What are some vidya monkey's paws?

>samurai jack revival

>flcl revival
>female protagonist + bending over to SJW

>final fantasy 7 remake
>real time + censored

>beyond good and evil 2
>we motherfuckin wuz apes and shit

>metroid prime 4
>not made by retro, handled by a "new team" that probably hasn't played the original trilogy

Other urls found in this thread:


>bloodbourne 2
>it's a Switch exclusive
This board would die if that happened

Please no.

>final fantasy 7 remake
>real time
Thank fucking god, ATB was exciting when i was 7, not anymore.
source me nigger

>beyond good and evil 2
>we motherfuckin wuz apes and shit
You bitches will whine about the pettiest things.

>>samurai jack revival
I liked the new Samurai Jack episodes, except the fact that all his friends sacrificed themselves only to be unmade at the end, what do you have against Ashi?

The chimp and her companion isn't the monkey's paw for BGnE2 it's the fact that it's a prequel open world meme instead of a pseudo stealth platformer.

Sorry bro, there's no hope left
It's pozzed.

>flcl revival
>female protagonist + bending over to SJW
>bending over to SJW


I dont see the SJW here? I just see a female protaganist which was said when it was announced. I think you're just autistic OP

See They introduced a female protagonist for no explained reason.

I wonder (((why)))?

So I could masturbate to her.

>Wish for Dante from DMC to show up at E3 2017
>He shows up in the new M vers. C game and looks ugly as fuck
I fucking hate the Monkey's Paw!

>No explained reason
>MC Story is done from Season 1
>Introduce a female one


Neck yourself OP

FLCL was a coming of age story for Ta-kun, right? What's wrong with doing it for a girl?
I can't actually watch that video in my country, so I don't know how old she is.

Related question, is the smoking chick back?

I don't care about the mc being female, but her desing doesn't fits FLCL style at all. If only Gainax wasn't broke

>i'd like sony to stop making shitty spiderman movies
>disney makes a shitty spiderman movie

MVC Infinite is itself one giant monkey's paw
>hoping for a new mvc game
>it's an mcu fest with graphics, gameplay, and voice acting that make it look like a glorified mobile game

>PS2 classics on the Vita
>the few we get are just downscaled ports of the PS3 collections

>Sony's own Smash Bros
>No Crash, no Spyro, no third party exclusive characters, and a a horrendous artstyle

>handheld-console hybrid
>library is nothing but WiiU ports & Punch Out

>new mascot 3D platformer
>made by some unpaid college interns pretending to be ex-Rare devs

>Megaman in MvC
>it was already dead in the womb

>Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee gets a remake
>it completely misses the mark of Oddysee's stealth and atmosphere

>Dark Souls gets 2 sequels
>Both are piecemeal approximations of great things ABOUT DaS without really going their own way

>Donkey Kong Country gets not only one, but two new games including one with based Dixie
>Despite being a traditional 2D platformer, they're about as close to DKC as King of Swing was. and you know what? King of swing was better than the DKCR games, fuck. you.

>Megaman gets a comeback in some form
>it's ostensibly megaman 8 with less fucking bullshit but somehow utterly bland

heh i'm pretty good at these

>The Binding of Isaac gets 5+ years of multiplatform presence
>the second rerelease takes all the wrong notes from the first rerelease and apparenetely the rerererelease+ is even worse

>Immersive superhero game as a dark protagonist
>shitbox bamham 10/10 of the year with the most painful writing ever applied to a video game

They can totally make a coming-of-age for a girl, but it SHOULD be super different and won't appeal to male audiences. We'll see how they handle it

>Megaman X still appears in games
>so does zero

Nintendo in general has been good at choosing help from outside studios. Next Level did great with Punch Out, Mario and Luigi is a very solid series, and Metroid Prime itself was done by Retro at a time when they had no good games under their belt.

I'm not worried about MP4, Nintendo isn't like Konami when it comes to treatment of their IPs

>Finale of the Zero Escape Trilogy
>complex motives
>makes you wish you could go to the timeline where it had the funds and time to fully expand and polish the cut corners

and you know what? King of swing was better than the DKCR games, fuck. you.

You have terrible taste

What the fuck does that have to do with SJWs? From Japan no less. Kill yourself you paranoid shithead. Or at the very least isolate yourself even more so I or anyone else doesn't have to waste time reading your bitch fits about nothing.

>anime starring cute girl won't be popular
what planet do you think you're on?

>Wish for a new Virtual On game because the franchise has been dead since Force, which was a JP Xbox 360 exclusive
>we get news for a new game
>it's a crossover with A Certain Magical Index
>it's canon because it says it's MSBS Ver. 55.55

why can't we have nice things





It's supposedly just straight-up Virtual ON as far as actual gameplay is concerned. I know fuck-all about whatever anime or whatever this is tying into, but I'm always down to hop back into a Virturoid.


>New Monster Hunter on proper consoles/PC with good graphics
>Its casualised to all hell

>Guild Wars get a sequel
>Get this

Not at all, it looks the same.

>I wish for a multiplat Ace Combat


> Kirby canvas curse sequel
> we got the pile of shit that is rainbow curse
Got screwed hard there, the level design team for RC and Mass Attack need to stay away from experimental titles

>I wish Ace Combat would go back to Strangereal
Hopefully 7 won't be the hat trick of shit.

