Vermin Fight Club

The final fight of the first Round will be soon, between a ASCII-art wizard and a sprouting seed.

>What is this?
Computer-controlled MSPaint cockfights.

>How do I make a Vermin?
Draw a monster with up to 3 forms in MSPaint, then distribute points between the five pictured stats as such:
-Evo 1 Vermin are allowed 13 points
-Evo 2 Vermin are allowed 16 points and an ability, or 20 points and no ability.
-Evo 3 Vermin are allowed 20 points and an ability, or 25 points and no ability.

>How do I enter my Vermin into the tournament?
When the host announces sign-ups are open, respond to that post with the Vermin you want to enter. The first 16 to post make it in, while the last 16 are randomly chosen from everyone who signed up within 3 minutes.

>Where can I store my Vermin for safekeeping?

Other urls found in this thread:



Need some names, preferably edgy but not too edgy.

>One fight left in the first round
>My vermin is in it and I've waited so patiently

My body is ready


>Bugs have exoskeletons, not skeletons
>Skelefags are too dumb to notice that this is just a normal bug

Thanks for the support!

art from last thread for

Reposting this. CHOOSE YOUR VERMIN

Still prefer the numbers honestly.

Is it frowned upon to enter a vermin into a tournament immediately after it has lost the previous tournament?

>implying he can pierce the wall


>still has the blorf clone
sakurai pls

Yes. But nobody is stopping you.

>TFW 2 2nd set matches that feature 2 Sup Forumsermin I like facing off

I like the bars.


Here's a quick reminder to keep in mind when designing waifumin.

This Sup Forumsermin was in 2 tournaments. It fully evolved both times.
Nobody batted an eye

So no, nobody cares.

Yeah but I don't want people to hate my vermin for it.

Gonna main the Gizmo Bros because I made one of them

my new goal is to create a vermin clever enough to be considered iconic.

reposting my vermin for team edgelord

>that little nub just above chairaffe

>next time on VFC, A giant bug skeleton thing tries to fuck a brick wall to death

Eel Claw
Deep Dark Fantasy

I find the ones on the left hotter because I have a fetish for things that are thematically appropriate.


Nobody's going to care that much, it's just considered poor form if you ask me. Why not just make a new one with some different stats right?

>only 2 fast
would lose in 6 turns

>literally tanks
But still. What do you think?

How do I make a vermin that ends up on the far right?

>the shitty furbait metal arm vermin getting incessantly bullied
watching it's creator cry about it made me hard as fuck, the sponge is so disgusting and hated it's become iconic but literally everybody just finds the fox fucking embarrassing.

Final decision is left up to template fag.

Most of these vermin are just iconic because they got pretty far into the tourney or were excessively shitposted.

For some reason I couldn't find the layer that nub was on to erase it and I wouldn't want to mess up the background

I keep making these but I work all day and always miss the submissions. I never get to see my babies shine.

Can't think of a third form right now. Or a name. Also what do you think of the ability? Couldn't decide on those two effects so I just threw in both.

r8 h8 appreci8 thanks m8

The best part is that he kept trying to fix it and failing.

Literally draw your fetish and stat it.
Make sure it's really obvious.

Pretty fucking great, but IIRC host said that revival abilities aren't allowed. I'd say change it so that it happens when in "Oh shit" status.

>Make a furry vermin that is completely unoriginal and boring
>continually try to "fix" it by adding random shit

Metal Slug/10, but I don't think people like the idea of having revival abilities.

I'm pretty sure you don't understand how stats work. If your gunner jumps out then he should have only 5 points to use among his stats.

What you have now is basically a 3rd evo with 33 points

>was told to make it more thematic and unique
>just changed it's names to retarded random meme shit
>genuinely thought it was fixed

Damn, I don't want this to be put on me haha. Honestly dude, it's your card game. I feel like you should have final say.

>badly drawn
>furshit (furrier than that thing on the left)
>fat or super thin
>poorly designed
>give it excessively OP abilities
>mess up its stats in accordance to the guidelines
>shitpost about it constantly and whine when people try to correct you or criticize your design
>act like a massive faggot when shilling it
>live in eternal infamy

How about Bomber Jack for the second one?

holy fuck, lil'dunk is great

when does the all out attack occur?

