Here's a twist:

Here's a twist:
Do pic related and post it along with your top 10 favorite games of all-time.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck you


You are literally the most retarded human being to walk this earth

Gameplay - 5
Story - 1
Graphics - 3
Music - 4
Audio - 3
Art Style - 4

>Puyo Puyo 2
>Thunder Force III
>Alien Soldier
>Bonk's Revenge
>Saturn Bomberman
>God Hand
>Shadow of the Colossus
>Intelligent Qube

Here's my shitty opinion. Enjoy a png file with jpeg artifacts I was too lazy to deal with.

In no particular order
SMT Nocturne
Crono trigger
Dragons Dogma
Crusader Kings 2
Shadowrun Dragonfall

Gameplay: 5
Story: 3
Graphics: 3
Music: 4
Audio: 2
Art Style: 3

-Wario Land 2
-Comix Zone
-Der Langrisser
-Sleeping Dogs
-Mario Tennis 64
-Rayman 2
-Legend of Zelda Oracle of Seasons
-World of Warcraft (Vanilla)
-Golden Axe
-Sonic 3 & Knuckles
-Mischief Makers


what does audio even fucking represent? sound effects?

It's not really fair to do this on a general scale though.
There are genres where some of those rows outweigh others.


Very few games get remembered because of their music or sound effects but everyone remembers art style and story/gameplay. Bad graphics can break immersion, that's why I chose these.

Damn I love Wizardry 1.

That's a flat out fucking lie you mong.
Half of the fun in Transistor is the god tier sound track, same with risk of rain, dmc, bayo, most final fantasy/ rpg games, persona, etc
shut the fuck up.


Never heard of it.

>half of the fun is the soundtrack
Then maybe you should play better games.

What the hell is wrong with you?
This is bait. cmon man, you can do better than that.

>this desperate for a (You)

Your words: half the "fun" of a game is its music. Really?

Why not pick better games and listen to music in the background?

Good soundtracks add to the game's enjoyability, not artificially pad it.

Hotline Miami would like a word with you.

Seriously man cmon, bust out the higher quality bait here. I know you can do better than this.

I can agree 100% with this

Best one coming through.

>low music
>high audio
Why? do you mean more in regards to audio quality? it would follow that audio and music go hand in hand so it's odd to see such a difference between the two.


>implying nier gets remembered for anything over than the music and story

>do you mean more in regards to audio quality?
Pretty much. It doesn't specify much so I just assumed audio is everything not music related.

Fair enough I suppose.

Where's diversity?
And voice acting?!

>i play football for the soundtrack
Look, if you're remembering games only because of the music, I submit to you that the game isn't that great.

If a game is great, and the soundtrack is, and it's memorable, then good for you.

If you're playing a bad game and enjoy it because of the music then just download the soundtrack and save yourself the bother of playing it.

No one is going to take you seriously.

nice Visual Novel faggot !

if you don't max gameplay and music you don't know shit about vidyamakin'

See this Is better bait, because I'm honestly not 100% certain weather or not it is in fact bait, it could simply be a autismo posting, or a contrarian, but it could believably be someones opinion.

Jesus fucking christ how far we've fallen. I have to teach these motherfuckers how to bait and give lessons.

literally the only reason anyone remembers chrono trigger was because of the GOAT soundtrack.

also confused on ^

Art Style-3

Shoulda replaced ambiguous "Audio" with something like...interesting characters/dialogue.

top 10 games in no particular order

dungeon siege
baldur's gate 2
Might And Magic 6/7
HoMM 1-3
Suikoden 2
Warcraft 3/Vanilla WoW
Phantasy Star 4/PSO1+2

low music and high audio means good sound effects but no ambient music

>literally the only reason anyone remembers chrono trigger was because of the GOAT soundtrack.
So it's not a good game? Maybe if it had better gameplay, art and story, more people would like it? Thanks for proving my point.

>list top 10 games
>none of them have famous soundtracks
>puts music importance as 4/5
What did he mean by this?


Dude cmon, Mr. Rodgers wouldn't want to see you like this bro, be the best you, you can be! Go hard in whatever you decide to do.

I thought it was just an average RPG, but the music has elevated it to cult status. Mindblowing music can cover for mediocre story/gameplay elements.


What's artstyle and what's graphics? Shouldnt they be one?

Here's my list. It's not 10 so pretend Catherine is in there too.

>that one triggered audiophile

that music is important...but not as important as gameplay?


See this? this is some damn fine bait right here. notice how graphics is at 0, but art style is 5. How audio is 0, but music is 5? this could be a honest mistake, maybe he doesn't understand the terms and what they mean, maybe english isn't his native language?

Objective facts

>he keeps getting triggered


TFW when not even a audiophile, I even play normal music over muted games most of the time, but you can't deny that when a game has a god tier sound track, it doesn't just massively improve the game, it fucking makes it.

>good soundtrack makes a game
0/10 bait


music could easily be the saving grace of a genuinely horrible game

See this isn't too bad of a bait. you personalized your bait, based off of what you know of your baitee, in a attempt to anger me into a response.
Have a You, Good job. I knew you could do it!

