holy shit I can do whatever I want
Holy shit I can do whatever I want
yea modable games tend to give you that freedom
I've just started as Rhodoks this time, for the first time. Man their country is a pain in the ass to navigate. And mountain bandits, holy shit, somehow I'm having more trouble with them than with steppe bandits.
Start your own kingdom, if you join others you are a cuck
Use your superior Rhodok Bren to take them out
you haven't raped and pillage
So what are you going to do?
>install some roleplaying mod
>only one type of food so my men get diarrhea
>no professional camper NPCs in the army and my camping skill sucks
>for this reason camping makes my men more tired than marching
>bolt towards Rivacheg so I can buy food and hire NPCs
>army too tired, have to make camp for the night
>camping makes them desert
>they're dying left and right from toxic diarrhea they got from eating only bread
>finally reach Rivacheg at a snail's crawl
>city is under quarantine, can't enter
We don't have Bannerlord 1 yet
Which flag is best flag and why is it the Austrian inspired ones?
should be obvious
>game has taverns
>can't sit down and have a drink
>tfw still really unsure if I should buy Warband, or just wait until Bannerlord
Buy&Play Warband while waiting for Bannerlord.
you should have enough time to be completely burn out by how stupid some warband mechanics are and join the bannerlord begging crew.
gib banerlor
There's not even a release date for Bannerlord yet, you'll have at least a year to play Warband
I bought this game yesterday and played 8 hours straight
any reccomended mods to play? how do you install them?
When does the next coup in Turkey start?
Mount&Blade warband is completely what i'd expect from a fallout 1/fallout 2 remake. Seriously, it's so close to fallout 1 and 2, it would be perfect to remake those game in Warband.
what mod my dude
i recommend you play more native before installing mods
90% of mods you just put their folder into Warband's modules folder and it's installed
I need a mod that give me more ways to siege a castle besides ladders.
get man at arms. win every battle
out of luck
on both ends, yes
12TH mod is pretty fun
Phantasy Calradia makes you into wizard
Undead Calradia for Native with cool twist
Silverstag has a whole bunch of cool shit in it
TLD if you want to play different game in Warband
Gekokujo for one of most polished and homogeneous mods out there
Also that one Naruto mod if you want to play as Madara Uchiha
Go to the game folder and drop them in "modules"
>make a cute girl on Native
>want to switch to Diplomacy
>saves not importable from the current version
>playing on Native
just import your character senpai
>Still need some more time to finish
What did they mean by this?
How do I make my own kingdom? I never seem to advance so I havent seen a ton of content.
Either defect from an existing faction and take your fiefs with you, or take a city or a castle without being a vassal
Go with purple unicorn
own lands without being tied to any monarch
>900 denars
>pornmods for warband
Actually pretty generous for Harlaus
Think of all the butter you can buy from that.
Dickplomacy actually fixes a lot of Diplomacy's bugs and adds some good new stuff, fixes horse archers ai. It's worth using even if you want to keep the sex part turned off.
I'm half on board with starting a new dickplomancy save, convince me without mentioning the shitty sex or brothel. Why play a mod with pike bracing?
dickplomacy is great even without adult content, lets you create your own banner as well
don't know why you wouldn't want to go around the map descending on peasant parties and clubbing the women to rape them later, though
I'm watching you, scum
Heraldic barding for warhorses. Horse archers that actually circle around enemies. Many bug fixes for Diplomacy.
I've been playing for a few weeks now without touching anything sex related and it's great.
literally just a better version of diplomacy if you dont enable the memesex
How is the learning curve in this game anyway? Always kind of wanted to try it out although I'm not sure if all the clunkiness will turn me off.
It is easy during early game but god help you if you if you have a castle or city.
Could just play a mod that uses diplomacy
I usually get bored at the stage when you run around with 30 men. The game is dependent on renown grind. Top equipment is very easy to obtain and it's not like having plate armor instead of lamellar is that important, given scale of battle.
>it's not like having plate armor instead of lamellar is that important
t. khergit
Yeah can you fly an AH-6 little bird against rebels? Arma 2 wins again
How the fuck do I do formations properly
I see no ah-6s on that pic
hardcore incestuous royalty simulation
only on certain mods and they're not even that good
>Still need more time to finish
I recently played this a bit again and I came to a realization: The open world with all the random shit going on is absolutely great if you're just exploring the game but horrible if you want to do specific things
>just starting out
>got 30 shitty peasants in my party
>looking for looters to hunt down
>don't find any for 5 days
>suddenly, 3 parties of 20+ forest bandits
that's the main problem with running on rumors to find shit, nobody knows, there's nobody to ask who should always know(like i don't fucking know, the captain of the patrols), and there's no "i haven't found the cunts yet they can't possibly be bothering you anymore" option for the quest giver.
also lords cancelling your quests halfway through is the worst.
I always go with that one. It's just the prettiest banner desu
Sorry if I wasn't clear, I was looking for looters for a quest, just trying to find something I could reasonably fight to level up myself and my dudes
I'm certainly not stupid enough to take a fucking hunt down bandits quest ever again after it fucked me the first time
WHAT MODULE IS THE BEST BREHS? I just want a good, solid module that is fun and works well.
I've tried Gekokujo, Floris, PoP, Warsword, 1257, Nova Aetas and Blood and Steel. I really enjoy blood and steel but the combat AI doesn't rub me the right way sometimes
Where can I download Dickplomacy? The File is private on the nexus.
dickplomacy has a lack of armor options
Warband general
I wasn't looking*
I'll just stop fucking posting now
that's because it's native
Thanks friend!
>try really hard to get my dick wet
>It doesn't work out
I can't even get laid in video games.
>things are going really well, I joined a faction and shit
>suddenly get ambushed by a 200+ group and lose almost everything
this has happened twice
>getting ambushed
>by a large group
git spotting/pathfinding or a companion with them
Stop getting ambushed by groups of 200+ people then.
Native, diplomacy and dickplomacy have boring armor options and its never been fixed.
>subjective thing
Can you mix Floris with Dickplomacy somehow?
What kind of character should I roll with in Blood and Steel. Unsure if I should play as a super good archer that fires arrows like nobody's business but has average melee skills or a super good melee fighter with average ranged skills
you would need the source code of both
the whole process would be more trouble than it's worth
Fug, oh well.
>That Guy who thinks he's a pony irl
All the fixes done by dickplomacy are subjective things, who gives two shits about the AI? If you want something competitive you go to MP, if you RP then having fixed horse archers doesn't actually change anything
I dont give two shits about your opinions
Fires of War is pretty good for an ancient Greek flavored campaign
> who gives two shits about the AI?
>having fixed horse archers doesn't actually change anything
In that one lord of the rings mod you can smash in some gates.
What an awful post.
When you're so broke from bills you can't even afford this game, feels bad guys.
Whats that mod again?
That's what you get for not treating your butter addiction, user.