>my own vermin vs my favorite vermin will happen in the second round
It's gonna be interesting I suppose

Names please

How do I make my character more interesting?

third form could be one of those crazy plane things with helicopter rotors in the wings, loving the Dunkleosteus design.

100 Int

how's the ability


Let's stick with numbers for now. I like the fact that we have room for flavor text. Plus, I can always change the format later.

How will make the 2nd stage monsters fight as well?

I hate to say it user but I think it's time to go back to the drawing board, the core idea (guy with sword) is bland and he just grows older and more powerful with each evo. If you think of a cool or funny idea people won't really care about how well drawn it is.

Guard is literally the anti-muscle stat.

Suicide since the blast buff. Don't forget blast ignores some guard too so that ability plus all those points into guard doesn't seem right to me.




Since Muscle attacks are the more common of the two kinds of attacks, it is rather overpowered. Maybe tweak it so that muscle attacks have a Mr. Mats level of being evaded instead of being outright immune to them.

Okay, sorry, I'll fix it. Will it be okay if it will change it's stats when the lives are on "Oh shit"?

>still too intelligent to attack

Guard is also likely to affect dodge chance

It's a bit OP. Maybe make it so that Muscle attacks have a 50% chance of missing instead?

Here's a "vermin" I quickly threw in the "never submit this" bin after making a stage or two for it. Should I attempt to breathe new life into it?


these are really clever

I think that's much more acceptable

I make little sculpts like this, in the future I could make something Vermin related as a prize for the winner, or turn the Vermin winner into a little sculpture if it's Three-dimensional enough.

I don't know, I think it could add more flavor to the whole thing to have a small physical reward. Taking ideas on an actual trophy min as well, in chase there's an already iconic Vermin character that would be instantly recognizable.

Seems alright to me.

Threadly reminder that this retarded faggot happened.
Brainlets, amirighte?

Blorf is the most iconic Sup Forumsermin

>trophy min
Blorf would be the first to come to mind. He's iconic as fuck.

wouldnt work because youd need peoples physical addresses

how's this

Can somebody post all the 2nd stage vermin that passed trough?

Do Blorf, man. He's the posterboy of all vermin

To be fair, that was before it was changed so that you could still attack with 0 muscle/blast.

Not really sure what you're trying to say here, but yeah that's the idea. That plus those plane decals with the shark face.
Original idea was to go full Digimon and make it a nuclear plane robot in a bomber jacket. But I assume that would be really lame to everyone but me. I'm trying yo avoid "just a bigger plane.

It has to have a machine gun in it's mouth, though, that much I'm decided on.

No idea. I don't know how the host does special attacks. I originally had it so it did that instead of normal crits, but that would be hilariously OP. Considering it would include all the damage from the last time it used that, and just keep snowballing every time it happened.

it could do like three matches worth of damage in one hit.

>tfw to smart to not get fucked by rng

I actually did make a second form to it, but couldn't figure out a third form. I'm probably gonna redraw the head on this one, since I'm not too happy with how it looks.

Look through here

Just having someone's shitty 'min be made and shown in real life is enough of a reward IMO. But I wonder if it is possible to have the first claymation Sup Forumsermin, since there's someone who can do so right there.

>not dinoswordus
blorf fags fuck off

The OP image has the current bracket, just waiting on the last fight of round 1. If you're looking for stats though, here's an album of all the mins.

R8, also could someone redo the 2nd form? I was trying to draw him in a yoga pose but I can't into legs.

>tfw too intelligent to attack

I like where this is going boyo

I kinda meant doing the whole evo chain, but if you don't want to do that, it's fine.

Dinoswordus didn't kill titanbetes and steal the false emperors crown. also blorf is cute as fuck, dinoswordus looks derpy

Is this a decent concept? I'm probably going to redraw it with a tablet and fuck with the colors or something.

I do have a third form made for it.
It's a poorly-drawn fusion of Nanashi and Dagda.

>unon 2: rad-ical boogaloo

literally unon 2.0

There was literally a vermin with the exact same concept in this tournament

Welp, time to sudoku.