>absolute shit of a game has almost the same score as amazing, new Crash
really makes you think
also, might posting user score, sir-vu-ple?
>Crash outsold Zelda
Feels good.
inb4 b-buh muh attach rate
*blocks your path*
>new crash
You can look up literally any game and you'll find a ton of those. Sad really. Why can't people just enjoy videogames.
Sure, but Zelda had the biggest "downvote brigade" launched at it in history. More than any other game ever released so far.
We literally had threads on Sup Forums telling people to go give it zeroes.
>20 year old game holds up better than modern Nintendo games
Really did make me think.
Botw is inferior to OoT I'm glad the score reflects that
I don't know man, I'm just defending Sony product, don't need to know what it is exactly
>8.4 user score for a 20fps game from 2017
>go on metacritic
>give zelda a 0 and horizon a 10
>haha look zelda has a bad user score lol XD
>Sure, but Zelda had the biggest "downvote brigade" launched at it in history
Heh, you mispelled TLOU and Bloodborne.
Nah, not really. Metacritic had to delete thousands of those reviews. Sony drones are just pathetic. Easily the worst fanbase ever.
only in the uk you autistic fuck
Nowhere near the avalanche of shit that BotW received, sorry.
Not even CLOSE.
>mfw stills holds up after 20 years and is more relevant than Zelda.
>Nintenboy calling someone else autistic
Kek, what a joke.
Games like Bloodborne had the same happen to them. If it's exclusive and good, people will hate on it. Sure, exclusivity is terrible. But hating on things JUST because they are exclusive is stupid.
Any platform fanboyism is pure cancer. Even pc. Sony drones, nintendo babies, xboxlol who cares about xbox, pcmaster faggots.. all the same.
lol, no.
Bloodborne and TLOU caused a shitstorm almost never seen before. Zelda was nothing special because Zelda games always score high, deserved or not.
130 hours of content in BoTW + DLC, but instead you choose to shit post.
I was too busy playing botw to care much about threads at the time but I doubt it stired more shit than bloodborne did here. You coulnd't open a thread, even unrelated threads, without stepping on it.
Bloodborne, sure. Nobody cared about a fucking movie game.
I wish I was here to see BB. But I can't wait to see TLoU Pt. II and how this place will be in flames.
That's why it got showered with perfect reviews.
>Nobody cared about a fucking movie game.
Keep telling yourself that.
i'll point you to the archives between the period of Feb 19th to March 20th
Thank user but I don't really care for consolewar faggotry.
>Shitposters trying out shitpost other shitposters
To let you know, Bloodborne stirred more shit but BotW is up there, you're smart to have left and avoided the shitstorm.