Are SJW's really the problem with gaming?
Are SJW's really the problem with gaming?
No its the devs that pander to them
No, it is unchecked capitalism but Sup Forums will never do anything about that but will instead whine about girls and minorities.
No, SJWs are just pissing in an ocean of shit.
Even if you removed them, videogames would still be boring, Ubisoft-esque open world collectathons and multiplayer games full of cosmetics to bait you into paying for microtransactions, it's just they would have less niggers in them.
Videogames went to shit back in 2006.
One of them
No it's a general sense of ennui pervading every aspect of the creative industry since 2006
They're certainly the problem with this board.
There's far worse problems, don't get all your information from Sup Forums
No, Sup Forums is.
No, but they certainly aren't helping anything either, regardless of what they've deluded themselves into thinking.
It really isn't though.
She looks qt but fat as fuck
No, Sup Forums has been bitching about vidya since the Jack Thompson era
(You) are correct. Blaming everything on sjws is worse than whatever small damage has been done by them.
I admit it is fun to see poltards get their panties in a bunch daily
It's the gamers.
the foremost problem is with the people who created the sjw, we all know who they are
Well, stupid entitled ignorant people are the real problem with games, but since that also includes sjws, I guess.
Also includes Sup Forums.
And journalists
And publishers
And developers too far up their own keister
And OP, especially OP
(You)'re right
No. There is no problem. Gamers were the problem but now gamers are dead.
THE problem. No.
A problem. Yes.
Nope and anyone that whines about them is a retard that smells bad
Post more
Progressivism has been the cure gaming needs for a long time. This is only a setback. Soon, it'll be one of the leading industries of diversity and tolerance.
is this the oracle from that cock hero game?
we need to go deeper
No, SJWs have almost no influence on games. At most they can inspire cucked game devs to add black people to their game.
The problem with gaming is normies who pay for garbage.
No, it's the developers who listen to them
Trying to please everyone at the same time will always lead to pleasing noone.
A group who's only aim is to push propoganda, they don't even play the games.
Entitled western community
I wanna see those areola. Name?
No they are just one more puppet in the Jew arsenal of mediatic dissonance.
Fucking this.
No idea.
They're *a* problem, but they're not the biggest. They're just one off-shoot of post-structuralism. Thing is, post-structuralism has been around since the 60's and gained no ground because its impossible to implement and contradicts itself. Even if SJWs managed to get anywhere, they'd quickly find they're violaing their standards.
>The problem with gaming is normies who pay for garbage.
And what did he mean by that
Yes, along with those who listen to them, especially you.
no, it's casuals. but the two frequently go hand in hand.
also this thread is shit.
No, what the fuck
the problem is fucking terrible business practices and companies that are actively out to fuck over consumers
EA, Bethesda, etc
SJWs are only ruining western media.
>DC and Marvel comics have been replacing their cast with non-cis races. Google Riri Iron Man and Black Robin.
>Steven Universe
Anime Adaptations
>Death Note
Video Games
>Mass Effect Andromeda
Movies and Television have been affected as well but I don't keep up with either. As said it's devs that cater to people that don't even support them.
Realistically speaking, is there anything anyone can do to change the tides of 'progress' that plagues every game nowadays?
This one's retarded. I usually only hear about Sup Forums when someone's trying to shove politics into completely irrelevant discussion or spouting cuck.
No, it's jews
The problem with games is just capitalism, really. Not to say I think there's a better option than capitalism. Fuck commies.
You want to know why Call of Duty ushered in years of ridiculously fucking bland modern military shooters? It was successful and publishers want to make money.
Anyone who makes a loud stink about a game because they disagree with the game's politics is just as much of an SJW. Literally advocating censorship instead of voting with their wallets or making their own games.
>Trying to please everyone at the same time will always lead to pleasing noone.
If it means I get to see this beautiful smile, I don't see the problem.
The problem lies deeper. The answer is clearly the jews.
be civil and speak from a logical point of view. you have to do both though, or people will shut off any chance of discussion.
That's funny. Cause I only ever hear about Sup Forums when a bunch of whiny assholes like you force them into the conversation.
>Falling for obvious falseflaging
Both groups are huge faggots. SJW's and Anti-SJW's are one in the same. They just don't want to admit it.
