You have FIVE seconds to name the most HORRIFYING videogame of all time

You have FIVE seconds to name the most HORRIFYING videogame of all time.

Other urls found in this thread:

pocket morties?

Cry of Fear is legitimately terrifying

Saya no Uta.

>Cry of Jumpscare


>i've literally never played this game before - the post
Even if you don't like the jump scares the design for the monsters is genius



Nightmare creatures

sonic.exe is scary!

all of those shitty NES games you try from complete rom collections which someone undoubtedly received as a gift in their childhood



>Going on a North Korean Basket weaving forum to whine about games you've never played
Why user?

Metroid: Other M

Gex 3


Theres a VR Game called "Smell of Death"
It's shit.
It uses pretty standard Unity assets
Some questionable level design.

But that surround sound is what gets me, and every now and then i have to take off the headset to check I'm alone in the house.

>tutorial has a jumpscare

That would be Pathologic.

No one said there were no jump scares learn to read you faggot

Not counting the forest which isn't scary in the slightest there's like 2 actual jump scares stop being a girl

>there's jumpscares
>no there aren't except these
t. neo Sup Forums

Can you actually not read you redneck

Can you? Fucking reddit nigger.



nigga u dum

>look im trollilng on le Sup Forums :)