ITT: Games absolutely destroyed by the developers
I'm still mad
ITT: Games absolutely destroyed by the developers
I'm still mad
Just about every MMO ever created.
I used to like playing SWG, then I realized I'm playing a game with lore based on fucking star wars and feel really childish for some reason.
Also, having to buff before doing literally anything is not fun
I'm still mad too OP. Fuck you Smedley.
Same here op
Just about every game has a childish "lore". Star Wars just happens to be an IP aimed at younger people instead of pretentious neckbeards.
I can name literally 4000 games that don't have childish lore.
But I won't.
There was something about SWG that made it feel a lot more immersive than most games today.
>Just about every game has a childish "lore".
yeah okay, maybe if you're a Nintendo neckbeard
Everyone is.
That game had promise.
And they spaghettied so fucking hard once they saw WoW's success.
Really? YOU can NAME 4000 games without childish lore?
Off the top of your head? Without looking them up?
Please, indulge us.
Didnt the guy responsible for this literally kill himself?
You ever seen Rainman?
Well just call me GAMEman
Fun Fact: Star Wars Galaxies was designed By Ralph Coster, who also designed Ultima Online.
Both games after a few years were taken over and changed to be completely different from their original vision.
SWG at its peak was and still is the best MMORPG ever created, nothing came close.
His name is Raph, I know because I talked to him a while ago
You are like little baby. I can name, 10,000.
Gorath Server - Imperial reporting in
Im mad too. The game was a buggy mess but that didnt mean they needed to fuck it all up with "updates"
I don't think Raph is to blame as much as company meddling is. I'd suggest reading the blog posts he has about SWG's development.
Oh I wasn't saying he is to blame, just saying he is responsible for creating 2 of the greatest MMORPG's.
Shit, Ultima Online is still officially running, at 20+ years old. (its not longer the same game it once was, but still)
Does this count?
Trandoshan Teras Kasi/Doctor reporting in
I remember being so young in that game, and I finally got bounty hunter. I tracked some jedi dude to a guild hall in a player city, whatever the dominating Imperial guild was on Scylla.
I'm super young, super green, and I walk in and the dude is mediating around some ungodly amount of force crystals in the middle of this beautifully decorated building. And then some of his friends come out of the side room and ask what I'm doing, and I spaghetti'd everywhere and asked them where they sold land speeders.
I bought some swoop, and started training up another class that day.
Looking back, if I jumped the dude there - would his friends have been able to attack? I could never understand how PVP flagging went for jedi's groupmates.
Were you playing alone?
Nah, I ended up running a big guild on Sunrunner. TK/Doc was my first classes but I think I ended up as Pikeman/Doc
No, they only could stand there and watch.
>h-hello friends where do you sell the landspeeders
You fucking know it
I wanna be a hero again
me:a, ff xv
they both could have been so good
>Bought the game on release
>Shared the disc with my classmates
>People actually liked me for a while because they could exploit me for free shit
I don't want to remember this pain
Not many will know this one, but it was different, rough around the edges but showed promise with some loving. Then was decimated with patch 1.
Tell the whole story and be descriptive. Your audience is someone that doesn't know a single thing about the game.
Please. I love learning about vidya. Especially shit I've never heard of.
Me and my buddies were bounty hunters that were a part of the 'Imperial Anti-Poaching Organization'. Pretty much we'd cruise around the Krayt Dragon spawns on Tatooine and tell people that were farming for pearls that they were poaching.
Either they could pay us a fine and get the proper 'hunting tags' to continue, or we would put a bounty on them and kill them for 'resisting arrest'.
God damn I miss those days...
Me and my buddies used to all log on our bounty hunters and then proceed to form a circle and suck eachothers dicks until we came. Fuck I miss those times
at least someone found a way to play the 2007 release again
It was a French MMO that came out around the same time as SW Galaxies. Built around a living planet, had seasons, weather and a loot system almost 100% built around crafting. You could dig, or get mats from mobs. You then used these mats to create weapons, armour and everything. And everything degraded and broke after a time. Better gear came from getting mats from dangerous digging areas or very hard boss mobs.
