

How about this? It's an actual game.

>2004 Takeuchi
brings me back.

Reminder, Fate/Stay Night was a shit visual novel that only got famous because of how much it was ridiculed.

>FGO got me to want to read Stay night

How does it feel spending 13 years shitposting about something you didn't like? I'd hate to have your regrets while on my death bed.

>grew up with fsn

you need to be 18 and up to use this site

>between this shit and that FE game Sup Forums has unironically embraced gachashit mobile games

We need to go back.

>feeling proud you grew up with one of the most mediocre and overrated visual novels in existence

its okay when a major franchise I like makes gacha games!

How many people have read fate as their only VN ever and praise it endlessly? I feel like this is undoubtedly the case since no other VN series comes close to being as popular. I wish people would branch out more. Threads like this just show people use it as a "hardcore badge" since they think reading a long VN shows they are badass.

yay my first 5 star


But Saber (Lancer)(Boobs) is still best king and waifu.

I fap to the girls in GBF though is that ok

I remember when Yume Miru Kusuri was Sup Forums's babby's first VN for a while.

Absolute trash. Might as well be better off with Siegfried.

>FGO got me wanting to look for Fate porn

Tsukihime > Fate/shit

>feeling proud to own an image of one of the most overrated cartoons in history

when the FUCK are we gonna get archer herc instead of zerk herc

>Fate porn got me to want to read the visual novel and play FGO

What about this?

>and GBF
But Gundam Build Fighters was a great anime.

Unlimited Codes sucked. It's pretty damn bad when the official game sucks harder than the fangame.

Fate a shit
Tsukihime is better

>tfw fate goes back to its roots
>tfw never again

its not fucking fair

I like the general concept of Fate.

I wish it had a proper game, like an SRPG or so.

Now this is mana transference!

Anyone watch the first episode of Jannu's anime yet?

Objectively false. Not even the most powerful king.

Yeah, it was boring, just like the LN.


Congratz. Double the jannu for double the pleasure.

It takes skill to make such a cool conecept so boring

I rewatched the animu recently and nearly played the new phone game

then I went to /vg/ and found out the people who play it are a bunch of assholes so I decided not to. ill stick with the fucking VN thanks.

Anime > VN.

my fucking god sauce me boss


>implying what F/SN ended up being isn't way better than just DUDE SERVANTS FIGHTING LMAO

FGO may be a shit game, but they're constantly hitting it out of the park with the waifus, and it being another fotm gatchashit means constant porn from the nips

Couldn't have come at a better time too. I was getting tired of kancolle girls

my nigga

Seriously though: Grand Order and Apocrypha are the worst things in the Typ-Moon universe and somehow also the most popular. Fucking simpletons need to be purged.

Strange Fake adaption when?

You literally can't buy this anymore.

>back to its roots
Kill yourself my man.

I keep getting gay berserker dudes in my frienship rolls.

>get assmad over the truth
>"y-you just don't like it and I'm better than you"

English players have separate thread now and are your fellow fgo newfags, so you better start rolling that gacha, or lurk in archives for free accounts with your waifu.

>most popular
Also Strange Fake isn't even finished retard, do you even read what you claim to like? Putting the second half of GO on the same level as Apocrypha is dumb as shit.

Oh no, someone said something that I enjoy isn't good. I am wounded to my core.

Why not? Did they take it off PSN? I've still got installed on my Vita.

Seriously though. I think Nitcoris might be the perfect girl to me. Peak Brown, or at least tied with Kay from Gravity Rush.

>Series I like makes millions and can continue shitting out "garbage" I like
>Series you like languishes in fund collection hell and you never see anything from it
>I'm assmad.

License ran out and they didn't feel like renewing it.

wat is GBF?

Granblue fantasy.

She's perfect in every way. Its everything I like all combined into one girl

Apocrypha sold well enough to garner a nice adaption airing currently, and introduced a majority of the retarded bullshit we now see in Grand Order. It started the trend of abysmal DONUT STEEL character on the level of deviantart MCs and lacked any semblance of quality in it's writing; it's legitimate shonen-shit, and bad shonen-shit at that.

And as for SF: four volumes aren't enough to adapt? Even then, I just meant in general. At least SF is doing something interesting and not entirely basic and retarded.


Have you seen this artist's god-tier Nitocris series?

Granblue Fantasy

Just stay out of gacha games for your own good, I play Im@s CGSS, Im@s TD, Love Live SIF, FGO, GBF, Brave Frontier, FFBE, Pokemon Duel, FE Heroes.
I legit want to kill myself, these games are garbage. Well, maybe Imas/LL get a pass because they're music games at their core, but the rest are just shit.


