now with 4.0 they are back to the 3.0 tier damage and have less utility. BRD is the ranged physical to take simply because their own buffs buff the group too.
2nd buff made them too good, which is why i think theres a lot of crying. its all the creatorfag mch players who are upset their job is no longer so good that you take it with brd too.
>BRD is the ranged physical to take simply because their own buffs buff the group too.
i mean, hypercharge is still a thing. i understand the argument for playing brd instead but its not like mch is 2.0 war status right now.
Post your current main class. I want to see what you people are playing.
What is the easiest dps class? I've been healing since 2.3 and it's just not fun anymore. I got my rdm to 70,and geared it up, but constantly looking for procs, looking at healers mana, ressing and doing mechanics is tiring, and I start to mess up.
those outfits are so cringey
>its another ffxiv episode
2.0: SMN
3.0: DRG
4.0: RDM
it's rdm
im gonna love when rdm mains start claiming its hard to master because you have to know when to vercure or raise, or some shit
rift has a fuckton of cool mounts
and nothing else
Myms head
yer mum
>still riding that piece of shit
This is Lyse. She's keeping a lookout for baddies.
DRG always. Though SB is making it pretty fucking hard to not at least think about switching classes.
What were they thinking?
>scrolling through mounts on mmomounts.com
>all of these fucking amazing mounts
>all of them in dog shit mmos
Ninja cat
Yesterday, after almost an hour of waiting, I got a party for Coil Turn 1 on the Duty Finder.
All of us were new so we went with the idea of having fun while we learn the fights. We got wiped 2 times at the boss yet we beat it after.
We all queued to the next Turn all up to Turn 4 where there weren't enough people on queue after an hour of waiting.
Must say, it was actually pretty enjoyable. I don't really chat much with instance party, but I felt really close to this fuckers. All new guys just enjoying the moment.
Also, Coil is just a beautiful place to go. Wish it wasn't so dead.
I can't decide if that's disgusting, horrifying or awesome
Make way
>want to do savage content for cool stuff like this
>don't have a static
>anytime I enter a party with people I don't know for hardcore I seize up or have panic attacks
why the fuck arent the mods just making a sticky, gdq threads are shitting up /v
rift has tons like this
rip in pistachios wildstar
mechano-hog / mekgineer's chopper
This is what I imagine Garlemald will look like. Lots of clean, metal roads and buildings, all lite up at night like Christmas.
MCH in a Lakshmi party said their Wildfires are only like 10k now.
Even though they used to be like WAY higher at Lv60?
her cameltoe is visible in literally every scene of her
Garlean Expansion: MNK
>do the same rotation twice
>dps fluctuates by 50-100
ha ha time to meld more direct hit
>MCH in a Lakshmi party said their Wildfires are only like 10k now.
>Even though they used to be like WAY higher at Lv60?
Wildfire lasts 10 seconds now instead of 15, but is only on a 60sec cooldown now. So you get to use it a lot more often and its easier to set up overall.
10k is decent, sometimes you don't get a crit and end up with like 8k, and sometimes you get a mega big dick 10k crit on an ammo'd heated clean shot and and get like 12k
mch is less about muh wildfires now since they happen every 60s and 10s.
Nice Helghast
Anyone on Primal want to do some Frontlines?
I still haven't beaten Lakshmi ex and I've made like 20 attempts with different PUGs. Then I got bored and beat Susano Ex after my fourth attempt with one PUG.
So I don't know. They're both about on par with difficulty, as in neither of them are very difficult, but the problem with Lakshmi is nobody understands how to use vrils or do basic co-ordination. I also was begging people to co-ordinate for Divine Doubt and literally nobody responded. Guess who ended up dying twice in a row to that mechanic because of faggot party members? Also I keep ending up in PUG's doing a dual tank strategy where the OT fails to be second on the enmity list, therefore nullifying the entire purpose he's there. Susano Ex his mechanics are at least simple enough to be mostly just "dodge shit" which people seem to have an easier time grasping.
Oh man now I need to make a Helghast glamour for my own MCH. Are there even any full helmets like that with glowing red eyes?
What chest armor is that?
None that I'm aware of
>Cast Tri Disaster
>Cast Fester
>Has no effect!
It's not as simple as "dodge shit", more like "dodge your teammates". The SB primals actually introduced a lot of unpredictability by tying damage to your own party members and this immediately tilts everybody the fuck out because FFXIV was normally such a rigid dance game. This is emphasized tenfold in PUGs.
I'm at almost 20 attempts across 3 PUGs for Susanoo now
Anyone feel like the primals are very tacked on in stormblood? The setup for both fights is basically "whoops we summoned a primal LOL".
But not a cat
yeah I more meant in the way that pure movement can keep you alive in Susano, whereas Lakshmi you have to pop those vrils which people don't seem to understand even though it's an incredibly forgiving mechanic.
Also had a great moment in lakshmi where we were all spread out for hand of grace and the bard just runs into my line at the very end of it, and then we die to stotram. Group just insta disbanded after that. I was so baffled at why he did that.
people are retarded, most of the "farm" parties I join are people who expect to get carried and get hit by the same mechanics over and over again
Uh huh. Makes me wonder if they'll be getting rid of the Primal Formula anytime soon. But that would probably mean getting rid of the Beast Tribe Formula as well. Though if they replaced them, it would just be a different coat of paint for the same thing. Instead of primals, maybe we fight Garlean Frankensteins and get "beast tribe quests" from units of garlean soldiers or something. Either way, it's kind of a hard mechanic to dump. It'll just look different if they change it. Still, I don't mind it. Susano and Lakshmi are fun.
>people actually spend 1 million for the gold saucer mount instead of getting the superior adamantoise mount for 800k less
>people dont just use a chocobo