Much of the game was not finished when it came out, but it was still very different than anything else out and maybe ever come out. After a few months the devs decided the game was playing too arcadey for their liking. So they came out with a balance patch. Think of it like walking out of Stormwind and killing a few level wolves. And then after the patch the lvl 1 wolfs hitting like Molten Core trash. It was unplayable. Was not fixed for a while, devs liked it. Then they decided to bring it down a bit, but not much. It was still very hard for a starter to even kill 1 starter mob without dying. The result was a dead game, money run out. Promised features never got made or fixed. Then they went bankrupt and the game has changed hands multiple times with barley 100 players.
How old are you, 12?
Judging by the threads I've seen, you've got a while to wait before people are comfortable to admit that Kojima just fucked it up and the only truly unfinished thing was Kingdom of the Flies. The game was always going to be a mess with the worst boss fights, wasted potential in the story and ill thought out execution of some cool ideas.
yeah and nobody plays it, they have to struggle to organize enough players to get a single game going. i would love to play it if there was a playerbase, but instead i'm stuck playing modern tf2 with 50 different weapons for each class. hell, i'd rather play QTF, but goons only run private games on saturdays now.
Thanks. Good read.
>be bounty hunter
>track a jedi down to some player made town in the middle of nowhere
>he's sitting in his player made house that no one can enter but him
Every time
Fucking pedophile piece of shit, fuck off back to Sup Forums
The problems with the game stemmed from Konami not allowing Kojima to take the game in certain directions. Kojima resisted cus he's become spoiled with his fame, and got smited by the nazis for it. About half of the cutscenes we got in the finished game were not directed by Kojima.
Konami is literally cancer. The worst publisher in the industry but no one knows since they're in Japan and the Japanese don't whine about every injustice they suffer over social media.
How do you even kill him once you get there? Dude's a space wizard with a lightning sword.
I miss my old band. We were a large group of touring entertainers, and we were filthy rich.
Why are you shitposting in a legit vidya thread?
At least they saved it and did what every developer should do - Released a new version of the game from when it was good.
Why do faggots like you shit up threads with console wars bullshit
Nintenbro detected
Thanks from me as well.
What's the story behind SWG anyway?
>destroyed by the developers
it was dung to start with. developers could not fix it in time to react to massive amounts of players leaving so they changed it instead
Not him but killing jedis was easy. They either bought their Jedis off ebay or went through so many classes so quickly trying to unlock it that they never got good at anything.
Bounty Hunter scatter-pistol and it's specialised skills was enough to wipe out any Jedi. If you want lore reasons then the scatter pistol is firing 5 shots at once. They also have flame throwers. Jedis can't deflect a 30 foot wide sheet of napalm.
By ganging up on them with other bounty hunters or not being a shitter. Either way they were always afk in their locked house
It came out, was fun, then they started getting shit on by WoW and they tried desperately to make it better, but they incrementally made it worse and worse with each patch and expansion.
I remember playing this game and I honestly can't remember a time I was so fucking bored. I think I started right when it started going to shit, and they were hemmoraging subs.
>can't block napalm
Why not? With all the force power they got, why couldn't they just push all that shit to the side?
Not being argumentative, I'm genuinely curious. They seem to be able to move shit anywhere at any time with it, why would fire be different?
The original SWG was fucking boring.
Try the SWGEMU if you ever get curious.
You will be bored within minutes of trying the mission terminals to train skills
>Jedis can't deflect a 30 foot wide sheet of napalm.
lol, force cloak, improved force knockdown, improved force suppression as you are getting up. now you are at the mercy of the jedi if you weren't killed during force suppression, and he has force aura and force resist states for massive defense, force shock to debuff you, and immense amounts of force healing, especially if the jedi went master.
the only time a bounty hunter is easily going to kill the jedi is if the jedi is a complete fucking braindead retard, or a padawan.
the developer posted a blog about it. basically playerbase was bleeding out (dropped like 30% over several months or something) so they reacted to this by changing the core mechanics of the game, which included most of the good things about the game.
people fail to explain how that the game was deeply flawed before the change, because they only focus on the positive things that got removed.
also there's some private server that runs off donations that hits up Sup Forums for money every so often (this is probably one of those times)
I'm no Kojima hater, I love the guy and his wacky headspace but do you have any proof of anything you've just claimed? Kojima knew what game was being made and was going to come out and chose to misrepresent it, that was a very big mistake.