I have DKC 1-3 on hand at any given time because they're probably my favourite games ever, easily the most formative series I played and one I have been enjoying pretty much continuously for 20 years. DKCR is the Bomberman: Act Zero of the series. continue eating shit.

This is is less monkey paw and more you being an obnoxious twat.

>Fucking sprinting while healing
>damage numbers
>a healthbar disguised as a heartbeat monitor under the monsters portrait
>environment traps doing ridiculous damage

>Clone Wars
>But not droidekas

>Free DLC
>But loot crates

>flcl revival
>female protagonist + bending over to SJW

Wait, wut?

Cat ears girl in the new FLCL looks really out of place for Gainax property.


It will never stop hurting.

Good thing it isn't gainax

Right, but FLCL was good because it was actually a coming of age of a pubescent boy that dealt with the struggles of becoming a man, especially int he shadow of an older brother.

Adolescent boys and girls have VERY different coming-of-age stories, so if they do it right, it won't appeal to male audiences

I heard that but still there were atleast some moments in the teaser that felt like I was watching gainax

That has nothing to do with it being or not being Gainax

You're just baiting if you unironically think King of Swing is better than DKCR. KoS is essentially just shovelware and has awful controls. At least DKCR has effort put into it.

>source me

He has no source, he's shitposting.

Oh God...

Yeah, because Gainax totally hasnt done shows about female protagonists like Gunbuster and Diebuster right?

What the fuck are you on?

How is it possible to be this retarded and still be able to type?

King is Swing is an innovative platformer that took advantage of the GBA's power and flexibility. DKCR is a cash in so that 12 year olds could have a DKC game they could actually beat. How blind are you?


How has no one mentioned this

>wish for Silent Hill to return to its former glory
>PT builds hype like no other and is very promising due to actually being quite spooky
>Silent Hills is canceled
>PT, while better than any modern SH, is all we have left

I'm never letting go of this demo

I imagined it for a moment.
imagine the shitstorm if they even make a port of a future dark souls collection on the switch

You have terrible taste.

Is there a link to a video of this on youtube that's available in my country and isn't a "REACTION" video or some fag talking over the whole thing?


>only to be unmade
Really you shouldn't concern yourself with that. All those people WILL eventually exist and in better lives. Their existence didn't depend on Aku, unlike Ashi, which is why she got Time Paradoxed.

Fuck yes breh

Nigger, Ashi was fine until death by Gainax Ending

So we're not getting Naota back?


Yeah, I figured his friends would be fine, like Robo in the Chrono Trigger ending

Not really. It more that Jack could have just use the portal while sacrificing the monks instead of 123784927190182 allies that did in the end.

I don't know. You should tell me how you do it.

Have terrible taste, yes you do.

Every time some good game is released, it comes embedded with an monkey paw wish of "i wish more games were like this", where the monkey paw copy everything, EVERYTHING wrong with the game while not touching the good parts, or warping the good parts in horrid ways.

I want a fallout game not made by betehsda

>metal gear rising 2
>george "hot fuh days" ninja warrior is the new protag

>GW2 developer plays FFXIV
>is a fucking lizard

>what are some vidya
>samurai jack

>MGS 1, 2 or 3 Remake using Snake Engine
>It's more Pachinko

>Normalfags fuck off from vidya and anime
>Anime and vidya die due to lack of support

>FE5,6 and 7 remake
>It's more of the Fates/Awakening trash and less of the original

>Persona 1 - 4 remakes for the PS4 with better dungeons and a Jap. dub

Looks good.

You can have this for free.

>Persona 1 - 4 remakes for the PS4 with better dungeons and a Jap. dub
>the dub changes the captions as well

>Metroid Prime 4 monkey paw
You know just about all the principle people at Retro who worked on MP left the company, right? At this point you'd bitch that even if Retro was working on 4, you'd bitch that all the original staff is gone.




>Normalfags fuck off from vidya and anime
>neogaf filmic audience triplies and shove social justice and QTE bullshit in EVERY game

How would this be a monkey's paw? It would be highly preferable if we got to see a continuation of Raiden's journey to make Armstrong's dream a reality (minus the culling of the weak part), but George is based.

>FLCL revival
>female protagonist

How is that bad?

>Haruko got everything she wanted out of Naoto
>now need a new character

Whether the character is male or female plays no role, it's just a character, you can make it anything you want to

>fable 3

>Music: The Pillows
Good enough for me

the protagonist is female because anime fans secretly want to be the little girl so now all they buy is cute girl animes

>girl MC = SJW
you're all so fucking retarded it brings me physical pain

Female protagonist is the first sign something will be shit.

Hes a teacher now. The girl is a student of his.

Kill La Kill was great, though
agree with you in most cases though, especially if she's a cute psycho/edgy

If it's western, yeah. FLCL is an anime.

You mean you're a bitter virgin and sperg out every time you see a woman

All the biggest and most popular shows feature male protagonists still though.

Since when?


Great projector you have there Tom.

color me surprised, I guess Sup Forums is just a fag vacuum.

Shouldnt be too shocking.

Hey, the only way to counter baseless claims is via baseless claims

Since documented human history.

Because all the biggest and most popular shows are action shows aimed at little boys and who do you think they'll connect more with, a boy or a girl

>Play Fallout 1 and 2, hope for more sequels
>Get Fallout 3 and 4 instead of Van Buren

Okay. But it's still true.

And it's not just little boys. It's basically males aged 12-18. These often extend well past that age range though.

Op is retarded.