Why do American called Rockman "Mega Man"?

Why do American called Rockman "Mega Man"?

Rockman sounds fucking retarded

They are so retarded they wouldn't understand why he isn't a rock.

Because Capcom USA thought the name Rock Man was stupid. It probably sounded more natural to Kitamura but to an English speaker it would only make sense for some kind of stone themed hero.

because the japs fucked up when naming him and america corrected it for them

does that little blue bomber look like a fucking rock to you?

the answer is autism
because they will go
>but no rock
>what does he mean by this??

Because the naming convention for Rockman was entirely arbitrary while all others in the game were thematic.

>Because the naming convention for Rockman was entirely arbitrary

Rock + Roll
Upbeat music is key to the game, hense Rock n' Roll.


>Rock & Roll
>A million fucking more music names
Nigger what?

Beck and Call

That would've worked better if Rockman wasn't the only musically named character with the -man suffix.

Yeah none of that shit is in Mega Man 1, or 2. You see a frame of Roll at the end of MM1 but she's not named and doesn't speak.

When other Musical named things (including others only given as fucking localizations) appear; none of them follow the name conventions with Bluesman, Bassman, or Beatbird. Only one that could kind of be argued is Breakman; but he wasn't called that because he's a break dancer.

His name was rock. When he got the upgrade with armor and a gun, he became Rockman. It's supposed to be very super hero and toku.

Also in the 1st game your base weapon does extra damage to cutman AKA rock beats scissors.

Mega just sounds better.

No no no...
Rock Man is anagram for Car Monk. It's literally about an evangelist car salesman fighting other kikes for tax evasions.

Just have his normal name be "Rock" and his superhero name be "Mega Man"

Because we actually speak English, instead of just getting the gist of cool sounding English words.

>Mega Man Volnutt

Sounds retard.

You're missing the larger point, which is that in Japanese his name is "Rokkuman", i.e. it's literally the sounds that make up "rock man" rather than the Japanese words for "rock" and "man".

The Japanese gave him an English name because to them, the English word "rock" refers only to the music and the English word "man" implies super-hero status because of where they borrowed them from.

When you translate that literally to English as "rock man", it sounds like a guy made of rock, or a guh with stone powers or something, because it carries none of the connotations of using loanwords in Japanese.

The right way to localize his name and keep the musical-superhero joke would have been something like calling the series "Rock On!" and then having him be "The Amazing Rock Man" or something.

Or just change it to Mega Man because a complete clusterfuck of players misinterpreting what the game is about is not worth saving a bad "Rock and Roll" pun.

Yeah but how does any name make "Volnutt" sound any better? Don't give me any of that "it's the future" Eobard Thawne shit.

>reddit spacing

>When you translate that literally to English as "rock man", it sounds like a guy made of rock, or a guh with stone powers or something, because it carries none of the connotations of using loanwords in Japanese.

Speaking of, I had the most obvious idea that I'm shocked they never did.

There's a boss in the next Mega man named "Rock Man". He's stone themed.

In the Japanese version, this same boss is called "Mega man".

It'd be a cute little play on the different names of the character in different regions.

That's not a larger point. That's the already expressed sum total of the argument against the localization. As was already explained in this thread "Megaman" was released well before Capcom actually made a trend of musical names by making more games in the series. And It's not like "Rockman" was developed with the title in mind. "Mighty Kid", and "Knuckle Kid" and a bunch of others were considered after they couldn't get or lost the rights to make the game with the Astroboy license.

A better question would be why did they ruin the entire naming convention by making the two helper robots "Mega" and "Roll" in Mega Man Powered Up

If you were to look to Mega Man 8, realize Capcom of US was responsible for changing the name of "Forte" to "Bass" and then hired an actor who read the name as if he were a fish; you'd realize no one is paid to give a shit.

>with the Astroboy license.

That's always cited in mega man threads, but I've never seen a citation for it. Until I do, I'll consider it a myth.

>As was already explained in this thread "Megaman" was released well before Capcom actually made a trend of musical names by making more games in the series.

Rock + Roll. Are you a stupid nigger on purpose?

Bass & Treble make more sense as a pair than Forte & Gospel, one being a term and one being a genre

I might be mis-remembering this but I remember hearing about "Rockman" somehow being a problematic name because of drug allusions?

I'm not from the states so I'm not familiar with all of the drug-slang but does this ring any bells for anyone?

Well there's no official English release of Rockman Perfect Memories but shy the Astroboy point you can pick up any data book like say the MM20 to hear about the development of a new IP having had more than one idea.

>Rock + Roll. Are you a stupid nigger on purpose?
Please go through any 1987 release material for Rockman or Mega Man 1 and show me where "Roll" is mentioned. Because she isn't. Her name wasn't stated to be conceived of until producing Mega Man 2 and that was scrapped from the game. So that it was not something that was written down until 3. And not what a localizer or fan or publisher could do anything with.

But, I think we can all admit, Fish and Treble do not make a good pairing.

>Kitamura: Roll was created at the same time as Mega Man. At first, her hair was in curly pigtails like Candy Candy’s. However, one of my colleagues, a senior planner at Capcom, saw that and said “Since it’s ‘Rock and Roll’, shouldn’t she have a pony tail?” He was totally right, and I changed her hair.

Looking back now though, I feel like her pixel art was a little weak, I’m embarassed to say!

>doesn't use rocks
dumb gooks

Why does Japan call "Reds" "Blues"?