Meant for
I'm OP and I don't play the emulator
fug off with your shilling accusations
The game wasn't boring, you just don't have friends to play with.
The problem wasn't with the gameplay, it was content. After you got your build there was nothing to do but PVP and craft.
This is easier than posting all their games.
Smedly is still alive and kicking and he couldn't give two shits about the lost potential of SWG
SWG was the best MMO ever created imo. Why? Because the entire game revolved around players. A completely 100% player driven economy, a completely 100% player driven medical system, and housing, and vehicles, and animals.
Everything was crafted by other players. Hell, you even HAD to learn skills from other players as there were no skill trainers that could teach you the languages and stuff
Then JTL came in and we had a decent successor to the X-Wing/TIE-Fighter series. And just like the base game, the entire space game was player driven. You could customize your ships completely with custom parts and decorations. You could have a fucking orgy party on your Yacht if you wanted by bringing a group up to your ship that was able to walk around while someone flew the ship through hyperspace and travel the galaxy
The base SWG was absolute garbage. There was literally no story content or point to the game. But that was ok. You could go dancing in Theed, hunting Squills on Tatooine, go fight Night Witches on Dathomir, or just literally travel any planet finding POI's and player-run cities & vendors. It was fucking amazing and I miss my friends and the game so much
God I wish I had a better PC back then
game looks fucking awful glad i never played it Jesus
Look at all these fucking skills
Game looked fine, I just had an absolute shit computer at the time. I was 14 or so at the time and back then didn't give two shits about the specs of my computer or anything
By the time I finally figured out how to build my own PC, the game had died
I mean yeah, I know probably most people who see these pictures will just laugh at the poor quality and will be confused at the content
But for me, they're just filled with memories of a better time in my life
>SWG was the best MMO ever created imo. Why? Because the entire game revolved around players. A completely 100% player driven economy, a completely 100% player driven medical system, and housing, and vehicles, and animals.
UO did that first, and way better. Both made by the same guy.
Also, fuck me looking through my old screenshots I can literally feel the cancer of my youth in how I used to talk/type in games
Like, so bad I feel I need to censor my chat logs because holy fuck why
>the cancer of my youth
>reddit spacing
looks like it's metastasizing
Also, fuck you "Combat Upgrade"
I had just managed to get Jedi after grinding out the entire fucking Village bullshit as I got stuck with having to grind Grenadier, Combat & a few other bullshit skills, and then the CU comes in and invalidates all my work by making Jedi incredibly easy to get
You couldn't start as one at least, but in the next big game update, the "New Game Enhancements" suddenly you could immediately become a Jedi. Jedi used to be so extremely rare they were almost a myth until the Holocron system was finally revealed. I was half-way through the Holocron system when the Village update hit forcing me to have to switch to that
Reddit spacing is starting a new line after every single sentence you newfag
Reddit spacing is stuff like this
>Hey look at me
>I'm a faggot
>I don't know how to type lol
Common English is you start a new paragraph for every 5 sentences or when you re-direct the flow of a conversation newfag
So fuck off
>gets called out for being reddit
>spergs out and writes multiple rage paragraphs
got 'em
My old computer had 2-3k SWG screenshots. Lost them all in a hard drive failure.
Yeah, everyone gets pissed at some points in life. Over a decade on Sup Forums had changed me from a naive kid to someone who just didn't give a fuck about anything. And suddenly, in the past few years I've grown to start giving a shit again. It's a scary prospect
I really hate the fucktarded levels of OP that Jedi became in the extended universe and prequels. They're warrior monks with insane fitness, endurance, and fighting prowess. Their connection to the Force makes their balance inhuman, their timing basically precognition, and their manual dexterity unmatched. They can also pull some sick parlor tricks using the Force like telekinesis and physical feats.
However, they're still mortal. They can make mistakes, lose fights, panic, ect. A skilled and determined bounty hunter outfitted with the right kit should be able to take one down.
