Why is Sup Forums so bad at fighting games?

Why is Sup Forums so bad at fighting games?

Other urls found in this thread:


>master a combo
>still lose to a masher online
>watch fighting games
>the people who win are autistic nips who play like robots
And this is why I play games with soul like CSGO instead.

Because I don't care about learning combos and I usually just button mash

Im good at Soul Calibur, does that count?


>full buy for CTs: $5800
>losing to a $500 pistol

I have over 250 hours in kof xiv, street fighter iv and kof xiii combined
at least 225 hours are singleplayer content

Sup Forums is bad at any competitive multiplayer game, especially if its 1v1 not just fighting games.

who want to sfv battle lounge bay bee

Because I lack the willpower to practice and get good with inputs.
Plus I play with keyboard, and misplace my hands often, so potential for fuckup is high.
If I was good at fightan though I'd play the everloving shit out of KI.
Yes I fell for the free Windows 10 upgrade meme.

Because I play with a Dualshock 2 on fightcade against non-americans with 3000 ping. I would play on PS4 but you need to pay for online, and I would play on PS3 but I'm assuming all of those games are dead now.

it's not all about the combos.


Sup Forums is a very large group of people. You don't get the sense of it, because everyone's anonymous, but Sup Forums gets hundreds of thousands of impressions, and Sup Forums is one of the biggest boards. Given that many people, it's natural that most of them are going to be shit at any type of game. Games that are competitive and require muscle memorization, reactions, and critical thinking are going to be especially difficult for most people here.

That said, there are some people on Sup Forums who actually know their shit when it comes to fighting games. But the majority of people here are the ones who were making, "SETH AI IS TOO HARD" threads back in 2009.


I'm alright

let's play ST

just got Street Fighter V
what's the fastest way to get zenny to unlock characters

whats ST

I see this every thread.

Anyway, localization/english subs confirmed for later this year.

Easy stuff: main story, character stories, watch all the tutorials both vol 1 and 2, beat survival on easy with everyone, do whatever the daily/weekly missions are right now.

Harder stuff: Do the trails, beat the main story on hard mode, do survival normal, hard and extreme with everyone.

After all that all you can do is keep up with the weekly/daily missions, grind FM by winning fights and by fighting with the same character until they level up.

>whats ST

euthanize yourself

Im pretty good

answer the question retard

if you knew the slightest thing about fighting games you would know what "ST" means.

>master a combo
>but don't understand the game fundamentals
>lose like a noob
>thinks the strong buttons and poke game from opponent is mashing
>complain on Sup Forums

cool. do you want people to play with you or not?

No one cares since it's not PC.

Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo

people that actually play the game yes.

You don't usually need to be that good if all you want is to unlock all the single player content.

I'm actually finally getting the hang of SFV. It took a couple of character switches but I finally found my place with Akuma. I still can't climb out of silver but I'm having fun again unlike with braindead Necalli. I might finally git gud after a while, hoping to pick up Tekken 7 once it's on offer to git good too

The steam begging can happen later.

tekken is pretty fun
i wish you well, user

>I can do a combo so I must be able to win!

hopes for Season 4? you think we'll even get a Season 4?

because fighting games are boring and the playerbase is awful

Anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic fighting games will quickly pass on tekken. Other top fighters, namely Street Fighter, KoF and MK/Injustice have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is tekken just can't seem to evolve, furthermore many combos can be done simply by hitting 1-button, and the nearly "instant-kill" rage art moves are just laughably broken. Instead of a supplying a proper fighting engine, matches in T7 seem to rely heavily on "who can get their rage move off first". So many elements of the gameplay don't even require any sort of skill. In my book, slow motion over and over again also gets old very quickly. And in the end, it's more of a novelty or gimmick rather than an actual, thought-out fighting game mechanic. But hey, the casual crowd will be pleased!

If you want something a little more "button-masher-friendly," tekken might be your cup of tea.... Key word, might.


do you want more people to learn your 35 year old game? Or do you care more about being an autistic sperglord on the internet?

I hope MS trully is backing a Ninja Gaiden sequel because the next move would be backing a new DOA.
KI is done till next decade i think.

I'm tired of fighting Akuma and Ken, go back to Necalli. Or play FANG. I've played exactly one FANG out of like 600 matches.

No, we need Ryu hayabusa in KI, he fits fucking perfectly

t. someone who knows nothing about fighting games.

>do you want more people to learn your 35 year old game? Or do you care more about being an autistic sperglord on the internet?

>do you want more people to learn your 35 year old game?

Nah I really don't feel like hand holding Sup Forumstards and teaching them how to play my game ;))

>Street Fighter... advanced impressively in their latest installments

except it's literally gotten worse with every installment since hyperfighting


Low T.

I ask again
whom want to battle lounge bay bee

Probably because their lack of popularity combined with hard to reach skill floors and ceilings make fighting games seem unaproachable and make the time investment into getting good at them look like a waste of time when you could be playing popular games that require a lot less mechanical skill (like mobas).

your posts in this thread have shown me you will never be serious about the game on a competitive level, so why should I waste my time teaching you anything about it?


dont be shy

>Or play FANG. I've played exactly one FANG out of like 600 matches.
>Literally suggesting him to gimp himself
Let him play whoever he wants. At least he's not a Balrog picker like me

unrelated but i played a platinum ranked cammy in a battle lounge a while ago, just as scrubby as any other rank and they rage quit too lol. im only gold rank myself

thanks man, I hope to have fun

Well there's a reason for that. FANG is shit and Necalli, while broken, is so freaking boring. He's literally auto-pilot: the character, matchups don't matter and he has like 3 combos, one of which is a target combo, and one of which you'll be doing 90% of the time. Literally the one interesting thing he has is a command grab

Platinum means jack shit nowadays. Even Diamond players are scrubby (I'm a shitty diamond Balrog player, trust me, I'm awful at this game).