>SJWs complain about games not appealing to them and throw a huge hissy-fit
>LMAO just make your own games, stop telling people to change their products to your whims
>Some of those SJWs do make their own games, some developers put their own pro-SJW leanings in their games
>[autistic screeching]
>implying neo-Sup Forums (or Sup Forums for that matter) has had any actual effect on the game industry
o i am laffin
>Steven Universe
What because it has lesbian aliens in it?
By this logic any anime with yuri in it is SJW.
THe real problem is casuals. But SJWs don't make anything better.
Yes but they are a minor problem, the current problem right now are the anti-consumer business practices and the lack of any real technological advancement in games.
Watch out dude, you're about to get like 50 MS paint comics calling you a big dumb idiot for falling for (((horseshoe theory)))
Us obsessively offended political activists are different from Them obsessively offended political activists because we're right.
The point wasn't that they SHOULD make their own game. The point was that they games they'd make would inevitably be bad so they SHOULDN'T make games. I don't see how you missed that?
The problem is Western devs in general
Vidya should've stayed as a Japan only niche shit
I don't care if my games have technological advancement, I just want them to be fun.
Numale devs pandering to SJW's is what is currently wrong with the industry
xbox is the problem with gaming.
Casualized and ruined western gaming to the point where everything is now braindead simple or copy paste open world meme.
wh*te "people" are the problem
And yet these "bad" games are oldselling your precious redpilled weebathons 10 to 1. What are you going to do now?
>Renaldo! Calling Gems terrorists is wrong! Not ALL gems are bad!
>Oh, okay Steven. Even almost every thing wrong with our world is because of Gems I'll believe what you say and feel ashamed of my actions.
Naw man I was there
The point was that if they wanted to make their own games they should do so instead of petitioning other games to change. This was considered a reasonable point of view.
Only on garbage “news” blogs and shit, design-by-committee AAA swill. SocJus is being propped up by an ever shrinking clique of fanatics.
No they're just a shit chip on the shit cake covered in shit icing that is the gaming industry.
Anyway, the problem with games is that people saw the money making potential and started to chrun out formulaic games with an emphasis on lowest-common-denominator to appeals to the idiot masses and make money, while forcing out smaller studios that wanted to try new, artful things.
Like movies before them
Kike Sugar literally admitted to the show being part of her agenda
Like who cares if games like Overwatch sells really good, yet don't share your politics. It's pretty stupid to disavow a game for this. Sup Forums has a little Sup Forums in it even though they scream the opposite.
Steven is a gem it makes sense he would be annoyed that he's being called a monster along with his friends.
Not THE problem but A problem for sure.
why is that dude's grandma there
she looks so disappointed
Western computer games were far more niche tho.
Thats a real narrow and rather shallow way to view creating any entertainment product. Let alone games. I find it more disheartening than frustrating that people really listen to this drivel.
Sup Forums is the genesis point for modern Sup Forums, man. FF and GG were where the anti-SJW vitriol got really intense.
>Asking due to a genuine lack of knowledge
>You're a bad person for it
>Death Note
How so? They made L a kang, but Light wasn't white to begin with so it balances out
Is that so? Let's be honest. The only REAL reason Overwatch is selling well is because they compromised their SJW beliefs somewhat in making a lot of the women character's sexy. They made characters people wanted to fuck. If they hadn't their game would have gone over just as well as Gearbox's Battleborn. SJW games are failing, which is why so many games that force them in are doing shit. It's why Marvel comics are failing. They only recently started putting SJW politics into games, but their doing bad while Weeb games are having a comeback.
"SJW" isn't even used outside of Sup Forums, except in very small circles of natsocs and other garden variety far-right looney bins like Stormfront. The anti-SJW faggots are far more vocal and are effectively ruining the Internet for everybody else. This is why "free speech" isn't a concept that extends to the Internet. "Free speech" from the perspective of far-rights means you have to offer your privately funded servers as a platform for them to scream their views at the rest of the Internet. And when you won't have that, they'll pull some insane troll logic out of their asses and accuse you of being a part of the SJW / feminist / leftist conspiracy.
But it's hard to say how much of that sentiment here on Sup Forums is sincere versus underage weens who use it to troll anyone with enough humanity to take exception to their flagrant misanthropy.
I don't think the show is bad by any means but SU is SJW as fuck its pretty much the penultimate tumblr show.
The only thing she admitted to was making kids feel more open to other people.
Still not seeing the bad here.
sesame street teached kids this kind of shit.
who cares but i would fuck taht
Oh come one, honestly Steven Universe isn't a bad cartoon but it's clearly aimed and made by SJWs