Having them be super-duper invincible space wizards with a counter to any and every possible danger isn't interesting. Luke in Empire Strikes back after he leaves Dagobah is probably my favorite representation of a Jedi. He's resourceful, fast, agile, and all around Hell to deal with. But he wasn't prequel or EU level of unstoppable space magician.
Hell, even The Phantom Menace got this closer to right. Qui-gon and padawan Obi-wan were just the right level of physically capable and "mystic". The fight against Maul is what I imagine a fight between these fuckers should look like.
I thought the CU was okay and that first expansion that added space combat was great but man the NGE was a mistake.
Yeah the CU was nowhere near as good as pre-CU, but the game was still good. A lot of good and famous crafters/doctors left, but still tons remained and the economy stabilized once everyone got used to the new stats on weapons and stuff
But the NGE was just a big kick in the dick to anyone who played SWG from the beginning. It was completely 100% marketed to new players and basically gave the middle finger to anyone who had been playing the game before. Which I find ironic since the people playing the game were the only reason SWG was still afloat. It was bleeding subscribers but was still managing to stay above Titanic levels of disaster. Once the NGE hit, and the game was suddenly marketed around not being your own common player in the SW universe but instead be the heroic Jedi like Luke Skywalker! Or be the devious smuggler like Han Solo! Suddenly hero portraits replaced all the classes and it became a giant wank fest on who had the biggest e-dick
JTL was a great expansion and I'll fight anyone who says it wasn't. Yeah, it can't beat TIE-FIghter or X-Wing. But it was the closest thing we will ever get to those original flight sims and it was a pretty damn good attempt.
I genuinely miss those moments. just not the same anymore.
I don't really remember what the CU did that people didn't like. I thought the changes to all the combat-oriented classes were welcomed and they made progression something less of a soul-crushing grind.
People were starting to get used to the CU when they fucked us over with the NGE.
When the CU first came out people were pissed. What amazes me is that they did it twice.
SWG was way ahead of its, and was a great and deep and complex mmo, unfortunately this type of stuff doesnt sell very well due to the fact that the average person is a fucking retard.
Wow sold well, due to the fact it was really accessible and simple and colourful and attractive and utterly inoffensive.
The downfall of SWG came when they started wanting it to be more like wow.
Wow literally destroyed the mmo industry.
Well that was the whole thing, was that it made everything easier. It fucked with everyone who had spent months upon months, if not years trying to unlock Jedi, and it ruined a lot of crafters by completely changing up how weapons and stuff were made. It was not a welcome addition to the game, but it was an addition that people eventually got used to
You can see then what happened when the NGE hit. You had people who had decided to stick it out with the CU, who had seen their business plummet into the ground, or had had all their hard work invalidated by some random noob who had only been playing for 2 weeks. And the NGE was just the final nail in the coffin
SOE somehow, in their infinite wisdom, thought that the NGE would bring in thousands of new subscribers by appealing to the younger audience by making things super easy. Well, they were wrong and not only did it not bring people in, but most of the people who had stuck around left.
Is swgemu still alive?
The average person did not want to spend months upon months or even years learning the intricate crafting system of SWG. They had to set up their own resource harvesting machinery, fuel it, pay maintenance on them, then they had to buy a house and stick it somewhere where people would frequent. Then they have to get recognized as a solid crafter by crafting rare items and selling consistent quality gear. Then they also had to have connections to other businesses and guilds to contract out help for rare resource gathering. Then they had to worry about if they should join a guild and settle town in a town because they would have to take taxation under consideration. Hell, they even had to worry about how to decorate their shop. SWG had the most amazing housing system out of any game ever. You could drop any item in your inventory and move it anywhere you wanted to. Not to mention the shit tons of furniture that you could make
God I wish I still had my screenshots of some of the most amazingly decorated houses/shops that I went to. I literally became like those HGTV shows and went around just visiting other people's houses on every planet and admiring the decor and time put into them
I think that's a good point about the story. Pretty much everyone agrees that SWG was amazing, and yet it had such a terrible base narrative. I think that really says a lot about why people like to play MMORPGs.
I'll never forget or forgive. Smed can suck me.
>lightsaber color crystals had elemental damage properties.
Fuck SoE.