Why play a genuinely horrible game when you can listen to the soundtrack?

What are MGR:R, MGS series in general, Undertale, Halo series, Hotline Miami, ect
There are hundreds of games that have soundtracks that make them memorable, or are instantly what you're reminded of when thinking of it.

I'm not even a music guy or anything, I draw, texture, and 3d model and I know how important music is

>name a bad game but you remember them for the good soundtrack they had

Protip: you can't.

That's what I'm saying, even if the game ends up being dogshit you at least can go back to the soundtrack

Chrono cross,,,,,maybe?
Depending on opinion neir?

not horrible, but genuinely average

Final Fantasy 7
Super Mario Brothers
Metin 2

gameplay: 5
story: 3
graphics: 2
music: 4
audio: 3
art style: 3

anything other than this is the WRONG decision

I see 0 gameplay as something like a turn based RPG with no gimmick, something like the early Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest on the nes. Undertale has the bullet dodging thing which is actually pretty fun, plus the bosses are unique and well designed. The art style and graphics are the lowest tier but the gameplay is k.

0 gameplay is a visual novel faggot.

Symphony of the Night

Zelda: Wand of Gamelon
Everything about that game is 0/10 except the music which deserves a few points.

Ignoring OP's twist

false, fapping to anime titties count as gameplay

>story - 1
get a load of this guy

In no particular order

Mount and Blade Warband
Total War: Rome
Star Wars Battlefront 2
Stalker COC
Burnout 3 Takedown
Europa Universalis 4
Titan Quest: Immortal Throne
Skyrim + mods
Warcraft 3
3D Pinball

You're cock isn't a Joystick user, no matter how many strange moving growths it may have.

>Metal Gear Rising
>Pokémon Ruby
>DotA 2
>Rhythm Paradise
>Hotline Miami
>Crypt of the Necrodancer

My top 10
1 TLoU
2 Uncharted
3 Uncharted 2
4 Uncharted 3
5 Uncharted 4
6 Uncharted DLC
7 The Order
8 Horizon: Zelda Killer
9 The last of Days
10 Spider-man PS4

A lot of games are remembered for their soundtrack: FTL, Jazz Jackrabbit, Portal 2, DOOM (both new and old), Elder Scrolls games.
Of course, if the game has a great soundtrack and nothing else, it won't be remembered much, but a good soundtrack contributes to a game's noteworthiness more than graphics (unless the graphics are revolutionary or otherwise noteworthy)

Too many points, OP
Here's the true test

Dude,bro,homie,compadre,friend,buddy,guy, this is some shitty bait, you can do better than this.

Gameplay is always the biggest priority
I also fixed the grid's symmetry because autism

>Gameplay - 3
>Story - 5
>Graphics -2
>Music - 5
>Audio - 2
>Artstyle - 3

>10 fave video games
Super Mario World
The Last of Us
Batman Arkham City
Crash Bandicoot
Tomba 2
GTA Vice City
Resident Evil 2
Portal 2
Banjo Kazooie
Spider-Man (PS1)

here, replace Spider-Man with A Link to the Past.

Further thoughts:

This is why I love games like Crash Bandicoot because it doesn't focus on graphics or gameplay, but rather the music and an enjoyable and engaging plot.

CB's gameplay wasn't super smooth and the graphics for the time wasn't as great as SM64, MGS, and other big titles. But the game is pleasantly memorable for me.

dorf fort


You're playing it wrong.

it has a single music track and uses an ascii graphics interface, a single point in each catagory represents that


>top 10 favorite games of all-time
I'm still working on finding number 10, so I'll reply with my 3x3

muh 3x3

Good taste, at any rate.

Let's be real here. the music will after a few hours start to rape your brain, it's like tetris.I haven't heard the music in like 4-5 years or something, and even now, just talking about I can fucking hear it. It never ends.
There is no escape.

>gameplay - 5
>story - 3
>graphics - 3
>music - 3
>audio - 1
>art style - 5

anything but this is objectively wrong

Danke doktor

guess the game

>A lot of games are remembered for their soundtrack: FTL, Jazz Jackrabbit, Portal 2, DOOM (both new and old), Elder Scrolls games.
>fucking jazz jackrabbit
I mean, I loved the shit out of that game, but it wasn't because of the soundtrack and it damn sure isn't REMEMBERED because of it. Hell, it's hardly even remembered at all (by the industry at large I mean).

but doc, I was already healthy

In no particular order
>Mount and Blade Warband
>Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
>Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
>The Sims 2
>Fallout 2
>Fallout New Vegas
>Fable TLC
>Age of Mythology + expansion
>Fistful of Frags

took out music. No/limited voice acting + ambient tracks only. Also used 3 less points

>Mountain Blade
>Dragon Dogma
>Majoras Mask
>Minecraft (I also hate this game with all of my being)
>Fallout NV
>Harvest Moon
>Might and Magic VI: Mandate of Heaven
>Dark Souls