>He's literally auto-pilot: the character, matchups don't matter and he has like 3 combos, one of which is a target combo, and one of which you'll be doing 90% of the time.
My problem with 90% of the vanilla cast, honestly. The DLC character are better thought out in my opinion.

Are you implying /v is good at other games?

Bloody Roar needs to be revived even if it would attract nothing but furries.

Well if you think you are so hot lets do this then. I just didnt want you to get scared off if you were in bronze

>I'm a shitty diamond Balrog player, trust me, I'm awful at this game
I can believe that

>Battle lounge
>99 sec, 1 to win, 3 rounds, pass 1919, 8 man room, comment: looking for players ultra diamond to master

how do i get into KoF98? is fightcade the only way?

>how do i get into KoF98
be mexican

>is fightcade the only way

Is jack o just adult kula?

I gave SFV a third try and really tried to learn the game this time and I'm finally getting shit down. Only problem is the 360 analog stick gives me very inconsistent inputs, might need to relearn shit playing on keyboard.

use the dpad

>not using the dpad
>not using a ps4 pad
>not using a stick

>played GGXrd online today for the first time
>get my shit absolutly demolished
New to this style of fightan but man is this going to take some getting used to. The amount of shit to keep track of and options available at any given time is insane. Still though i love the game and my two waifus more.

Funny...the 360 controller was the only wAy I could finish Karin's vol. 2 trials.

It comes down to personal preference. I play just fine on the 360 analog stick. SFV's execution barrier is pretty low, so whatever you're comfortable with works.

I have no idea how to play GG. I'm decent at SF and Marvel, but when I play GG I just get my shit kicked in free. Insane.

Is there a significant difference between kb and say, a hitbox?

>stuck on ultra plat forever

I am too lazy to go into practice mode.

You're actually stupider than him, which is impressive

hitbox is a straight upgrade

>dont even know a simple concept like whiff punish
>complains like a retard

i would say yeah in terms of execution, less buttons of hit accidentally i guess


I'm not new to Fighters by any means, but I never gave anime Fighters a REAL try. I bought BlazBlue back when CT released and got bored of it cause no one else I knew was playing it. Friend picked up Xrd and got me a copy so I've really been giving it a try. I got a lot of Jack-O down, but it's hard to get it efficiently going in matches, especially in games where the other player is obviously much more familiar than I. And then there's Ramenthal, who I REALLY want to learn but can't for the life of me get the flow right in match. Eh..soon enough, in time.

Some of these posts are correct, though.

Is this pasta?

i really cannot be bothered to go into my living room to turn the ps4 on sorry

ST is Super Turbo, or Super Street Fighter II Turbo. You can go play it on Fightcade.
Get it and other ROMs here:

The ultraplat to diamond grind is insane. Winning three matches and then losing all you've earned in one match is almost heartbreaking. It was worth it for me because I feel like I have nothing more to prove to myself now that I've reached diamond, in a way, but it's not really worth it otherwise.

>And then there's Ramenthal, who I REALLY want to learn but can't for the life of me get the flow right in match.
Same, but with Answer. Feels like the struggle to get some setups going is not even worth it considering his kinda mediocre damage, but he's a lot of fun.

US? I'm the diamond Balrog and I wanna play, but I'm in EU and my connection is ass.

Yes, Tobey.

At least half think smash is a serious fighting game so they play mario party for a few hundred hours and expect it to transfer to a game they just bought.

yes US. just give it a shot then no harm in that

Because some of us have too much dignity to get excited about a genre that's literally hitting random buttons as fast as possible, and buying $200 controllers to be able to hit random buttons more quickly.

I'm sure I'll get shitposted to death for bringing this up, but the Fightcade reddit page actually has a torrent of every ROM compatible with the emulator that Fightcade uses. I'd definitely recommend that to anyone new to the program.

The problem is a fighting game has things vital to learn that aren't based in mechanics of the game itself. All fighting has an internal logic to it, and that includes video game fights. If you don't know it, you can learn it, but there's not really an instruction manual as such.

>play CSGO
>master noscope awp flickshot jumping off heaven on cache
>go online
>lose to people that practiced the rest of the game

LOL then there's this faggot.

Because I main a lowtier

>master a combo
>still lose to a masher online
Knowing a combo doesn't make you fundamentally good, shitter.

Ramlethal in a nutshell is a scramble and ramble in neutral, and hopefully you get them into the corner. Her setplay is about as strong as it gets in Xrd and the only way she can really win, so grind them out and in matches focus on situations where you can confirm into a corner carry and lock 'em up. You want to prioritize getting a hard knockdown or moving towards the corner more than damage 90% of the time.

Why is Jojo's Bizarre Adventure such a fucktarded unbalanced game? Was playing on FightCade earlier.

>yes US. just give it a shot then no harm in that
Can't find the lobby. Will keep trying for a while but I'm guessing connection's just too poor.

From my experience, I was really able to take advantage of the corner pressure and do somewhat well in that regard, so I'm glad my mindset with her was somewhat correct.

I can't into fighters at all. At best I'm a masher and I don't like that.
I'd like to get good at one, but I lack the patience.

whats your cfn ill invite you directly

How is it unbalanced, besides Petshop, of course?


Is this you?