>harder difficulties turn enemies to bullet sponges
Harder difficulties turn enemies to bullet sponges
>harder difficulties make the enemies and player have less health
>hardest difficulty is actually easier than second hardest
>harder difficulties just force you to grind more
>harder difficulties have to be unlocked by beating the game on normal
>there are forced tutorials on all difficulties
>harder difficulty shuffles enemy placement, makes them faster and smarter and gives them new moves
>harder difficulty has increased enemy counts, more advanced AI tactics, stronger enemies, more limited resources, more limited time, and the potential to unlock things you couldn't previously unlock
it's so lazy
why hello there
>harder difficulties only let you save three times the whole playthrough
fuck you
>there's no difficulty setting
>hard difficulty has enemies that weren't in easy and normal
>Story mode instead of easy
>>harder difficulty shuffles enemy placement, makes them faster and smarter and gives them new moves
ok what games do this?
Metal Gear Rising? While you're a lot more fragile on Revengeance than Very Hard, the enemies become massive glass cannons because your parry can one-shot basically everything. The only thing that's harder is the bosses, since they're usually impossible to hit with a parry.
>only the hardest difficulty unlocks the true ending
>hardest difficulty doesn't let you manually save at all
The game my post image is from, for example.
>harder difficulty does nothing but reduce your health, increase enemy health, and increase enemy count while giving all enemies aimbot
>normal difficulty the enemies still have increased health and fucking aimbot
I'm fucking looking at you inFAMOUS. It's ridiculous how the Reapers were supposedly fucking drug dealers and ex-junkies yet these niggers were able to fucking still hit me while I'm jumping 4 rooftops away. Fuck outta here with that dumb shit SuckerPunch.
>harder difficulty has none of these things because devs are lazy, useless faggots and user is just dreaming dreams that will never come true
There is perfect dark. A bit different, but certain levels have different starts on the higher difficulties. On the stage where you have to rescue the negotiator with the sniper, you start out as the negotiator on perfect agent.
>higher enemy level just gives them more health
>it's millions more than you have
>easy difficulty turns enemies into bullet sponges
>people new to the series hear that the game's hard so try it on easy first
>they keep spreading the idea that the game is always like this
Hardest difficulty is one-hit perma-death
fucking skyrim. they couldn't even get that right
>harder difficulty just makes the enemy start with more resources and vast bonuses to everything but the AI remains retarded and you can just stomp them with the military because they can't into tactics
>hardest difficulty is a one life run.
>hardest difficulty is locked
Fucking stalker.
>hardest AI still jobs to early rushes
T.The Reatardvision
>Almost all of the game's bosses are damage sponges
>One of them can one hit KO you
>One of them has a time limit
>higher difficulty reduces XP gain
>Hardest difficulty
>Everyone has less health
>Everyone does more damage with weapons
>harder difficulty turns enemies into master pitchers when it comes to grenades
>one of the levels has you stand in a crater surrounded by goons
>easiest difficulty turns enemies into god tier pitchers when it comes to grenades
>NPC can't damage enemies
This makes me so mad. All it does is prolong the grind or make it even more mandatory to grind than before, since you won't get as much experience along the way.
Technically that's all in normal too.
>higher difficulty reduces XP gain
>there is a limited amount of XP
>when you die on hardest difficulty, you die in real life
>enemies respawn too quickly
>when you die in real life, you die in the game
>you only get one life and if you die once you can never play the game again
this ruined borderlands and shadow warrior for me
the worst thing is that those fuckers one shot you
imagine emptying all ammo into one enemy and then dying to a stray bullet
you gotta do it all over again but now with less ammo
>harder difficulty just lets the AI cheat
>standard story mode is just normal difficulty
>get to a bossfight that could have been much better with a second phase or something
>play again on hard
>the same bossfight is almost completely different and much harder, like a true form of the boss
>even the cutscene after it is different
>in hard mode, dying in the game makes you die in real life
>Custom difficulty lets you adjust everything in the game.
Hardest makes the enemy team too careful.
Easiest takes too many risks but with a bit of luck will win.
Name one game besides shitty flash games.
I feel like it was done pretty well in Dark Souls 2. Enemies are stronger but not overly spongy, and there are new encounters all over the world to surprise you.
>Must beat hard mode to unlock easy mode
Stop playing h-games
One Life
Essentially Dark Souls or any other game with a NG+ system. NG+ is the most jarring, but your increases in skill and familiarity with the game make the following NG cycles seem easier.
>beating the game on hard doesn't give you the achievement for beating it on easy
>Higher difficulty doesn't make the AI any less retarded, it just gives them free armies and makes them not want to engage in any diplomacy with you
Worst aspect of Medieval II
>achievement is for beating the game on easy
>don't beat the game on easy
>don't get the achievement
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. suffers from this more than any game in the world. Fantastic game ruined by casuals who don't fucking read about what they're playing beforehand.
>Hardest difficulty doubles enemy damage, increases chance of surprise attacks, doesn't let you run from battles and triples shop prices