Games with tons of "waifus" are fucking cancer. A waifu is something that should come naturally, not be thrown at you in droves in the hopes that something sticks.

>whale for it
just reroll for it fempai

Did both enjoyed both, I am the idort of fate franchise worship me

What imo makes fate/sf feel good is that while its crazy still manages to keep the mystical feeling of the fate universe intact. All servants and masters get the reespect and screen time they deserve.

Of course. Literally the only reason I signed up for twitter was to follow it. Love the art

>>Apocrypha sold well enough to garner a nice adaption airing currently
And you think THAT qualifies as being "the most popular"? Zero, Extra, and stay night are all more popular than Apocrypha ever has been, again you clearly have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Hell, Extra is getting an adaption by SHAFT in what looks to be next year if all goes well.
Adapting LNs when they're not even finished is also stupid, because anime always catches up faster, and puts pressure on the story to finish in order to keep the 2nd or 3rd cour coming at a decent rate without interest detoriorating.

Apoopyca is so shit it's not even funny.
Why any studio would bother to pick that shit up when it's universally agreed that it's the worst Fate side story i don't know.

I have 64 quartz and some tickets. Should I keep them or use them? I want a jannu but I'll keep then if there is an event coming up.

Unfortunately i only have that image
There are 2 doujins of her but they are not translated
(Oohira Sunset) Boudica-san to
Boudica-mama to no Nukinuki Seikatsu

But that's wrong.

Which servant is the purest?

thank ye kind user

Slower, jannu! Slower!



>read VN first
>now I'm playing FGO

What's the problem senpai?

It was bretty good

What I meant with Apocrypha is that the dumb-ass strain of Fate it spawned, with all the dumb lore and servants, was spun out to make GO which is now objectively the most popular. I don't get why you're being so autistic and prickly about this.


>was spun out to make GO
Making a "Ruler" class in F/go isn't a jump from apocrypha you fucking dickless retard.
Stop pulling shit out of your ass to sustain your imaginary sense of betrayal and butthurt you virgin.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks of this with that acronym
It was average tho

>le no u xd

>Grand Order and Apocrypha are the worst things in the Typ-Moon universe and somehow also the most popular
I'm pointing out how fucking wrong you are about this. Grand Order is popular as hell, but Apocrypha was never ever as popular as Zero, Extra, or stay night, so don't even claim that you know what you're talking about if you mention shit like that.
Also, dumb lore and Servants have been around since the start, Kojirou's entire existance is basically another way of saying "anything is possible", and with the inclusion of the AU element by aknowledging prototype, we both have male and female Arthur. This is not a new thing in Fate by any stretch of the word, and claiming that's the case is absolutely fucking sad and completely lacks any self-awareness of the material you're reading.
Apocrypha sucked yes, but it wasn't because of changing how the HGW worked, because even the last route of F/sn barely even revolved around the HGW. Fuck, hollow ataraxia was more about watching Lancer fish than it was the HGW itself. Strange fake takes even MORE liberties with Servants by adding stuff like Jack, and Extra went all-out with the inclusion of the Mooncell and later everything surrounding Tamamo which was more transparent than even shit presented in stay night.

Yes it is.

And that's not the only element. The whole concept of servants inhabiting mortal bodies is taken from Apocrypha too.

Again with the whole prickly autism thing too.

When are we getting Mysterious Heroine X and her edgy counterpart?

I'm pretty sure no one took Extra seriously when it came out though. Arc being a Berserker was already silly.

2 years, if they even manage to port her here. I started the damn game only for her Alter

Not to mention that FGO is literally what Apocrypha was supposed to be. Remember, Fate Apocrypha was supposed to be an MMO before Nasu decided it was going to be an LN. Then somehow down the line, they made it a mobage

Who are you hoarding for?
I'm waiting for my favorite edgemaster.

Should I use Saber Lily or Siefried?
Also I have Atalnte, who isn't mentioned in any reroll threads. Is she good?

Kintoki first and foremost, I'll get him even if I end up having to pay for him.

Dont be shy people post your party

Gil and then I might whale if there's something I really want like MHX and her Alter.


What's with these Fate threads popping up?

Is MAL down for maintenance or something?

I respect your 'All chips on Berserker' approach

Nice choice.
He's a really likable character.

>Grewing up with F/SN

Fuck off toddler.

It's a great concept for a fighting game with masters (Except Bazette) as assist characters. It ended up working out pretty well as a VN though.

Really though why won't they make a new fate fighting game that is better than unlimited codes. Just hand it to french bread, they could do it and it would print money if Dengeki Bunko FC is any indication. Especially if they expanded the roster past FSN and FHA to include Extra so tamamo faggots would eat it up like the trash that was extella
