What is the appeal of idol games?
What is the appeal of idol games?
What is the appeal of feet?
never ever fucking post my wife ever again
what a faggot question
the idols
This is the question yes
no idea
no idea
oh probably this faggotry
Their brains are messed up. They can't help it
they've got sole
apples and oranges
cute girls depend on you to help them do stuff
>Play Japanese game
>They insert idol shit into the game
>One ends up being half-Russian, half-Japanese
Why the fuck is Japan obsessed with Idols and half-Russian, half-Japanese people? Why do they always rely on tropes like these?
When you are a worthless parasite on society that causes most of all of civilizations problems, a side effect is being sexual attracted to the lowest, dirtiest, and most visually unappealing part of the human body.
It's only appealing to pathetic trash.
> feet are cleaner than vagoos
Music and cute girls.
Man, that's some sexy hair fall.
>that /w/ thread
No they aren't, you worthless fucking piece of shit.
Vaginas aren't buried in a shoe or touching the fucking ground and floor every second of the day, and are the only human organ with a self-cleaning mechanism.
You absolute fucking homosexual.
Ask your benis.
>lowest, dirtiest, and most visually unappealing part of the human body
The ass? Shit literally comes out of it, which makes it automatically the dirtiest.
>the only human organ with a self-cleaning mechanism
What are alveoli
Hibiki has an extremely hairy pussy and she had her virginity taken by a dog.
>projecting this hard
fuggin hilarious how bad feet trigger people
What is the appeal of idols?
Hands are the dirtiest part of the human body.
>what is the appeal of things made to be appealing
but they're not appealing
they are if you're a very lonely and desperate man
that's a lot of people
>had foot fetish
>watched footjob porn
>them struggling to jerk the guy off made me lose interest instantly
They're just a naturally attractive part of a girl's body. What is the appeal of boobs? What is the appeal of thicc thighs? They just are.
>What is the appeal of boobs? What is the appeal of thicc thighs?
Childbearing material.
It's a Darwinian benefit to a man to look for a woman who bears the physical traits which will allow him to spread his genes.
feet and legs can be hot if you are a sexual animal. only beta girlboys arent sexually attracted to a really pretty girls feet/legs/stomachs/armpits/ect.
They're fun
Causing multiple year boat trips.
a girl having good feet is darwinian too, because it shows she can run away from predators
Not really, that's more of a leg muscle thing so it goes back to thicc thighs.
There's no evolutionary advantage to soft and silky feet.
It's a degenerate fetish.
Rule 34 material
there's obviously a reason why like 5% or whatever of the male population have a foot fetish
it might be advantageous
not everything that results in evolution is directly created or advantageous
somethings are consequences of others
somethings are irrelevant and therefore never touched upon
I think you're confusing thicc with "toned" user.
Thicc means they're fat. If they're fat, it means a lesser ability to actually run away from predators (if that were ever the fucking case)
In case you forgot, leg strength is determined by muscle strength which is gained by working out, thiccness is gained by women overeating/having a strange metabolism where everything goes to their thighs/ass/tits.
>Thicc means they're fat
Here we go again with the fat enabling.
Thicc is not fat.