>post most recently played games
>get judged fairly
Post most recently played games
I just got MKX, I'm really into fighting games and I gotta say its really fun. I never beat Hotline Miami 2 so I got around to that a few days ago, and then I've just been playing some Dota.
I need to check out Street of Rouge more, its seems fun.
pretty bad I know
>only 6.9 hours on doom
only casuals so far...
Nier automata was fun, need to get the rest of the endings but barely have the time nowadays
Hexen 2 was cool, can't comment on the others as I don't like fighters nor Dota.
I never understood the fascination behind Rocket League. I tried it and didn't find it all that fun to be honest.
le 2d indie games man
Not even fan of 2D indies, I just bought them on fucking Sale.
I love games where you can just fuck shit up
Rocket is just a decent competitive game where there's little bullshit regarding balance, it's a matter of skill (and luck)
Everyone's been sleepin on Anachronox.
>Haven't played video games in over six months
Whatever on life yo. Just kill me already.
Don't judge me too harshly I mostly play on console
so have you
i beat stormblood in like 4 days
It's ok to judge me, I don't even know what to say.
Fucking summer sale.
Dude, how?
>need to get the rest of the endings
Do so, and don't rush it. One of the best moments is during a few sidequests that are interconnected. Has to do with 2B and 9S. Also
Also pic related.
Sad shit.
I really should, but god damn I hate playing as 9S, that hacking shit is getting really tired.
r8 n h8. I've been playing Life is Strange since it was free on PS+ too. I expected to write it off but it's actually quite charming.
I rarely even hack as him when I fight, he has a heavy attack but I'll let you find out how to do it.
Of course I forget it.
And here's all the PS4 games pictured, not surprising as the PS4 has no games.
I know, I played it on release for 6 hours then got distracted and now can't get back into it
It's the most fun I've had playing an online game in years but I appreciate it's not for everyone
more 9S combat
no job+no college+bf is out of town
Wasn't that heavy attack just a combo triggered with the dash button or some shit?
I think that the fun of Rocket League is that skill boils down to 100% control over your movement, you don't have to remember movesets and combos, you just get good at movement. It's probably the most accessible game that still has a high skill ceiling that I've ever seen.
Confusing, I know.
something like that
Hollow Knight is okay. It's not amazing, but it's fine, and I like how everything is contextualized and the combat maintains momentum.
Stacking sucks. Typical Double Fine all style, no substance.
Duck Game is fun and all, but I wouldn't play it without friends.
Just bought Hitman on sale yesterday
Maybe he meant "best friend"?
Decent variation and it looks like you finished Wolfenstein on Uber so you're cool.
>insta-hack completion
So does this require hacking just as they die?
God damn I wish this shit had a remote chance of running on my PC.
>[current year] + 1
>not having a gaming rig
For what purpose?
Nier is dogshit fapbait, LA Noire is incredibly underrated and easily my favorite R* title, haven't played TNO but it looks kinda meh
could be worse, you could be this fuckin autist
I spend all my money on beer and cigarettes.
>Nier is dogshit fapbait
It's like 1200 hours at the moment
>could be worse, you could be this fuckin autist
Rude. Care to elaborate?
so do I, but I managed to build this in Feb this year
How do you get 90 hours out of LA Noire? Have you played through it 4 times?
>1200 hours on cod
>1200 hours on cod on a switch
literally why
Thinking you're either crazy or 16 years old with no other options.
Endless legend ui feels so clunky I'm about to give up on it.
Oh shit.
I will take inspiration from your success, user.
Dirty Bomb is still alive? Have they updated anything since that flash bomb dude?
He's just shitposting. Remember it's summer, and notice he didn't post his list.
>everyone just posts their own shit noone replies or judges
let it die already
I'm looking at them, but sometimes you just don't have much to say.
Thanks for contributing nothing.
It's not even the Switch, user.
Do you like it so far?
I love the other two but holy fuck I can't put Witcher down for the life of me
>369.2 hours past 2 weeks
And here I thought my +50h was bad.
eh, it's okay. I like it about as much as I liked Blood Money. My only gripe is that I've played 3 episodes and it seems way too short, if the rest of it is like what I've played.
Rally's fun as fuck.
Turning every single HUD and assist off makes for some solid ass clench action
>369.2 hours
the fuck? do you leave games on idle constantly?
also that's an old sub-woofer that died, and I decided to use as a stand
>darkest dungeon
>quake champions
>arx fatalis
Really enjoy how these are all spread across three different services' launchers.
>more than two hundred hours on the best 3D fallout
Good taste
disgusting desu
what the fuck
>Almost 400 hours on Total Warhammer
Dude what the fuck
I like total war and WFB too. What about it?
I may have autism
great taste. can I add you?
My nigga
is aragami any good user? Been thinking of buying it.
>Metro 2033
Keep having good taste user
are CK2 as bullshit as eu4?
How bad is it
Bullshit in what way? I'm not familiar with eu4, sorry.
Weebshit is one thing, but that katakana name means there's no hope for you.
just look at that mii, that should give you a hint
>Guilty Gear
You're on the right track user
>Valkyrie Drive
Aaaaaaaand you just lost any respect I had for your taste