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So it won't ?

>being outsold by a handheld

>switch will sell 30 million first year
just like Sup Forums said about wii u

Switch confirmed for selling literally nothing this year

no shit. the switch is a real alternative to the PS4 or a PC. the xbox has nothing, Phill has fucked the xbox brand more than Matrick ever did.

He could say that my grandmother who's been dead for 15 years is dead, and I'd still go to dig the grave up to make sure.
Also, the Xbone is over 20-30 million sold, so if nintendo can get than many out this year and all sold, that'd be neat, but the Xbone is still doing really well anyways.

>pachter still trying to make predictions

Jesus fucking christ,

Almost certainly true, Xbox One sales will continue to decline until November when Xbox One X provides a small boost.

Switch is doomed then

Pachter is like a space/time anomaly.

He says something and then the entire universe shifts around him to make him as wrong as he can possibly be.

Pachter is past his prime.
t. Nintenbro

So this confirms the Switch has failed, Pachter is wrong more than right.

>michael pachter

all this shitposting about pachter calling a spade a spade. Xbox is in third place now.

no one will buy a 500 dollar hardware bottlenecked by a shit CPU with no games.

>Michael Patcher

Like the 3DS has.

Someone please tell me how to get into the video game analyst biz. If anything, Pachter's taught me that you can be as wrong as weathermen and still have a lock in that career field.

how? they don't make enough, it would be a miracle it outsells the wiiu at this point.

So it will sell more than 30 consoles?

>Michael "Nintendo is doomed" Pachter is saying this

>Mr. The opposite of what I says always happens
I'd be worried Nintenbros.

Xbone has sold 30+ million already. He's not talking about lifetime sales, he's talking about this year, and I still doubt that, because even if there is demand Nintendo clearly can't fulfill it, on top of that XBOX is coming and will boost sales.

So the Xbone confirmed best selling console of 2017?

well switch is doomed

thanks asshole

>the switch is a real alternative to the PS4 or a PC.
this is what nintenbros believe

>Patcher making a positive Nintendo prediction

>xbox one x is keked by switch

Pratcher has two modes, state the fucking obvious or make retarded predictions. He's not always wrong, just when he is right about something, anyone with a pulse could predict precisely the same thing.

How are they going to manage that when Nintendo seemingly doesn't want to sell said console? Everywhere I go the damn things are out of stock.

Maybe the Xbox One will attain the One million units sold threshold in japan this year, get hype xbros.

Switch confirmed for doomed

I dunno, for the Switch to outsell the Xbox One, Nintendo has to produce enough Switches to sell, which is something that Nintendo seems to be reluctant to do, because they hate money for some bizarre reason.

>Michael Pachter
So the Xbone will get a surge with the 1X that'll surpass Switch. Gotcha

>30 milion in a year
only if they put Apple's logo on it

most of their money comes from amiibos.

>Xbone has sold 30+ million already.

no it hasn't. you are speculating.

So to outsell the Xbone in 2017 all they need to do is put out more units on the shelf. Yeah, could be wrong as a prediction for what would actually take place but anyone can see that the Switch is universally sold out after months of being released.


How many switches have they sold so far? Because to match the xbone they would have had to have sold at least like 10 million as of now since we're already halfway through the year.
With the shortages and it not doing so hot in Europe, I don't know if that's a realistic goal.

So this falls on the retarded prediction category then.

I don't think the Switch will magically go that high

But the fall season is definitely going to be huge for the people who hasn't bought one

Imagine, buying a console that has both a Zelda and a 3D Mario at launch