First and foremost, does Zero Time Dilemma answer a single question left from the ending?
2. Who is "?"
3. Is Sigma doomed to fail, and if not, will success rewrite the timeline or branch off?

That will be answered in the third game, I hope you look forward to it



The motives are complicated user

All fun for Zero TIme Dilemma died when the game came out.

You're too late to the party.


Is ZTD even worth touching, and will there be another sequel?

>will there be another sequel?
Probably not.

Depends what PSync is

>will there be another sequel?
>Is ZTD even worth touching
for closure I'd say, sure

It's ok if you are only in for the memes



Zero time dilema answers nothing, and the game only lasts 2 minutes.

there's literally not even a second of gameplay, and then another cutscene and the credits start to roll.

>Is ZTD even worth touching
only for the memes and you're a little late for that
>and will there be another sequel?
uchi apparently wants to make one in 2027
he is, if so, the only person alive who still wants a fourth game

Stop cucking me with memes, you fucking pieces of shit! I don't know how the fuck to feel after that ending!


It has been more than a year and I still don't fully know how I feel either.
Just move on. Play Danganronpa or other stuff

I'm also wondering whether I should play ZTD, VLR was one hell of a ride but the ending left me confused. I hear so much bad things about ZTD though.


Exactly, I want to play it, but all of the negative attention makes me that much more afraid that I won't get any closure.


"?" is never brought up in ZTD so that entire aspect of VLR is thrown out the fucking window.

No, don't bother. It's fucking terrible that's only good for memes to ease the pain of the betrayal you feel throughout.


It is so fucking bad it retroactively made my memories of 999 and VLR worse because I know they amount to nothing.


As much as I want to avoid it, the memes and mystery of it have piqued my curiosity.
Is it worth it to open the box just to see if the cat of hope is still alive or to let both possibilities still exist?

open the box
curiosity killed the cat, but it was worth it

Almost everyone on Sup Forums agree that ZTD is shit, so dont bother

The cat is all fucked up and rotten, but it's still worth it. Open the box.

Forget about Another Time END, apparently it was never meant to be canon.

Most other questions are answered in ZTD, whether in a satisfactory way or not is a huge point of contention.

Just play it and see for yourself.

Just watch an LP on youtube for free

>I have no fucking idea what to do with all these plot points
>let's just pretend that this ending does not exist and it was never meant to be canon, even when I said in the previous interviews, that 3rd game will answer all these questions.

I am not edgy, but I would seriously kill Uchi if given chance


It's good that you had fun but you should get off the train now, ZTD is shit

I want to get into this series

Which one do I go to first

Think of ztd as a less pretty until dawn on the ds

then virtues reward
then dillema

>First and foremost, does Zero Time Dilemma answer a single question left from the ending?
Only the questions of how Sigma lost his arms/eye and what happened at the Mars test site.
>2. Who is "?"
? was speculated to be Blick Winkel from Ever17, but the director has retroactively stated that the section with ? is noncanon metafiction
>3. Is Sigma doomed to fail, and if not, will success rewrite the timeline or branch off?
Only one of the timelines leads to VLR
Don't expect much from ZTD's ending or you'll be disappointed. There's not much closure.

It's also on other stuff and I keep forgetting that for some reason

Go ahead, I wish I went into ZTD with by expectations as low as yours.

Fucking spoilers REEEEEEEEE


I went into it with low expectations and while knowing some of the spoilers, but actually I kinda liked it. Just don't question things.

As a fan of 999 characters, I'm glad I played ZTD. Sure, the story might not be on par with the previous games, but at least it gives the closure to them.
Only memers and people who had too high expectation hate ZTD.

just move down to the watered down version called danganronpa

>does Zero Time Dilemma answer a single question left from the ending?
>2. Who is "?"
Non-canon. Don't worry about it.
>3. Is Sigma doomed to fail, and if not, will success rewrite the timeline or branch off?
Of course it branches. ZTD has a flowchart too.

Now get outta here before you get spoiled.

>year of the Second Nonary Game
What does it mean

? is the player. By having Kyle be sent back to ?'s place in the past, when Kyle jumps back to his body, ? can be there to see and alter the events of ZTD.

Yeah, I know the guy said he made the ending non-canon - I don't care; this is my way of creating cohesion with what we got in the games.


Another Time was added because of the Tohoku earthquake in 2011, which happened during voice recording.

