Megaman Starforce thread

I'm curious, does anybody on Sup Forums like this series ?
>what is the best game of the serie
>do you think starforce is better than other megaman games?
>who is best girl?
>will we ever get a sequel?
Post cool fanart if you want to

First for best girl.

I loved 3 for its noise forms. It appealed to my inner autist. Wolf best noise

>3's objectively the best.
>I don't think it's better than the other series per se, but I enjoy it more in some ways. MMSF3 is one of my favorite games of all time and literally saved my life in a roundabout way.
>Sonia. Or Tia.
>No, sadly.


Noise forms are great indeed.
Rogue was the best for me, I liked edgy characters way too much back then.

>does anybody on Sup Forums like this series ?
One or two people.

Most people in general don't seem like they played it, or they were just biased against it because it wasn't Battle Network. I didn't care for it precisely because it was just more Battle Network, and once MMBN tried being "serious" it really lost any charm it had with me.

I played through the first game. I hear the third is the best, but the second was terrible, and I'd really not play through a terrible game just to know what's going on with the story in the third. So I just passed on the rest of the series.

I don't think anyone can argue that 3 is not the best in the series

I loved the second game more than the others, even if I recognize that the third one is objectively better, Idk i just love the bad guys' design in general.
>dat snow level in sf2
Comfy as fuck

SF2 isnt terrible, but it dialed back to less serious story telling like early BN.

People hated that. I liked the secret cheatcodes too.

SF3 by comparison is Edge La Edge

I did

They just don't hold up to the Battle Network series is all. They had their moment, and now if I ever want to replay these types of games I drift toward the originals.

Good taste

>what is the best game of the serie
SF3 easily
>do you think starforce is better than other megaman games?
I've only played 10 and a bit of Legends, and BN, so I couldn't say.
>who is best girl?
I liked Luna.
>will we ever get a sequel?
Capcom doesn't give a fuck so never.

I got bored with the first game.

I think most people in current times like SF, but back when the series was coming out I think I recall most people being mad that BN was done and hating SF.

>>what is the best game of the series
3, hands down
>>do you think starforce is better than other megaman games?
Not better than BN and too different from everything else to compare.
Not to say I didn't enjoy it.
>>who is best girl?
>>will we ever get a sequel?
How alive is Megaman right now?

I honestly think that SF3 with BN6's battle system + noise would be wonderful.

Starforce 3
Better than bn
No. Props to that guy that keeps releasing GeoxLuna doujins. I like Sonia better but his dedication is pretty amazing

>>what is the best game of the series
3 without a doubt
>>do you think starforce is better than other megaman games?
its a completely different genre to the others, but under bn though
>>who is best girl?
sonia then, luna now
>>will we ever get a sequel?
no but seeing how 3 ended, im fine with it

Why did capcom just stop making megaman games? Do you think that a new game would bomb that badly?

>Why did capcom just stop making megaman games?
Honestly I think it's because a fuckton of Megaman games were being released back in Gen 7, then sales started to decline little by little, so they figured people were getting tired of the Blue Bomber and nothing else got released after that, besides some collection games.
>Do you think that a new game would bomb that badly?
A new one would probably be a mild success but not enough that Capcom would keep pumping new games in the franchise.

It was weird to switch from a 3x3 to 3x1 grid but it didn't feel like a downgrade to me. It only got better with each installment. Shame it had to go so soon but atleast it ended on a high note.

I've only played 3 but It's an excellent game with surprisingly fun multiplayer. Red Joker>Black Ace
>who is best girl?
Queen Tia