Should I get it?
DOOM 2016
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for 15 dollars yeah
yea u get to kill all the emeny with the shoot bang
Yeah, it's fun
It's good. Starts a bit slow though.
That said I don't get how it was in GOTY discussions.
>Starts a bit slow though.
For a traditional Doom game, maybe. You kill your first enemy within the first 10 seconds of the game, that's a lot faster than most other games.
Yes. Its good, but not the best. Doom 2 is goat. Nudoom is just decent
Wolfenstein's better
In terms of getting all your movement abilities and guns with modifications.
>Doom 2
Really? The only good thing Doom 2 had going for it was the Super Shotgun.
The level Design was shit and so were the new enemies except for the Revenant and Mancubus.
>for 15 dollars yeah
yea unless you hate good shooters
Level design wasnt as tight as ultimate because of the bigger maps made for better enemy encounters. Ultimates levels are well designed but fucking boring enemy encounters. The size of the levels and new enemies made combat way more fun in 2l
It's worth the money but it does have some pretty big flaws.
>Only 10 hours long on hard
>Combat starts to become stale near the end of the game with a mix of absolutely useless enemies that don't do anything and bullet sponges that two shot
>Boring boss fights
>Very limited story
>Limited story still manages to ruin some of the mystique of Doomguy by making him kin with some weird space Doomguy priests
>Weapons are oddly bland, with some weapons and addons being total fucking shit (Super Shotgun completely obviates Combat Shotgun, Prespin Chaingun is useless given the other addon does the same thing but gives it higher dps, Pistol is still useless when completely upgraded, which makes no sense given the basic idea is that it's used when you're out of ammo when your weapons will literally never be empty
>Only interesting plot point is the sequel setup
>Air Jump Control not being baseline is a sin
>Sound goes from cool demonic sounds and a great soundtrack that turns into a complete fucking mess that no joke made my ears hurt and gave me a headache from all the screeching
>Bizarrely hard to kill shield+shotgun demons that ended up being the only enemy I actually feared
>Air Jump Control not being baseline is a sin
taking up the slot with a necessary movement ability is pretty lame
>Level design was tight as fuck
Are you sure you actually played Doom 2? The level design was shit.
>>Bizarrely hard to kill shield+shotgun demons that ended up being the only enemy I actually feared
fuckin scrub
Kool I'm getting it, thanks Sup Forums
And people say games can't be art
What the hell
yes, for a reduced price
Less than 40 bucks
>limited story
>a flaw
60 bucks? nah.
for 15 buckaroos? might be one of the best deals this summer sale.
I liked it.
its mediocre; wait for a price drop.
yeah its the best fps of the last two years
Daily reminder that Samuel Hayden legitimately had Humanity's best interest in mind, VEGA is a total bro and Doomguy is not the fucking betrayer that so many people think he is.
Yes, it is surprisingly awesome.
What the hell guys no one said you needed a monster PC to play this piece of shit. Even the menu lags. Refunding.
Fuck you all!!!
What toaster are you fucking running man?
We assumed you weren't poor.
Yes. It's lot of fast paced slaughtering. It's fun and enjoyable.
you need a mediocre pc at best with the updates
its on sale on steam till the 5th for like 14 dollars nows probs the best time to get it
I have a mac shut the fuck up, it's awesome. This game is obviously just shit.
>I have a mac
And you're calling me poor? Stay mad non apple fag, you have shit taste!
>i have a mac
heres your reply
Hayden did have humanity's best interests in mind, but he fucked up bad in giving Olivia Pierce so much unrestrained power.
Also reminder VEGA is waifu for laifu, and he's backed up on Doomguy's little flashdrive
I'm not OP at all hahahahahahaahaa!
All is bullshit except for this:
Air Jump Control not being baseline is a sin
This, that's the beauty of the game