Uchi wanted to end the game on a lighter note, but it was never canon.
Another Time basically just sucks the player's dick, I don't know why people thought Blick was a real character.

It's "make your own canon" now, so whatever floats your boat.

>I don't know why people thought Blick was a real character.
Because he is in the extended Uchiverse.

I'm not familiar with that Blick, but AT screamed non-canon as soon as Akane started heaping praise on ? like "wow you must have incredible power" and "only you can go back and save the world with Sigma!"

Like fuck, they really laid it on thick.

Even if you don't like how they handled Blick/(you), AT added some legitimate plot threads, like Kyle going to help Sigma, Akane having a way to bring back Alice/Clover or Phi being an X-factor in the ZTD. It's not just sucking the player's dick.

I'm gonna be honest, I feel like we're better off not having Kyle in ZTD.

I mean
How the fuck would that even happen? Kyle can't SHIFT, so how could he come with them?

The only thing I can think of, as well for Alice/Clover, is the AFM.
And everyone hated that, so the less it's used, the better.

Kyle's purpose doesn't even make sense now that I think about it.

He was created as a "backup" for Sigma to SHIFT into, but SHIFTing swaps consciousnesses between the same person.

Kyle has a separate identity and consciousness to Sigma, so how could Sigma use him as a backup? Even though he's a clone, they're hardly the same person.

Maybe Uchi axed Kyle because he hadn't completely thought him through.

>How the fuck would that even happen? Kyle can't SHIFT, so how could he come with them?
Well, we'll never find out now, but just because there are no obvious answers doesn't mean there aren't any at all. That's what made those plot threads interesting, there is a really opportunity to surprise the fans that thought about these questions for the last 4 years.
>Alice/Clover, is the AFM
AFM isn't solution to the problem presented in AT. They specifically mention that there won't be any two Clovers and Alices in the past. Also, by faxing them back there are still the originals stuck in the doomed timeline. But I guess that's good enough for ZTD Uchi.

>And everyone hated that, so the less it's used, the better.
The idea behind the AFM is actually fine. But people hated that it is fucking AYY technology that was in use since 1888 and came from nowhere.

>He was created as a "backup" for Sigma
Yes, but not in the way you think. He was supposed to continue old Sigma's research in case something happened to him, which is retarded for another reason because lol closed loop bullshit. Sigma created him in the VLR timeline, because the Sigma before him created him in the VLR timeline and so on.

>just because there are no obvious answers doesn't mean there aren't any at all.
I just can't imagine a solution that wouldn't be intensely convoluted, and supposedly Sigma would only take Kyle with him for some father-son bond shit, rather than actually needing him there.

>there won't be any two Clovers and Alices in the past
Do the ones in cold sleep count?
Wouldn't the ones in cold sleep have to continue to exist in order to close the loop anyway?

There's no way all this shit wouldn't be more ridiculous than what ZTD turned out to be.

>He was supposed to continue old Sigma's research in case something happened to him
Yeah this part never made sense to me. So was Kyle being taught all the science and tech that Sigma knew, or was he expected to learn if Sigma died? What about if something happened to Akane during research?

Kyle was a mistake

SIgma just made a copy of himself cause hes literally a megalomaniac

Eric is best boy

Fight me

>I just can't imagine a solution that wouldn't be intensely convoluted
But those solutions are half the fun. VLR already laid out the time travel framework, now ZTD could use it to its full extend and expand upon. Instead they retreaded VLR in a more clumsy way. AFM was like the only good idea, but that shit had no built up and a retarded backstory just to justify part the Delta twist.
>Sigma would only take Kyle with him for some father-son bond shit
Akane literally says that, and I quote, "Kyle is absolutely necessary" to "infiltrate the test facility and prevent the spread of the virus".

>Do the ones in cold sleep count?
>Wouldn't the ones in cold sleep have to continue to exist in order to close the loop anyway?
Of course they count. If you want an slightly dark take on how it could work: Akane just kills the originals in cold sleep in the true ending, and the originals that stay in the VLR. Then there are only the copies from the VLR timeline in the true ending. Now that could work as a moral dilemma

>"Kyle is absolutely necessary" to "infiltrate the test facility and prevent the spread of the virus"
Even in VLR Dcom was just a test site, how fucking hard could it be to get in

Is Kyle a master of unlocking? Was ZTD originally a heist game?